Releases: magpiemodel/magpie
Releases · magpiemodel/magpie
MAgPIE 4.5.0
- 09_drivers separation of GDP and population scenarios
- 09_drivers changed
- 11_costs Split of production costs per sector, addded new separated costs to the costs function.
- 13_tc changed vm_tech_cost upper bound to share of regional GDP PPP (s13_max_gdp_shr)
- 13_tc Replace endo_jan18 realization by endo_jan22. The new realization adds a new dimension to vm_tau separating crop from managed pastures tau.
- 15_food added more options to define convergence towards exogenous food intake and waste scenarios accounting for different transition periods
- 18_residues The variable that include production costs vm_cost_prod for residues changed to a new independent variable called vm_cost_prod_kres
(specific to residues). - 30_crop renamed switch
. - 31_past The variable that include production costs vm_cost_prod for pasture changed to a new independent variable called vm_cost_prod_past
(specific to past). - 31_past added new realization implementing the separation of rangelands and managed pastures for the production of grass biomass.
- 32_forestry simplification and bugfix of afforestation limit.
renamed tos32_max_aff_area_glo
in default.cfg. - 34_urban added set urban_scen34 and the switch c34_urban_scenario
- 35_natveg corrected naming of Frontier Forests (FF) to Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL) and changed input data for BH_IFL implementation.
- 35_natveg implementation of land protection moved to new module
- 38_factor_costs Sticky free/dynamic switch was removed and the realization was split into two realizations: the new per_ton_fao_may22 (free) and sticky_feb18 (dynamic). vm_cost_prod(i,kall) is now vm_cost_prod_crop(i,req) for crops factor costs. The results are now given differentiating between capital and labor for all realizations (new set req).
- 42_water_demand Added new input data on pumping costs for India, equation to calculate water costs and scalars for policy shocks
- 44_biodiversity Improved documentation, simplification of equations and flexible options for price on biodiversity loss
- 56_ghg_policy additional scenarios for c56_emis_policy
- 56_ghg_policy Deactivated GHG emission policies were not accounted for in the MACCs module. This has been corrected by an extension of the interface
, which now has an additional dimension for emission sourcesemis_source
. In this context some equations in56_ghg_policy
have been simplified (sets:emis_source_reg
). Also, GHG emissions from peatlands have been fully integrated into56_ghg_policy
. - 70_livestock vm_cost_prod(i,kall) is now vm_cost_prod_livst(i,req) for livestock factor costs (req indicates differentiation between capital and labor) and vm_cost_prod_fish(i) for fish.
- 80_optimization Updated solver settings
- config Update of regional and grid inputs from 4.68 to rev4.69, and additional files to 4.17. Removed free/dynamic sticky switch, and added scalars used in mixed_regional factor costs realization.
- config added s13_max_gdp_shr setting for tech cost upper bound as share of GDP PPP
- config included switch for non-agricultural water demand (s42_watdem_nonagr_scenario) in scenario_config.csv
- config included SHAPE SDP scenarios in scenario_config.csv
- config Update default tau realization from endo_jan18 to endo_jan22
- config Added new SSP scenario switch for pasture suitability cfg$gms$c31_past_suit_scen
- config Added new switch to limiting calibration to relative or absolute managed pastures yields: cfg$gms$s31_limit_calib.
- inputs updated non-agricultural water use scenarios (watdem_nonagr_grper.cs3)
- modules Moved interface
from 52_carbon to 56_ghg_policy - scripts replaced redundant files config.log and config.Rdata with a config.yml
- scripts updated FSEC modeling start script and added FSEC calibration scripts
- scripts clean up of the recalibrate_realizations.R script, project_LAMACLIMA_WP4.R, and sticky.R to remove sticky dynamic/free switch.
