diff --git a/.github/workflows/certora.yml b/.github/workflows/certora.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dca91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/certora.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+name: Certora
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ certora:
+ name: Certora
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ arbitrum-farms:
+ - l1-farm-proxy
+ - l2-farm-proxy
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ submodules: recursive
+ - uses: actions/setup-java@v2
+ with:
+ distribution: 'zulu'
+ java-version: '11'
+ java-package: jre
+ - name: Set up Python 3.8
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.8
+ - name: Install solc-select
+ run: pip3 install solc-select
+ - name: Solc Select 0.8.21
+ run: solc-select install 0.8.21
+ - name: Install Certora
+ run: pip3 install certora-cli-beta
+ - name: Verify ${{ matrix.arbitrum-farms }}
+ run: make certora-${{ matrix.arbitrum-farms }} results=1
+ env:
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 87132a9..94e0926 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -12,3 +12,6 @@ docs/
+# Certora
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e30c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+PATH := ~/.solc-select/artifacts/:~/.solc-select/artifacts/solc-0.8.21:$(PATH)
+certora-l1-farm-proxy :; PATH=${PATH} certoraRun certora/L1FarmProxy.conf$(if $(rule), --rule $(rule),)$(if $(results), --wait_for_results all,)
+certora-l2-farm-proxy :; PATH=${PATH} certoraRun certora/L2FarmProxy.conf$(if $(rule), --rule $(rule),)$(if $(results), --wait_for_results all,)
diff --git a/certora/L1FarmProxy.conf b/certora/L1FarmProxy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf1501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certora/L1FarmProxy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "files": [
+ "src/L1FarmProxy.sol",
+ "certora/harness/Auxiliar.sol",
+ "test/mocks/L1TokenGatewayMock.sol",
+ "test/mocks/InboxMock.sol",
+ "test/mocks/GemMock.sol",
+ ],
+ "solc": "solc-0.8.21",
+ "solc_optimize_map": {
+ "L1FarmProxy": "200",
+ "Auxiliar": "0",
+ "L1TokenGatewayMock": "0",
+ "InboxMock": "0",
+ "GemMock": "0"
+ },
+ "link": [
+ "L1FarmProxy:l1Gateway=L1TokenGatewayMock",
+ "L1FarmProxy:inbox=InboxMock"
+ ],
+ "verify": "L1FarmProxy:certora/L1FarmProxy.spec",
+ "rule_sanity": "basic",
+ "multi_assert_check": true,
+ "parametric_contracts": ["L1FarmProxy"],
+ "build_cache": true,
+ "optimistic_hashing": true,
+ "optimistic_fallback": true,
+ "hashing_length_bound": "512",
+ "msg": "L1FarmProxy"
diff --git a/certora/L1FarmProxy.spec b/certora/L1FarmProxy.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d63d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certora/L1FarmProxy.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// L1FarmProxy.spec
+using GemMock as gem;
+using Auxiliar as aux;
+using L1TokenGatewayMock as l1Gateway;
+methods {
+ // storage variables
+ function wards(address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function maxGas() external returns (uint64) envfree;
+ function gasPriceBid() external returns (uint64) envfree;
+ function rewardThreshold() external returns (uint128) envfree;
+ // immutables
+ function rewardsToken() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l2Proxy() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function feeRecipient() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway() external returns (address) envfree;
+ //
+ function aux.getDataHash(uint256) external returns (bytes32) envfree;
+ function gem.allowance(address,address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function gem.totalSupply() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function gem.balanceOf(address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.escrow() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastL1Token() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastRefundTo() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastTo() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastAmount() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastMaxGas() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastGasPriceBid() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastDataHash() external returns (bytes32) envfree;
