- Changed: Updated the updater.
- Changed: [Performance] Only run ACF filters in the back end for performance.
- Changed: [Performance] Switch get_terms to only return id and name
- Fixed: Make sure post type exists before displaying the label in admin columns.
- Added: New sitewide locations for global content areas.
- Added: New "After Footer" location. Also adds notice about using After Footer location with form plugins.
- Changed: Updated the updater.
- Fixed: Conditions on blog page were not working in some configurations.
- Fixed: Encoded special characters were displayed on the front end in some configurations.
- Fixed: Custom post type archive conditions not working in some configurations.
- Fixed: Remove unnecessary encoding in PHP's DOMDocument which was unintentionally encoding some special characters from non-English languages.
- Fixed: CCA's showing up on different archives than set in location settings.
- Fixed: CCA's showing up on different post types than set in location settings.
- Changed: Updated the updater.
- Changed: Updated character encoding function for PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Fixed: Location field group minor CSS tweaks.
- Fixed: CCAs not displaying on individual terms archives.
- Added: Content Archives now support displaying CCAs on Search Results.
- Changed: Settings tabs are now above the actual settings fields.
- Added: [Developers] New
helper function to get all the CCAs displayed on the current page. - Added: [Developers] New
action hook that runs after the display logic but before adding the action hook.
- Fixed: Archive CCAs showing incorrect archives in some scenarios.
- Fixed: Invalid markup in some scenarios.
- Fixed: Added
check to make sure in-content CCAs only display in the primary loop.
- Fixed: Some elements were unexpectedly skipped in some instances.
- Fixed: Blocks parsing too early and breaking things in some configurations.
- Fixed: CCAs shown on single posts were getting double processed and causing layout issues in some configurations.
- Added: [Developers] New
filter to modify markup on-demand.
- Added: New
filter to conditionally hide a CCA after settings and conditions have been checked.
- Changed: Updated to support block.json and the v2 block API.
- Changed: Updated updater.
- Changed: Updated updater.
- Fixed: Compatibility for archive entries on Mai Engine v2.22.0 or later.
- Changed: Default to full alignment in Mai CCA block.
- Added: Active label in Dashboard anytime a CCA has content since it may be displayed via the block now.
- Added: Link to edit Content Areas in the block settings.
- Added: Support for WooCommerce Shop, Product Category, and Product page display.
- Added: Mai Custom Content Area block to manually display a content area anywhere.
- Added: Entry author conditions to content areas.
- Added: Archive conditions to show content areas between entries.
- Fixed: Archive conditions showing in Mai Grid blocks in some configurations.
- Fixed: Archive conditions label display throwing an error in the Dashboard.
- Fixed: Closing markup mismatch in some scenarios.
- Initial release