- scripts bugfix in disaggregation.R, disaggregation_BII.R with respect to urban scenario
- scripts added FSEC modeling start script (global runs)
- scripts The disaggregation_LUH2.R was extended to include the changes used to generate ISIMIP3b maps for LUH harmonization. The largest changes are: 1) The convertLUH function now breaks the grid level magpie objects by groups of years, then creates the raster for the groups and aggregates them to create the final map at a quarter of a degree resolution (this speeds up the process). 2) The mapping between LUH and MAgPIE is now defined by country and magpie-LUH types (not 1 to 1 anymore). 3) The split of MAgPIE's pasture land type between pasture and rangeland changed. Rangeland is assumed to stay constant after 2015, and changes in MAgPIE's pasture are due to pasture. 4) IFs were added so if a certain map already exists in the output folder, it will not generate it once again. 5) Flooded land now corresponds to a share of rice cropland, based on historical values. 6) To speed calculations, yields are read at the cell level, the crops are aggregated based on the new MAgPIE-LUH mapping, and then disaggregated to grid level.
- scripts added new disaggregation script to provide grid cell level BII
- scripts removed test script "irrig_dep_test" from "start" folder to "extra" folder
- scripts Added script to folder projects paper_grassland.R
- scripts scripts/output/extra/emulator.R Remove dependency on deprecated R package "magpie"
- core macros for linear and sigmoidal time interpolation
- 22_land_conservation added new module and realisation for land conservation. The realisation also includes a new WDPA initialisation data set (from 1995 to 2020) for protected areas under legal protection, meeting IUCN and CBD protected area definitions. The module also adds the interface
. - 30_crop new module realizations including crop rotation scenarios by strict constraints (
) and by penalties (penalty_apr22
) - 36_employment added new module to calculate agricultural employment. Includes one realization (
) in which employment is calculated based on the total labor costs (for crop and livestock production) - 38_factor_costs mixed_reg_feb17 realization added. This realization includes differences in productions costs between irrigated and rainfed crops, with the option of regional differentiation as well. per_ton_fao_may22 realization added. This realization corresponds to the old sticky_feb18 free.
- 38_factor_costs added switch
to choose between global and regional crop factor requirements. The default is "glo" (which corresponds to the previous implementation) - 44_biodiversity added new realization
, which calculates the BII at the level of 71 biomes and allows to set targets for BII (e.g. no decrease in the future) - 52_carbon added land carbon sink adjustment factors, needed in R post-processing
- 70_livestock added switch
to choose between global and regionally calibrated regression to calculate livestock factor requirements. The default is "glo" (which corresponds to the previous implementation) - config added option for CO2 emission pricing
- config added cfg$gms$s70_past_mngmnt_factor_fix with default 2005 (previous default was 2010). The previous setting caused a strong spike in CO2 emissions from pasture expansion in SSA. With 2005, this can be avoided.
- inputs New input files added:
f13_pastr_tau_hist.csv -> historical tau for managed pastures.
f31_pastr_suitability.cs3 -> Managed pasture suitability
f31_LUH2v2.cs3 -> LUH2v2 land classes separating rangelands from managed pastures
f31_grassl_yld.cs3 -> Rangelands and managed pastures grass yields
f31_grass_bio_hist.cs3 -> Historical grass biomass demand - modules New dimension in
for different carbon stock types (actual, previousLandPattern, previousCarbonDensity) - scripts output/projects/FSEC_StevenLord.R to create output for Steven Lord in the FSEC context
- scripts output/projects/FSEC_costs.R to create costs ouput for the FSEC project
- scripts output/projects/FSEC_dietaryIndicators.R to create output datasets for the FSEC project
- scripts output/projects/FSEC_nitrogenPollution.R to create output datasets of nitrogen pollutants for the FSEC project
- scripts Added script to folder projects paper_grassland.R
- scripts Extended dissagregation.R script to replace single "past" land class by LHU range and pastr classes when grassland_apr22 realization is used.
- scripts
testscript for different rotation scenario settings
- 38_factor_costs mixed_feb17 and fixed_per_ton_mar18 realizations removed because they are not being used at the moment.
