If you don't already have Yarn globally installed, you can install it with npm:
npm install -g yarn
Then, install the dependencies:
yarn install
To run the app, run the following command:
yarn dev
Done only once per CapRover server:
You need to authenticate your CapRover instance with GitHub's Container Registry, as CapRover will fetch build docker images from this registry.
Visit https://github.com/settings/tokens/new and create a new Token. Specify a note/name of this token, i.e., "CapRover Expiration: Never Selected Scopes: read:packages
This newly generated token is your password to the Github Container Registry.
Visit CapRover's UI and select Cluster. Add a remote registry.
Username: <githubuser>
Password: <generatedtoken>
Domain: ghcr.io Image Prefix: <leaveblank>
Save and Update.
Add a Github APP_NAME, APP_TOKEN and CAPROVER_SERVER secret to your repo as required for deployments as normal.
You can maintain a local database for your project and replcate changes to production with Prisma, automagically. This is an advanced feature that will require further documation later.
If using Prisma in your workflow, you can deploy a local database with
docker compose up -f docker-stack.yml
The DATABASE_URL secret will need to be available in .env locally but also a production secret set in Github Repo. The workflow lines for this enviornment variable will need to be uncommented accordingly as well as the command in the steps to run the prisma migrate.
Copy the .env.example as .env.local and fill the variables. Remove or coment out any variables that are not needed.
Keep in mind you'll need to add production version secrets in the Github repo's secrets as well as the Github Workflow file(s) located in .github/workflows.
To avoid any CORS XSS / cross-site scripting problems, you also need to add ORIGIN as an enviornment variable in CapRover for your app. This is the URL of your app. Be sure to enforce https and redirects. This gets picked up by the Dockerfile on deployments.