+ function l1Gateway.lastValue() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ //
+ function _.transfer(address,uint256) external => DISPATCHER(true);
+ function _.transferFrom(address,address,uint256) external => DISPATCHER(true);
+persistent ghost bool success;
+hook CALL(uint256 g, address addr, uint256 value, uint256 argsOffset, uint256 argsLength, uint256 retOffset, uint256 retLength) uint256 rc {
+ success = rc != 0;
+// Verify that each storage layout is only modified in the corresponding functions
+rule storageAffected(method f) {
+ env e;
+ address anyAddr;
+ mathint wardsBefore = wards(anyAddr);
+ mathint maxGasBefore = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBidBefore = gasPriceBid();
+ mathint rewardThresholdBefore = rewardThreshold();
+ calldataarg args;
+ f(e, args);
+ mathint wardsAfter = wards(anyAddr);
+ mathint maxGasAfter = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBidAfter = gasPriceBid();
+ mathint rewardThresholdAfter = rewardThreshold();
+ assert wardsAfter != wardsBefore => f.selector == sig:rely(address).selector || f.selector == sig:deny(address).selector, "Assert 1";
+ assert maxGasAfter != maxGasBefore => f.selector == sig:file(bytes32,uint256).selector, "Assert 2";
+ assert gasPriceBidAfter != gasPriceBidBefore => f.selector == sig:file(bytes32,uint256).selector, "Assert 3";
+ assert rewardThresholdAfter != rewardThresholdBefore => f.selector == sig:file(bytes32,uint256).selector, "Assert 4";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting rely
+rule rely(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ address other;
+ require other != usr;
+ mathint wardsOtherBefore = wards(other);
+ rely(e, usr);
+ mathint wardsUsrAfter = wards(usr);
+ mathint wardsOtherAfter = wards(other);
+ assert wardsUsrAfter == 1, "Assert 1";
+ assert wardsOtherAfter == wardsOtherBefore, "Assert 2";
+// Verify revert rules on rely
+rule rely_revert(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ rely@withrevert(e, usr);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting deny
+rule deny(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ address other;
+ require other != usr;
+ mathint wardsOtherBefore = wards(other);
+ deny(e, usr);
+ mathint wardsUsrAfter = wards(usr);
+ mathint wardsOtherAfter = wards(other);
+ assert wardsUsrAfter == 0, "Assert 1";
+ assert wardsOtherAfter == wardsOtherBefore, "Assert 2";
+// Verify revert rules on deny
+rule deny_revert(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ deny@withrevert(e, usr);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting file
+rule file(bytes32 what, uint256 data) {
+ env e;
+ mathint maxGasBefore = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBidBefore = gasPriceBid();
+ mathint rewardThresholdBefore = rewardThreshold();
+ file(e, what, data);
+ mathint maxGasAfter = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBidAfter = gasPriceBid();
+ mathint rewardThresholdAfter = rewardThreshold();
+ assert what == to_bytes32(0x6d61784761730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) => maxGasAfter == data % (max_uint64 + 1), "Assert 1";
+ assert what != to_bytes32(0x6d61784761730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) => maxGasAfter == maxGasBefore, "Assert 2";
+ assert what == to_bytes32(0x6761735072696365426964000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) => gasPriceBidAfter == data % (max_uint64 + 1), "Assert 3";
+ assert what != to_bytes32(0x6761735072696365426964000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) => gasPriceBidAfter == gasPriceBidBefore, "Assert 4";
+ assert what == to_bytes32(0x7265776172645468726573686f6c640000000000000000000000000000000000) => rewardThresholdAfter == data % (max_uint128 + 1), "Assert 5";
+ assert what != to_bytes32(0x7265776172645468726573686f6c640000000000000000000000000000000000) => rewardThresholdAfter == rewardThresholdBefore, "Assert 6";
+// Verify revert rules on file
+rule file_revert(bytes32 what, uint256 data) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ file@withrevert(e, what, data);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ bool revert3 = what != to_bytes32(0x6d61784761730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) &&
+ what != to_bytes32(0x6761735072696365426964000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) &&
+ what != to_bytes32(0x7265776172645468726573686f6c640000000000000000000000000000000000);