- 09_drivers bugfix concerning the use of the switch c09_gdp_scenario for defining population assumptions
- 09_drivers introduced new sets for PAL and demography scenarios to account for only partial coverage of available socio-economic gdp and population scenarios
- 18_residues off realization; missing variable declarations
- 34_urban exo_nov21 realization; bugfix in calculation of biodiversity value
- 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation static realization. bugfix in presolve.gms: f41_irrig_luh("y1995",j)
- 44_biodiversity fixed accounting for time step length in realizat...
MAgPIE 4.4.0
- inputs new default LPJmL version with growing season adaptation (gsadapt) on
- 51_nitrogen parameter change in rescaled_jan21, now including regionalized climate-dependent leaching factors
- config Update default configuration to new input data (especially cellular inputs) including all module realization updates (14_yield, 22_processing, 30_crop, 38_factor_costs, 39_landconversion). Moreover, climate impatcs (cc options for biophysical inputs) are activiated as default. New best_calib calibration routine is activated as default.
- config peatland module on by default (cfg$gms$peatland <- "on")
- config update default setting for 2nd generation bioenergy demand and GHG prices
- config update default setting for the 42_water_demand module (to all_sectors_aug13)
- scripts output/extra/disaggregation.R updated to account for country-specific set-aside shares in post-processing
- scripts output/extra/disaggregation.R updated to account for sub-categories of "forestry"
- scripts Default recalibration routine does not read in previous calibration factors anymore
- 09_drivers Update sets in drivers to include new SDP and Ariadne GDP and Pop scenarios
- 21_trade In the exo and off realization, equations corrected to be consistent with the mapping between supreg h and regions i. Bugfixes in trade exo and off realizations. Added scaling factor for exo realization.
- inputs Update of GDP and population scenarios based upon recent historic data from WDI (complemented with growth rates given by the James2019 dataset), short term projections until 2025 from IMF (for GDPpc) and WB (for pop) and reconverge to the original SSP GDPpc levels by 2100.
- inputs Update of all input data that are based on FAO, using the most up-to-date version of FAOSTAT datasets available at the date of input calculations via automated download.
- inputs Update of additional data to rev4.07
- scripts scripts/start/projects/project_LAMACLIMA.R -> scripts/start/projects/project_LAMACLIMA_WP4.R
- 58_peatland "On" realization: Degraded peatland is estimated differently, based on an additional calibration factor.
- 43_water_availability changed scaling factor
- 10_land Converted "v10_landreduction" to interface "vm_landreduction", used in "modules/39_landconversion/calib"
- 52_carbon Removed interface "vm_carbon_stock_change", no longer needed
- scripts recalibrate_realizations.R and recalibrate.R adjusted for land conversion cost calibration + default time steps for convenient validation of results
- scripts start_functions adjustments for land conversion cost calibration
- scripts start.R added SLURM medium as choice
- scripts yield calibration, "best" setting uses factors from iteration with lowest standard deviation
- 14_yield read-in file f14_yld_calib.csv if exists. Set default calibration factors to 1 in case f14_yld_calib.csv does not exist
- 13_tc different educated guess for vm_tau in 1995
- scaling Update of scaling factors. removed duplicates
- 32_foresty Avoid division by zero (observed under higher regional resolutions)
- 35_natveg Avoid division by zero (observed under higher regional resolutions)
- 70_livestock Avoid division by zero (observed under higher regional resolutions)
- 60_bioenergy Minimum dedicated 2nd generation bioenergy demand assumed in each region raised from 0.01 to 1 mio. GJ per yr, and added as option in the config file (s60_2ndgen_bioenergy_dem_min)
- config Remove elements from the parameter list of start_run(), instead include them as regular settings in the default.cfg.
- scripts Add option to take ghg prices from different file than the regular reporting file (used in the REMIND coupling)
- 60_bioenergy Switch off fixing the bioenergy demand to SSP2 until 2020 if MAgPIE runs coupled (to REMIND) or for emulator runs (to derive biomass supply crurves).
