- added simplepainter
- fixed updateall so you only have to do it once, fixed also mapper video symlink
- added mappingconverter, it somehow was lost in the last few releases
- fixes on powersupply check
- fixed set audio scripts
- added random video player to "Autostart" => "Custom 01" (this is experimental, please report any issues on github)
- added "disable logging" to updateall and factory reset
- added change resolution without reboot
- when enabling overlay, it will also be activated when autostart to master or video=> player sync => play all
- you might get edge cases when overlay is already enabled and you hit overlay on
- fixed slide show (did not trigger, no one reported...its fixed now)
- speed up servicecheck with setting a timeout
- added scheduler status to servicecheck
- fixed start PLAYER once (scripts where missing)
- added SLIDESHOW after feature, this will play slideshow after video played once
- added soft temp limit to 70° (please enable in red section=> DISPLAY => RESOLUTION => default or any other
- added usermanual to CP, so it can be viewed without internet
- added fader for video X position
- fixed some js error causing CP to slow down
- fixed "make elFinder" as default filebrowser (might need a second growser refresh)
- symbols to report bug or visit usermanual
- prepared script for Y position of video, but need some help to put multiple commands into one php file instead of creating several, anyone?
- added fader for video size
- added fader for video opacity
- added fader for video speed
- added "Check Services" to see whats running
- fixed output of Powersupply check
- make sure you have omxplayer version 2018, if not, click "Update Everything" again
- If you like the new features, let me know :-)
- added help sign on top right which links to usermanual
- added function to show omx version
- added video fader (make sure omx version is 2018)
- updated to newer omxplayer (2018), needs 2x "update all" function to be active
- fixed the issue that mapper was not controllable without mouse, now you are able to control it from CP ;-), massive thanks to BjarneJensen!
- added a dialog when clicking power down, to ask if user really is sure to do so
- added powersupply check to check if you get enough amps or if you should replace it
- fixed autostart master did not start in some cirumstances (permission issue)
- fixed when open mapper set, it did not kill other running tasks
- re-added performace mapper without FBO sources
added getcontent from web button again
added alsatester to test if usb soundcard is present, if not switch to both (only working within CP "Start All") fixed "Play All" without sync did not work when set to alsa/usb
fixed missleading interpretation when set to dhcp and reverted to static ip address
complete update of the user manual, its now an online version: https://www.pocketvj.com/manual_rtc/index.html
complete rewrite of CP, massive UI improvements
added video without sync
added python3-pygame python-pygame python3-tk python-tk
increased swap to 1024
resized partitions for more space on SYSTEM
cleaned up some stuff
removed streamer since modern browsers do not support anymore
added 0.5 seconds more to stopall, since it was faster than loading omxplayer
disable webfonts to prevent annoying loading timeout (hope this helped)
fixed diskspace and move resolution query
set audio is now on scripts and when factory preset it will set to both
some first code cleaning
tweaked stop button, now every task is 1 second faster!!
fixed usb mount trouble, mounting mount /dev/sda2 /media/usb/ instead of sda1 seems to fix the problem
showed some love to the layout especially the icons
added script to change ip range from 192.168.2.*** range to 10.0.0.*** range
set date from user had a wrong link, its fixed now!
Added "Set Date/Time from user" button, this will catch the time from your computer and writes it to the RTC
Removed Streamer Buttons since its too complicated to stream webrtc without ssl on modern browsers
Updated the getcontent script with an addition from user frankbash
New Logo with slogan
Direct (questionmark icon) link to github issue page
Added button to start VNC Screensharing from CP
Button for webserver password protection (3.8 nd earlier need to set pw first!)
Some overall tweaks
Added xvfb, rtmidi and many other useful tools
Added elFinder
Added Password login for CP
Added SSL self assigned script for https
Removed cursor
Updated kernel from 4.14.43 to 4.14.98
Changed vncstartup to be able to manual start
Added show IP script
Added RJ45 IP to screenshare
Fixed manual slideshow
Fixed force HD resolution from 1080i to 1080p
Added Syphon wall buttons
Fixed some typos in index.html
Fixed MapperAudio (installing MapperAudio now plays audio over jack plug).