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting reclaim
+rule reclaim(address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ // require receiver == rec;
+ mathint balanceProxyBefore = nativeBalances[currentContract];
+ mathint balanceReceiverBefore = nativeBalances[receiver];
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= balanceProxyBefore + balanceReceiverBefore;
+ reclaim(e, receiver, amount);
+ mathint balanceProxyAfter = nativeBalances[currentContract];
+ mathint balanceReceiverAfter = nativeBalances[receiver];
+ assert currentContract != receiver => balanceProxyAfter == balanceProxyBefore - amount, "Assert 1";
+ assert currentContract != receiver => balanceReceiverAfter == balanceReceiverBefore + amount, "Assert 2";
+ assert currentContract == receiver => balanceProxyAfter == balanceProxyBefore, "Assert 3";
+// Verify revert rules on reclaim
+rule reclaim_revert(address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ mathint balanceProxy = nativeBalances[currentContract];
+ // Practical assumption
+ require nativeBalances[receiver] + amount <= max_uint256;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ reclaim@withrevert(e, receiver, amount);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ bool revert3 = balanceProxy < amount;
+ bool revert4 = !success;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3 ||
+ revert4, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting recover
+rule recover(address token, address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ require token == gem;
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore = gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore + tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore;
+ recover(e, token, receiver, amount);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter = gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ assert currentContract != receiver => tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter == tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore - amount, "Assert 1";
+ assert currentContract != receiver => tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter == tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore + amount, "Assert 2";
+ assert currentContract == receiver => tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter == tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore, "Assert 3";
+// Verify revert rules on recover
+rule recover_revert(address token, address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxy = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= tokenBalanceOfProxy + gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ recover@withrevert(e, token, receiver, amount);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ bool revert3 = tokenBalanceOfProxy < amount;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct estimateDepositCost getter behavior
+rule estimateDepositCost(uint256 l1BaseFee, uint256 _maxGas, uint256 _gasPriceBid) {
+ env e;
+ mathint maxSubmissionCost = (1400 + 6 * 324) * (l1BaseFee == 0 ? 30 * 10^9 : l1BaseFee);
+ mathint l1CallValue = maxSubmissionCost + (_maxGas > 0 ? _maxGas : maxGas()) * (_gasPriceBid > 0 ? _gasPriceBid : gasPriceBid());
+ mathint l1CallValueRet; mathint maxSubmissionCostRet;
+ l1CallValueRet, maxSubmissionCostRet = estimateDepositCost(e, l1BaseFee, _maxGas, _gasPriceBid);
+ assert l1CallValueRet == l1CallValue, "Assert 1";
+ assert maxSubmissionCostRet == maxSubmissionCost, "Assert 2";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting notifyRewardAmount
+rule notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward) {
+ env e;
+ address rewardsToken = rewardsToken();
+ address l2Proxy = l2Proxy();
+ address feeRecipient = feeRecipient();
+ mathint maxGas = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBid = gasPriceBid();
+ uint256 maxSubmissionCost = (1400 + 6 * 324) * 30*10^9;
+ bytes32 dataHash = aux.getDataHash(maxSubmissionCost);
+ mathint l1CallValue = maxSubmissionCost + maxGas * gasPriceBid;
+ notifyRewardAmount(e, reward);
+ address lastL1TokenAfter = l1Gateway.lastL1Token();
+ address lastRefundToAfter = l1Gateway.lastRefundTo();
+ address lastToAfter = l1Gateway.lastTo();
+ mathint lastAmountAfter = l1Gateway.lastAmount();
+ mathint lastMaxGasAfter = l1Gateway.lastMaxGas();