- 56_ghg_policy Switch off fixing the GHG prices to SSP2 until 2020 if MAgPIE runs coupled (to REMIND) or for emulator runs (to derive biomass supply crurves).
- scripts start/test_runs.R added SSP1, SSP2 and SSP5 as default test runs
- 34_urban New exo_nov21 exogenous realization of urban land expansion
- 21_trade Missing interface parameter for failing exo realization runs
- 59_som exogenous pathway for vm_nr_som via f59_som_exogenous
- config Addition of a new scenario column (Tland) in scenario_config.csv
- config Added option c32_max_aff_area, which allows to provide a file with regional limits for afforestation
- 14_yield parameter created to save historical cellular yields and to be used in the sticky realization of 38_factor_costs and in the 17_production module
- 17_production switch added to decide if initialization of cellular crop production is needed or not. Also, a parameter to calculate initial production based on input cellular crop patterns and semicalibrated yields (potential yields calibrated to FAO values).
- scripts Added calibration script to generate default calibration for different factor costs realization
- scripts scripts/output/extra/disaggregation_LUH2.R script for exporting spatial output in LUH2 format (NetCDF)
- 37_labor_prod labor productivity module with two realizations: off and exo
- 38_factor_costs new realization "sticky_labor", based on "sticky_feb18" but accounting for changes in labor productivity
- 15_food Added additional solve with CONOPT3 in case of modelstat 7
- scripts Added script "landconversion_cost.R" for land conversion cost calibration in scripts/calibration, for matching historic cropland in 2015
- 39_landconversion_cost added new realization "calib", which uses the calibration factors derived by "landconversion_cost.R"
- scripts Added start script for yield and land conversion cost calibration "recalibrate_all.R"
- scripts added script validation_short.R with aggregated crop types (cutting the PDF size in half) -> replaces validation.R in default.cfg
- scripts added start script "scripts/start/Rprofile.R" for adding a R snapshot to the ".Rprofile" file
- config file "" added to cfg$files2export$start
- config Inclusion of LAMACLIMA scenarios in scenario_config.csv
- output.R added SLURM standby maxMem and SLURM priority maxMem; needed for some output scripts (e.g. disaggregation_LUH2.R)
- 32_foresty Removed static realization
- 35_natveg Removed static realization
- scripts lpjml_addon script is removed and all calls within dependend starting scripts
- scripts output/extra/disaggregation_transitions_.R moved to deprecated folder
- scripts output/extra/disaggregation_cropsplit.R moved to deprecated folder
- 14_yield Removed
realizations - 20_processing Removed
realization - 30_crop Removed
realization - scripts scripts/start/extra/highres.R
- 39_landconversion_cost removed realizations "global_static_aug18" and "devstate"
- 80_optimization Improved solve logic in "nlp_apr17" and "nlp_par" realization, multiple bugfixes and switch to solvelink=3 in "nlp_par"
- 58_peatland fixed rare infeasibility in "on" realization
- 10_land fixed rare infeasibility in "landmatrix_dec18" realization
- 38_factor_costs For the sticky_feb18 realization correction in initial capital stocks, use of production initial values, and 05USDppp units changed to 05USDMER for sticky so it matches the units of the other realizations
- 80_optimization Bug fixes in the nlp_par (parallel optimization) and improved code to collect failing handles.
