INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUN FILE: All the run files need to be granted permission/privelidge for execution. Eg. for Linux-systems, go to the folder of each run file using bash/terminal and write "chmod +x run" {without quotes}.
To run the results for your assembler, go to Automated Testing folder and open bash/terminal. Assuming you have granted required permisions to the run file, type "./run --no-sim" {without quotes}.
To run the results for your simulator, go to Automated Testing folder and open bash/terminal. Assuming you have granted required permisions to the run file, type "./run --no-asm" {without quotes}.
To run the results for both,, the assembler and the simulator, go to Automated Testing folder and open bash/terminal. Assuming you have granted required permisions to the run file, type "./run" or "./run --verbose" [for verbose output] {without quotes}.