+ mathint lastGasPriceBidAfter = l1Gateway.lastGasPriceBid();
+ bytes32 lastDataHashAfter = l1Gateway.lastDataHash();
+ mathint lastValueAfter = l1Gateway.lastValue();
+ assert lastL1TokenAfter == rewardsToken, "Assert 1";
+ assert lastRefundToAfter == feeRecipient, "Assert 2";
+ assert lastToAfter == l2Proxy, "Assert 3";
+ assert lastAmountAfter == to_mathint(reward), "Assert 4";
+ assert lastMaxGasAfter == maxGas, "Assert 5";
+ assert lastGasPriceBidAfter == gasPriceBid, "Assert 6";
+ assert lastDataHashAfter == dataHash, "Assert 7";
+ assert lastValueAfter == l1CallValue, "Assert 8";
+// Verify revert rules on notifyRewardAmount
+rule notifyRewardAmount_revert(uint256 reward) {
+ env e;
+ require rewardsToken() == gem;
+ mathint maxGas = maxGas();
+ mathint gasPriceBid = gasPriceBid();
+ mathint rewardThreshold = rewardThreshold();
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxy = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ address escrow = l1Gateway.escrow();
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfEscrow = gem.balanceOf(escrow);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxy + rewardsTokenBalanceOfEscrow;
+ // Happening in constructor
+ require gem.allowance(currentContract, l1Gateway) == max_uint256;
+ mathint balanceProxy = nativeBalances[currentContract];
+ uint256 maxSubmissionCost = (1400 + 6 * 324) * 30*10^9;
+ mathint l1CallValue = maxSubmissionCost + maxGas * gasPriceBid;
+ // Practical assumption
+ require nativeBalances[l1Gateway] + l1CallValue <= max_uint256;
+ notifyRewardAmount@withrevert(e, reward);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = reward <= rewardThreshold;
+ bool revert3 = balanceProxy < l1CallValue;
+ bool revert4 = rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxy < reward;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3 ||
+ revert4, "Revert rules failed";
diff --git a/certora/L2FarmProxy.conf b/certora/L2FarmProxy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45537f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certora/L2FarmProxy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "files": [
+ "src/L2FarmProxy.sol",
+ "test/mocks/GemMock.sol",
+ "test/mocks/FarmMock.sol"
+ ],
+ "solc": "solc-0.8.21",
+ "solc_optimize_map": {
+ "L2FarmProxy": "200",
+ "GemMock": "0",
+ "FarmMock": "0"
+ },
+ "link": [
+ "L2FarmProxy:farm=FarmMock"
+ ],
+ "verify": "L2FarmProxy:certora/L2FarmProxy.spec",
+ "rule_sanity": "basic",
+ "multi_assert_check": true,
+ "parametric_contracts": ["L2FarmProxy"],
+ "build_cache": true,
+ "msg": "L2FarmProxy"
diff --git a/certora/L2FarmProxy.spec b/certora/L2FarmProxy.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd062d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certora/L2FarmProxy.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+// L2FarmProxy.spec
+using GemMock as gem;
+using FarmMock as farm;
+methods {
+ // storage variables
+ function wards(address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function rewardThreshold() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ // immutables
+ function rewardsToken() external returns (address) envfree;
+ function farm() external returns (address) envfree;
+ //
+ function gem.totalSupply() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function gem.balanceOf(address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ function farm.lastReward() external returns (uint256) envfree;
+ //
+ function _.balanceOf(address) external => DISPATCHER(true);
+ function _.transfer(address,uint256) external => DISPATCHER(true);
+// Verify that each storage layout is only modified in the corresponding functions
+rule storageAffected(method f) {
+ env e;
+ address anyAddr;
+ mathint wardsBefore = wards(anyAddr);
+ mathint rewardThresholdBefore = rewardThreshold();
+ calldataarg args;
+ f(e, args);
+ mathint wardsAfter = wards(anyAddr);
+ mathint rewardThresholdAfter = rewardThreshold();
+ assert wardsAfter != wardsBefore => f.selector == sig:rely(address).selector || f.selector == sig:deny(address).selector, "Assert 1";
+ assert rewardThresholdAfter != rewardThresholdBefore => f.selector == sig:file(bytes32,uint256).selector, "Assert 2";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting rely
+rule rely(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ address other;
+ require other != usr;