- 32_foresty Avoid division by zero in q32_establishment_dynamic_yield
- 35_natveg fixed land protection to SSP2 default (WDPA) for historic period
- 15_food New iteration needs to be started before setting food prices for curr_iter15
- scripts scripts/output/extra/highres.R bugfixes
- 38_factor_costs units in sticky_feb18
- 32_foresty Global afforestation limit s32_max_aff_area was not effective in case of parallel optimization -> added option c32_max_aff_area, which allows to provide a file with regional limits for afforestation;
- 73_timber plausible cost for balance variable in case of s73_timber_demand_switch = 0 to avoid cost distortion
- 56_ghg_policy choose the correct scenario for fixing the GHG prices until sm_fix_SSP2
MAgPIE 4.3.5
- 13_tc added switch to ignore historic tau patterns in historic time steps (new default)
- 16_demand Moved most of cropping related set definitions (k, kve, kcr) from 16_demand to 14_yield
- 32_foresty Added option to choose a rotation length calculation criteria
- 35_natveg Calculation of land protection policies revised and moved from presolve.gms to preloop.gms
- 38_factor_costs Realization
extended to differentiate capital requirements between regions and their specific development status (GDP) in each time step of the magpie run. The changes in thesticky
realization also include an additional switch so it can be operated asdynamic
(change of each region capital share at each time step) orfree
(capital shares equal to zero and equivalent to thefixed_per_ton_mar18
realization). Bugfix in the yearly update of the variable input requirements. Addition of the time dimension and clean up of names of parameters used in the realization. Removal of the management factor (this factor was not being used, it was being cancelled out in previous calculations). Correction of the costs, they are given in 05USDppp. - 39_landconversion lower costs for expansion of forestry land
- 58_peatland Peatland area is initialized in 1995 based on levels for the year 2015, and hold fixed depending on
. This provides a better proxy for peatland area and associated GHG emissions for the historic period, which where assumed zero in previous versions. - 80_optimization nlp_par parallelizes now on superregional level
instead of regional leveli
as before. - script Added forestry run script which used LPJmL addon
- script New standard for cluster to region mapping (rds-files) is used in all scripts. If old spam files are provided by input data, rds-mapping file is created.
- script updated test run script. Update of the sticky run script.
- start scripts improved function for GAMS set creation from R and outsourced it to package
- inputs Changed file format from cs2 to cs2b for cellular input files with a single data column
- scenario_config added RCPs as columns for use with setSceanrio function. This required the addition of "gms$" in the 1st column.
- 73_timber Added construction wood demand scenarios based on Churkina et al. 2020
- script(s) Added scripts to replicate runs for Mishra et al. 2021 (in review :
- 13_tc Added new interfaces for tau factor of the previous time step (
) - 14_yield Added new realization
that is able to calibrate yield data coming from uncalibrated crop models (e.g. LPJmL yields for unlimited N supply). The yield calibration is either a purely multipicative factor or is limited to additive change in case of a underestimated FAO yield by the initial crop model yields (based on the switchs14_limit_calib
). For pastures spillover of crop yield increases due to technological change from the previous time step are allowed and can be scaled usings14_yld_past_switch
. - 20_processing Added new almost identical realization that excludes a calibration of the oil crop demand for oils (Note: old realization can be removed, when old yield realizations are deleted).
- 30_crop Added new realization
. The realisation includes new input data for available cropland and a new switchc30_marginal_land
, which provides different options for including marginal land as cropland. Furthermore, a given share of the available cropland can be set aside for the provisioning of natures contribution to people and to promote biodiversity. The new switchess30_set_aside_shr
are included to specify the share that should be set aside and the target year. - 30_crop Added new interface parameter historic croparea (
) - 30_crop Added new option
for country specific set aside share - 35_natveg Added new option
for protected areas. - 35_natveg Added new option
for country specific land protection - 38_factor_costs Added scaling factors for improving model run time
- 39_landconversion new realization
in which global land conversion costs are scaled with regional development state (0-1) - 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation Added switch for using different input data including new LUH2v2 consistent initialisation pattern.
- 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation Added scalar for depreciation rate that depreciates certain area in every timestep, defined by switch in config.
- 58_peatland Added option for one-time and recurring costs of peatland degradation (USD05MER per ha)
- calibration run has two new features: 1. Upper bound to cropland factor can be added (
). 2. Best calibration factor (factor with the lowest divergence) can be picked individually for each regions based on all calibration factors calculated during the calibration run iteration (best_calib
). - disaggregation Added new disaggregation script that is in line with new crop realisation and can account for cropland availabilty on grid level during disaggregation (see
in packageluscale
for further details). - sets added superregional layer
as additional spatial layer and moved constraints in 13_tc and 21_trade partly to the superregional level.