Prepared syphon video wall scripts.
Added "Play as Master wifi" and "Play as Slave Wifi" button (works from PVJ 3.8 or newer, see image 3.8 release notes).
Changed QLC+ autostart to load example file (/media/internal/dmx/autostart.qxw) at start.
Added Puredata to Autostart and to Stop button (users with PVJ 3.7 or older need to install manually if needed: https://github.com/magdesign/PocketVJ-CP-v3/blob/master/PureData_install.md
Added "take a picture with camera" button in CP under AUX (for taking pictures with the piCam).
Fixed Autostart to VIDEOMAPPER CameraFeed, link was somehow broken.
Installed puredata.
Added "dmx" folder to /media/internal/
Added QLC+ autostart.qxw to /media/internal/dmx/
Installed node-omxplayer-sync (https://github.com/bmoren/node-omxplayer-sync) in /home/pi/node-omxplayer-sync
Updated npm to version 6.4.1 (sudo npm install -g npm) (sudo npm audit fix --force)
Cec-utils installed (sudo apt-get install cec-utils)
changed content of build number in /etc/pvj_version
Fixed a typo which made the control panel not responding anymore.
If you are in this situation, you need to update via Filezilla: https://vimeo.com/308801484
Please post your questions here instead of sending emails: #38
Removed HPlayer
Changed QLC+ Autostart from .xsession to /home/pi/.confi/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
Changed Imageplayer Autostart from .xsession to /home/pi/.confi/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
Changed Presenter Autostart from .xsession to /home/pi/.confi/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
Added Stop Webserver button/function
Moved touchOSC to sync folder
Installed and configured lirc, placed lirc daemon file in /var/www/sync, for usage uncomment in /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf
Compiled new QLC+ version 4.12.1
Changed factory preset to remove old .xsession file
Updated Processing from 3.3.6 to 3.4
Added Processing_examples folder with some mapping tools
Installed node osc2artnet
Installed backports
Updated Cava to 0.6.0
Removed HPlayer
Removed gif_for_cli
Resized Partition Size to gain 500MB more storage
fixed autostart to processing
added startmaster and startmasteronce to OSC, up to 99 movies, Thanks to François Malnovic for contributing!
fixed mapper: add/remove row and add/remove clumn
added /screenon and /screenoff to OSC
added more startmaster_0x scripts to OSC, now up to 69 movies
added startmasteronce to OSC, up to 69 movies
Thanks to François Malnovic for contributing!
added autostart to OSC when hitting autostart to scheduler
merged pull request from ProjectileObjects
More OSC commands added
better documentation on how to update older PVJ versions
added full OSC support (only working on PVJ's 3.6 (and newer) released from today on)
if you bought your PVJ 3.6 before August 15th, you need to: npm install osc-receiver
added pre alpha of magmapper to autostart custom1 buttom (only working on image 3.6 and newer)
installed Chromium browser
installed node.js (for OSC support)
installed npm socket.io node-omxplayer
integrated webcam driver
integrated neopixel driver
integrated HUB75 library
added htop for monitoring
gif-for-cli (untested)
resized root partition
added cava equalizer
added unclutter
added file which tells pvj image build version in /etc/pvj_version
wget installed
purged glediator and xlights to free some space
added new testvideo by paavo
added osc-receiver
customer how bought a PVJ3.6 before August 15, need to perform a npm install osc-receiver for OSC functionality.
fixed openOLA panel link to be a realtive url now
fixed mapperupdate which removed the remote mapper
added launch remote mapper button
fixed autostart to superpikixpi
autoforce resolution for superpikixpi to 1280x720
added kill superpikixpi to global stop command
added webgui for qlcplus on port :9999
reverted the factory preset functions which clean /tmp/ folders since it messes something up with the webserver
added delete all log files to factory preset button
Fixed google font issue... sorry guys for the trouble
Fixed mapper presets to also work with mapper remote
Added Mapper Cam to use picam or hdmi input board
Added launch mappercam button (make sure to enable cam in aux settings)
Make "Update All" 2 x to get everything installed!