+ mathint wardsOtherBefore = wards(other);
+ rely(e, usr);
+ mathint wardsUsrAfter = wards(usr);
+ mathint wardsOtherAfter = wards(other);
+ assert wardsUsrAfter == 1, "Assert 1";
+ assert wardsOtherAfter == wardsOtherBefore, "Assert 2";
+// Verify revert rules on rely
+rule rely_revert(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ rely@withrevert(e, usr);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting deny
+rule deny(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ address other;
+ require other != usr;
+ mathint wardsOtherBefore = wards(other);
+ deny(e, usr);
+ mathint wardsUsrAfter = wards(usr);
+ mathint wardsOtherAfter = wards(other);
+ assert wardsUsrAfter == 0, "Assert 1";
+ assert wardsOtherAfter == wardsOtherBefore, "Assert 2";
+// Verify revert rules on deny
+rule deny_revert(address usr) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ deny@withrevert(e, usr);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting file
+rule file(bytes32 what, uint256 data) {
+ env e;
+ file(e, what, data);
+ mathint rewardThresholdAfter = rewardThreshold();
+ assert rewardThresholdAfter == data, "Assert 1";
+// Verify revert rules on file
+rule file_revert(bytes32 what, uint256 data) {
+ env e;
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ file@withrevert(e, what, data);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ bool revert3 = what != to_bytes32(0x7265776172645468726573686f6c640000000000000000000000000000000000);
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting recover
+rule recover(address token, address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ require token == gem;
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore = gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore + tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore;
+ recover(e, token, receiver, amount);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter = gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ assert currentContract != receiver => tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter == tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore - amount, "Assert 1";
+ assert currentContract != receiver => tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter == tokenBalanceOfReceiverBefore + amount, "Assert 2";
+ assert currentContract == receiver => tokenBalanceOfProxyAfter == tokenBalanceOfProxyBefore, "Assert 3";
+// Verify revert rules on recover
+rule recover_revert(address token, address receiver, uint256 amount) {
+ env e;
+ mathint tokenBalanceOfProxy = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= tokenBalanceOfProxy + gem.balanceOf(receiver);
+ mathint wardsSender = wards(e.msg.sender);
+ recover@withrevert(e, token, receiver, amount);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = wardsSender != 1;
+ bool revert3 = tokenBalanceOfProxy < amount;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2 || revert3, "Revert rules failed";
+// Verify correct storage changes for non reverting forwardReward
+rule forwardReward() {
+ env e;
+ require rewardsToken() == gem;
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyBefore = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfFarmBefore = gem.balanceOf(farm);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyBefore + rewardsTokenBalanceOfFarmBefore;
+ forwardReward(e);
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyAfter = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfFarmAfter = gem.balanceOf(farm);
+ mathint farmLastRewardAfter = farm.lastReward();
+ assert rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyAfter == 0, "Assert 1";
+ assert rewardsTokenBalanceOfFarmAfter == rewardsTokenBalanceOfFarmBefore + rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyBefore, "Assert 2";
+ assert farmLastRewardAfter == rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxyBefore, "Assert 3";
+// Verify revert rules on forwardReward
+rule forwardReward_revert() {
+ env e;
+ mathint rewardThreshold = rewardThreshold();
+ mathint rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxy = gem.balanceOf(currentContract);
+ // ERC20 assumption
+ require gem.totalSupply() >= gem.balanceOf(currentContract) + gem.balanceOf(farm);
+ forwardReward@withrevert(e);
+ bool revert1 = e.msg.value > 0;
+ bool revert2 = rewardsTokenBalanceOfProxy <= rewardThreshold;