- 13_tc Removed disfuctional setting c13_tccost = "mixed"
- core removed sets ac_young and ac_mature (no longer needed due to changes in 44_biodiversity)
- 32_foresty BII coefficients for CO2 price driven afforestation
- 32_foresty growth curve CO2 price driven afforestation
- 32_foresty NPI/NDC afforestation infeasibility
- 32_foresty Correct distribution from LUH data to plantations and ndcs
- 35_natveg option to fade out damage from shifting agriculture by 2030
- 44_biodiversity ac0 included in pricing of biodiversity loss
MAgPIE 4.3.4
- 51_nitrogen New calculations for emissions from agricultural residues (vm_res_ag_burn)
- citation file added new contributors
- config The set "kfo_rd" (livst_rum, livst_milk), which is used in the food substitution scenarios c15_rumdairy_scp_scen and c15_rumdairyscen, has been added to the default.cfg file. This allows for sensitivity scenarios (e.g. only livst_milk or only livst_rum).
- 20_processing The "mixed" scenario for single-cell protein production (c20_scp_type) was not working as expected. The corresponding code in 20_processing has been updated.
- 15_food single-cell protein substitution scenarios included in intersolve.gms.
MAgPIE 4.3.3
- 44_biodiversity New biodiversity module. The realization bv_btc_mar21 now allows to calculate an area-based biodiversity value across all land types. Switch
to implement cost for biodiversity loss. - 15_food* added 3 sigmoid food substitution scenarios
- 56_ghg_policy Automatic sets for scenarios
- 60_bioenergy Automatic sets for scenarios
- 70_livestock* added 3 sigmoid feed substitution scenarios
- scripts added output script for disaggregation to GAINS regions
- scripts Automatic sets for 56_ghg_policy and 60_bioenergy
- scripts Added pre-commit hook
- 60_bioenergy Minimal bioenergy demand
MAgPIE 4.3.2
- 12_interest_rate Interest fader changed to csv
- 15_food better documentation of parameters over model iterations
- 15_food added scenario switch for ruminant and dairy replacement by Single-Cell Protein
- 20_processing added different options for Single-Cell Protein production
- 35_natveg Fader for HalfEarth protection policy
- 50_nr_soil_budget added necessary interfaces to 50_nitrogen module
- 70_livestock added scenario switch for feed replacement (crop and forage) by Single-Cell Protein
- scripts Updated AgMIP output scripts.
- runscripts adapted to new input data and model version
- tests Replaced TravisCI with GithubActions
- 15_food Added the option to fade out livestock demand towards a target level in kcal/cap/day.
- 21_trade Added scalar
and new setk_trade_excl_timber
- 29_ageclass New age-class module
- 32_forestry added new default realization
- 32_forestry Simplified routine for plantation establishments. Added plantation area initialization based on MODIS data. Calibration to FAO growing stocks via carbon densities. New switches:
. New settingsc32_dev_scen
- 35_natveg Added new default realization
- 35_natveg Added distribution in secondary forest based on Poulter et al. 2019. Added forest damages due to wildfire and shifting agriculture. Bugfix in forest protection calculations. New switches:
- 35_natveg Added HalfEarth scenario to protection scenarios
- 51_nitrogen new module realization rescaled_jan21, which rescales n-related emissions with nitrogen surplus to account for lower emissions with higher NUE
- 52_carbon Simplified routine for carbon stock calculations in timber plantations and cleanup of unused code.
- 56_ghg_policy Added new scenario to emission policy
- 73_timber Additive calibration with FAO data for roundwood demand. New switches:
- 73_timber Added new realization
(modified version of previous realization) - default.cfg New
scenario which simulates timber production in MAgPIE - scenario.csv Added three plantation scenarios
- scaling Updated scaling across the modules
- scripts Updated to
script with general cleanup for publication. Addedforestry_magpie
script for generic forestry runs. - scripts added output script for disaggregation of land transitions
- 32_forestry Removed previous default realization
- 35_natveg Removed previous default realization
- 73_timber Removed previous default realization
- 32_forestry Bugfixes for "ac_est" and carbon treshold afforestation; removed plantations from "vm_cdr_aff".