Added FX to Camera Livefeed
Added 2 custom function buttons with custom functions
Added remote mapper beta (make "Update All" 2 x to get it installed!)
Get the Mapperremote beta App here: pocketvj.com/downloads/MapperRemote.zip (OSX/Linux, win in pipeline)
Updated image to run on RPi3 B+ (2018)
added camera live feed to work together with raspicam (thanks cornelius henke for testing)
changed memory settings in config.txt to auto allocate gpu ram
added a filename fixer script/function to rename incompatible files
Play as Slave button was not linked, is working now
Fix issue where files with high bandwidth where not playing
Removed sending audio flag on slave, so sync is working perfect again
Added Audio Testtone Left & Right
Removed Update CP, since it makes sense to use only Update Everything
Fixed mapping converter
Added mappingconverter to Update Everything
Added SuperPikixPi to Autostart (PVJ3.5 2018 version)
Added SuperPikixPi to stop command
Added GPU ram usage info
Updated set Audio output to change all Play_0x files
Added startmaster13-16 scripts to sync folder
Added startmaster01-02 from usb script
Added clean hidden files also on usb sticks to backend.php
Added new mapper with circular shapes and slideshow function
Fallback to select older version of mapper with more performance
TCPSyphon gets updated when hitting UPDATE Everything
Mapping converter knob added, no function set yet, betatesting
Fixed playonce06
Updated omxplayer-sync script with the fixed loop option
Play NDI stream now streams all movies over NDI
added start OLA for usb-dmx devices
added QLC+ for dmx control
stopall command updated to stop NDI functions
Note: OLA and QLC+ must be installed by hand, is integrated in PVJ 3.5 and newer
Never make an apt-get upgrade, this will mess your system!
Added function to sync over Wifi
Click UPDATE Everything after CP update
There must be a master with wifi name vj100 up and running to use this function
Network adress will be hardcoded
mapper launch without mouse still does not work as expected
autostart to processing is not coded yet
Added new Mapper with SlideShow function. Update mapper after CP update!
Implemented the webfont, removed google font link, offline issue is now fixed.
Play_Once0x functions only work when setting to old script and updating audio to jack or hdmi (no also support)
mapper remote is slow, when hitting commands very fast and often, there is quit a delay
mapper launch without mouse still does not work as expected
autostart clock takes 30seconds until it displays
autostart to processing is not coded yet
Some .js scrips where linked with http. If the device connection to CP was offline, CP did not work proper
Fixed some button links
Updated image to version 3.4
Installed processing
Updated several libs, gstreamer, new kernel and wifi firmware
This is a massive release with a completely new look and feel :-)
To Update:
0. Stop all tasks
- Download PocketVJ-CP-v3-master.zip and place it in /internal/ on your PocketVJ 3.x
- Update CP (wait!! until you get message, approx. 5 minutes)
- Refresh browser, then select UPDATE Mapper (wait 5minutes)
- If CP is not working ore behaves strange, the device you are connection to the CP has also internet access, then imidiately update to CP 2.0.1
Completely redesigned CP from scratch, now fully responsive :-)
CP output is now scrollable, better line breaks
CP alerts when connection to PVJ is lost
Softedge function
Moved Syphon to streamer section
Scratch of NDI implementation
Set to dhcp and set to static IP fixed
Added more play once buttons
Added Mapping scale mask up and down
Added Autostart to loop_01 and loop02
Added Autostart to Clock
Added Autostart to Custom2
Cleaned up the System settings panel
Function to download files from your personal server or dropbox, ideal for scheduler tasks
Get CPU temperature
Updated License file
Overall bugfixes
fixed an issue when 2x clicked to set DHCP
added new build of omxplayer when hitting Update Firmware in System Tab (only recommended if you encounter any issues)
fixed force hdmi mode to get audio over hdmi, even if EDID of screen does not report compatibility
fixed wrong link for piwall_topright, thanks to francoestrubia
updated readme (pull request from Aaron Israel, thanks!)