+ assert lastReverted <=> revert1 || revert2, "Revert rules failed";
diff --git a/certora/harness/Auxiliar.sol b/certora/harness/Auxiliar.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ec010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certora/harness/Auxiliar.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Copyright (C) 2024 Dai Foundation
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
+contract Auxiliar {
+ function getDataHash(uint256 maxSubmissionCost) public view returns (bytes32) {
+ return this.getDataHash(maxSubmissionCost, "");
+ }
+ function getDataHash(uint256 maxSubmissionCost, bytes calldata data) public pure returns (bytes32) {
+ return keccak256(abi.encode(maxSubmissionCost, data));
+ }
diff --git a/script/BurnNonces.s.sol b/script/BurnNonces.s.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec9f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/BurnNonces.s.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+// Copyright (C) 2024 Dai Foundation
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
+import "forge-std/Script.sol";
+import { ScriptTools } from "dss-test/ScriptTools.sol";
+import { Domain } from "dss-test/domains/Domain.sol";
+contract BurnNonces is Script {
+ uint256 l2PrivKey = vm.envUint("L2_PRIVATE_KEY");
+ address l2Deployer = vm.addr(l2PrivKey);
+ StdChains.Chain l1Chain;
+ StdChains.Chain l2Chain;
+ string config;
+ Domain l1Domain;
+ Domain l2Domain;
+ address deployer;
+ address l1GovRelay;
+ address l2GovRelay;
+ address l2Spell;
+ address etherForwarder;
+ function run() external {
+ l1Chain = getChain(string(vm.envOr("L1", string("mainnet"))));
+ l2Chain = getChain(string(vm.envOr("L2", string("arbitrum_one"))));
+ vm.setEnv("FOUNDRY_ROOT_CHAINID", vm.toString(l1Chain.chainId)); // used by ScriptTools to determine config path
+ config = ScriptTools.loadConfig("config");
+ l1Domain = new Domain(config, l1Chain);
+ l2Domain = new Domain(config, l2Chain);
+ // Check deployer's L2 nonce was burned on L1
+ l2Domain.selectFork();
+ uint256 l2Nonce = vm.getNonce(l2Deployer);
+ l1Domain.selectFork();
+ uint256 l1Nonce = vm.getNonce(l2Deployer);
+ if (l2Nonce >= l1Nonce) {
+ uint256 i = l2Nonce - l1Nonce + 1;
+ vm.startBroadcast(l2PrivKey);
+ while (i > 0) {
+ (bool success,) = l2Deployer.call{value: 0}("");
+ require(success, "l2Deployer burn nonce failed");
+ i--;
+ }
+ vm.stopBroadcast();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/mocks/FarmMock.sol b/test/mocks/FarmMock.sol
index 151c89e..d68fc4a 100644
--- a/test/mocks/FarmMock.sol
+++ b/test/mocks/FarmMock.sol
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ contract FarmMock {
address public immutable rewardsToken;
address public immutable stakingToken;
+ uint256 public lastReward;
event OwnerNominated(address newOwner);
event PauseChanged(bool isPaused);
event RewardAdded(uint256 rewards);
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ contract FarmMock {
function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward) external {
+ lastReward = reward;
emit RewardAdded(reward);
diff --git a/test/mocks/L1TokenGatewayMock.sol b/test/mocks/L1TokenGatewayMock.sol
index 6181bdc..7d7a889 100644
--- a/test/mocks/L1TokenGatewayMock.sol
+++ b/test/mocks/L1TokenGatewayMock.sol
@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ contract L1TokenGatewayMock {
address public immutable inbox;
address public immutable escrow;
+ address public lastL1Token;
+ address public lastRefundTo;
+ address public lastTo;
+ uint256 public lastAmount;
+ uint256 public lastMaxGas;
+ uint256 public lastGasPriceBid;
+ bytes32 public lastDataHash;
+ uint256 public lastValue;
address _inbox,
address _escrow
@@ -35,13 +44,22 @@ contract L1TokenGatewayMock {
function outboundTransferCustomRefund(
address l1Token,
- address /* refundTo */,
- address /* to */,
+ address refundTo,
+ address to,
uint256 amount,
- uint256 /* maxGas */,
- uint256 /* gasPriceBid */,
- bytes calldata /* data */
+ uint256 maxGas,
+ uint256 gasPriceBid,
+ bytes calldata data
) public payable returns (bytes memory res) {
+ lastL1Token = l1Token;
+ lastRefundTo = refundTo;
+ lastTo = to;
+ lastAmount = amount;
+ lastMaxGas = maxGas;
+ lastGasPriceBid = gasPriceBid;
+ lastDataHash = keccak256(data);
+ lastValue = msg.value;
TokenLike(l1Token).transferFrom(msg.sender, escrow, amount);
res = abi.encode(0);