- core bugfix m_fillmissingyears macro; was running over t before; now running over t_all_
MAgPIE 4.3.1
- main Added Dockerfile for running MAgPIE in a container
- 35_natveg Bugfix "v35_secdforest_expansion"
- 52_carbon Bugfix "p52_scaling_factor" for climate change runs
MAgPIE 4.3.0
- 38_factor_costs Added the new "sticky" realization to the factor costs module. The realization "sticky_feb18" favors expansion in cells with preexisting farmland and capital based on capital investment decisions.
- modules added endogenous implementation of local biophysical (bph) impacts of afforestation to existing realizations in modules 32_forestry (dynamic_oct19) and 56_ghg_policy (price_jan20). default = off
- 73_timber Added timber module which brings the ability of producing woody biomass for timber plantations and natural vegetation. Default = off. New switch:
. New scalars :s73_timber_prod_cost
- 32_forestry New realization
for forestry land use dynamics. This builds up on previous forestry realization for afforestation. New switches:s32_fix_plant
. New scalars :s32_plant_share
. - 35_natveg New realization
for natural vegetation land use dynamics. New forest protection scenario. - 52_carbon Added interface which is used for calculating additional investment needed in plantations when carbon stocks are lower than a specified threshold. New scalar:
. - 57_maccs Added MACCs from Harmsen PBL 2019
- 15_food Added the option to include calories from alcohol consumption in healthy and sustainable EAT-Lancet diets.
- scripts added start script for making timber production runs (forestry.R).
- scripts updated selection routine for start and output scripts
- scripts replaced lucode dependency with newer packages lucode2 and gms
- 32_forestry include new datasets of the bph effect of afforestation / replaced the bph ageclass switch with a fade-in between ac10 and ac30 in (dynamic_may20)
- 13_tc, 39_landconversion, 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation and 58_peatland. For the current time step, the optimization costs only include now the annuity of the present investment. magpie4's reportCosts() function was modified to consider these changes.
- scripts deleted outdated start and output scripts
- 32_forestry Rotation length calculation based on correct marginals of growth function in timber plantations. Clearer calculations for harvested area for timber production.
- 35_natveg Clearer calculations for harvested area for timber production.
- 52_carbon Fix to the Carbon densities received from LPJmL for timber plantations.
MAgPIE 4.2.1
- modules added option of regional scenario switches in modules 12_interest_rate, 15_food, 42_water_demand, 50_nr_soil_budget, 55_awms, 56_ghg_policy, 60_bioenergy
- 58_peatland added peatland module. Two realizations: off (=default) and on.
- 80_optimization added realization for parallel optimization of regions in combination with fixed trade patterns.
- metadata added .zenodo.json metadata file for proper metadata information in ZENODO releases
- 12_interest_rate merged the two realizations (glo_jan16 and reg_feb18) into one (select_apr20) with same functionality and add on of option to choose different interest rate scenarios for different regions selected via country switch select_countries12
- scripts streamlined and improved performance of NPI/NDC preprocessing
- 56_ghg_policy and 60_bioenergy update of GHG prices and 2nd generation bioenergy demand from SSPDB to most recent snapshot
- NPI/NDC policy calculations revision of calculation method
MAgPIE 4.2.0
This release version is focussed on consistency between the MAgPIE setup and the REMIND model and result of a validation exercise of the coupled (REMIND 2.1)-(MAgPIE 4.2) system.
- config Added new socioeconomic scenario (SDP) to scenario_config.csv (which include all switches to define among others the SSP scenarios). For the parametrization of the new SDP (Sustainable Development Pathway) scenario, the list of scenario switches was extended to account for a broad range of sustainability dimensions.