fixed the issue when you set network to dhcp you where not able to connect via wifi anymore
function to change between seamless and gap-list sync
added more numbered startmaser09-12
moved OSCplayer under startmaster button
fixed the cursor blinking when nothing was running
fixed streaming page button was not linked
turingmachine updated the sync script, now it automatically makes a seamless loop when only one video is in the folder and its now syncable!
Make sure that you hit "factory preset" after the update.
upgraded CP for PocketVJ 3.3, now with OSC support for videoplayer
fixed issue when hitting more than once to ALSA output
added function to overlay transparent .png file over videos
will only work on PocketVJs bought after march 18th
updated with new functions of PVJ 3.2
if you have an older (3.0/3.1) version, audio streaming will not work
merged presenter and imageviewer together
added launch/relaunch mapper knobs
added an Update All function for single click update
added audio slave
changed audioplayer to omxplayer, so its possible to use usb soundcards and sync
added stopall function to mappersettings, so it does not need stop command in scheduler
fixed mapper relaunch function, remote did not work after clicking relauch
added more seamless loop functions
New mapper version, you must do update: system->update mapper
Redesign of Mapper section
Undo of mapper is now working
Hide/show layer panel added
Pause in shortcuts now also works for mapper
Removed Terminal link and wrote which port you can access Terminal
Fixed Status Monitor size
Stability improvements for loading and saving mapper presets
Fixed Screenshot function
Testscreen bigger, for 1920 x 1200 resolution
Mapper presets 1-5
ALSA option for USB soundcard output (make sure to update firmware)
Updated manual for scheduler/mappersetting commands
Updated timer.txt
Mapper Update did remove path to videos and images, thanks to martani for bugreport, fixed now!
Added rotate screen options
removed 1920 x 1200 resolution since it caused glitches, added 1680x1050 instead
Fixed: Mapper "Add Triangle" was not working
Added setting to use RCA (analog) video output, could not test because I dont own analog hardware, can someone please test and report back, thanks!
Improved the response time when loading CP in browser
Added a permanent wifi and bluetooth disable
Fixed audioplayer, did not workd because dtoverlay in config.txt was missing
Updated the timer.txt example file (make a factory preset to get it)
Added projector power on/off script which works with scheduler
Fixed PJLink Projector remote On/Off, was missing direct file path
Fixed startmasterusb
Fixed the issue that testscreen and imageplayer did not display fullscreen
After upgrading, go to "display" and selecet "default" to update the settings
Updated to newest omxplayer build
Added: Autostart custom file
Fixed Mapper: Pause, Media Stepper, BigMoves, Relaunch
Fixed: Terminal link
Added: PiWall setting for 3screens, PiWall master loop
Added: tag description to shortcuts and link to logo
(Still trying to remote mapper without mouse)
Added symbols to the colored register menu for better usability
Fixed an issue with omxplayer-sync, play once played the file twice... thanks to mdmcclel for fix and pull request
make sure that after updating the CP, you go to system and hit Update Firmware and Update Mapper to use all the new functions.
Be patient, updating takes several minutes!
- Added seamless loop
- Sections are now color coded
- New Sync script and new Player
- many new feuatures and little bugfixes
Added missing up down left right commands for mapper
Fixed update function
Updated Mapper Controls
added function to change wifi channel
Notes for users with version 0.96: If you want upgrade from version 0.96, you must rename the PocketVJ-CP-v3-master.zip file to PocketVJ-CP-v2-master.zip.
Official Release of PocketVJ 3.0 RTC Version
incl. many new features