- 10_land added new land realization landmatrix_dec18 to directly track land transition between land use types
- 15_food stronger ruminant fade out in India
- 15_food Added exogenous food substitution scenarios that can be selected via settings in the config-file, defining speed of convergence, scenario targets and transition periods (applied after the food demand model is executed). Among these scenarios are the substitution of livestock products with plant-based food commodities and the substitution of beef or fish with poultry. The food substitution scenarios are based on the model-native, regression-based calculation of food intake and demand.
- 15_food Added exogenous EAT Lancet diet scenarios: It is now possible to define in the config-file exogenous diet scenarios that replace the regression-based calculation of food intake and demand. Possible settings are the target for total calorie intake (e.g. according to a healthy BMI) and variants of the EAT Lancet diet (e.g. in addition to the flexitarian a vegetarian or vegan variant).
- 15_food Added exogenous food waste scenarios which can be defined via settings in the config-file, including scenario targets for the ratio between food demand and intake and the year in which full transition to the target should be achieved.
- 30_crop added crop specific land use initialization pattern (used as interface for other modules)
- 50_nr_soil_budget and 55_awms Additional inputs for the GoodPractice Scenario.
- 52_carbon Added new forest growth curve parameters based on Braakhekke et al. 2019. Growth curves are now differentiated between natural vegetation (default) and plantations.
- 59_som added new realization static_jan19 (new default) including all soil carbon related calculations. Before all carbon pools were updated in the specific land use type modules. This still holds true for the above ground pools (vegetation and litter carbon)
- .gitattributes file added to set line ending handling to auto for all text files
- scaling added scaling.gms files for several modules to improve optimization (based on gdx::calc_scaling)
- scripts added output scripts for global soil carbon maps (SoilMaps.R).
- config new default ghg emission pricing policy "redd+_nosoil" in c56_emis_policy. Includes all pools included in the previous default "SSP_nosoil", and in addition "forestry".
- 13_tau lower bound for vm_tau for historical time steps
- 50_nr_soil_budget atmospheric deposition is now estimated on the cluster-level instead of the region level to improve spatial patterns.
- 56_ghg_policy updated scenarios in f56_emis_policy: none, all natural (called 'ssp') and all land use change emissions (pure co2) being included in greenhouse gas pricing. ssp and all also featuring additional scenarios excluding soil carbon pricing (marked with '_nosoil' postscript).
- 56_ghg_policy Several changes regarding afforestation: use of detailed formula for incentive calculation instead of simplified Hotelling formula, 50 year planning horizon (instead of 80 years), phase-in of GHG prices deactivated by default (now done in REMIND), CO2 price reduction factor deactivated by default, introduced buffer reduction factor of 20% for afforestation.
- 59_som updated cellpool_aug16 realization to use new interfaces from land module on land use type specific land expansion and reduction as well as crop type specific land initialization pattern. Additionally added irrigation as stock change factor sub-type. N fertilizer from soil organic matter decomposition is truncated after threshold to avoid unrealistically high fertilization rates.
- 80_optimization write extended run information in list file in the case that the final solution is infeasible
- modules modular structure updated from version 1 to version 2
- line endings changed to unix-style for all text files
- modules Fixing of all parameters to SSP2 values until 2020 (switch sm_fix_SSP2) for having identical outcomes in all scenarios (SDP, SSP1-5) until 2020.
- 21_trade Bugfix kall instead of k in exo realization; Bufix begr/betr trade in default realization; Bugfix sets in free realization
- 32_forestry NPI/NDC afforestation targets are now counted towards the global afforestation limit, which can be set for specific scenarios via the switch s32maxaff_area and constrains the potential for carbon-price induced endogenous afforestation.
- 56_ghg_policy bugfix full soil carbon loss in default setting, renamed it from ssp to ssp_nosoil, indicating, that soil carbon losses are not priced.
- 56_ghg_policy bugfix afforestation: vmbtm_cell was a free variable for some sources and pollutants, which could result in GHG cost neutral shifting of age classes to ac0 (e.g. from ac55 to ac0).
- 80_optimization added fallback routine for CONOPT4 failure (fatal system error)