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Releases: madox2/react-tagcloud


08 May 18:35
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Cosmetic release - fixed demo image.


18 Apr 07:48
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Release notes v1.2.0

TagCloud was updated to be compatible with react ^15.5.0.


  • upgraded react
  • added prop-types as dependency
  • react added as peer dependency


20 Feb 19:15
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Release notes v1.1.0

Improved how TagCloud behaves when props will change. Now you can conveniently change color options, max/min sizes and see it in action.

New features and enhancements

  • re-render and re-shuffle TagCloud if any prop has changed


14 Nov 18:45
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Release notes v1.0.0

As the tag cloud is stable for quite a long time I am releasing the first major version. This release is without any major or minor changes. Documentation, examples and demo page has been improved.


07 Aug 14:25
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Release notes v0.6.1

Breaking changes

  • removed not supported defaultRenderer export


07 Aug 14:16
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Release notes v0.6.0

In this release the API was refactored and simplified. There were also major changes in usage.

Breaking changes

  • customization of defaultRenderer is not supported anymore. To customize tagcloud you need to use either <TagCloud /> props or implement custom renderer.
  • colorOptions and disableRandomColor props were moved to <TagCloud /> component
  • custom renderer function API has changed. It has tag, size and color arguments now. It is not needed to forward event handlers anymore


  • random color was recomputed each re-render. Now is color computed only when props change

New features and enhancements

  • you can override tag color by declaring color property of tag object
  • production build setting for examples
  • styling of examples layout


10 Jun 22:40
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Release notes v0.5.0

This release brings major changes to provide correct element key handling and stable tag shuffling.

Breaking changes

  • key property of tag elements is now set as tag.key. If it is not provided the tag.value is used instead. It is highly recommended to use key property if you are unsure that tag value's are not unique. Otherwise it could fail.
  • value property of tag is now required to be string. If you need other data to be passed to the tag, use different property.
  • The key argument has been removed from renderer function definition. Use tag.key or tag.value instead

New features and enhancements

  • Shuffling of tags has been improved - tags are no longer shuffled in each render call. It is shuffled only once during component initialization and re-shuffled only when data are modified.


23 May 18:10
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Release notes v0.4.2

New features and enhancements

  • onDoubleClick, onMouseMove event handlers
  • new option of default renderer - disableRandomColor
  • minor refactorings


  • disableRandomColor property of props option of default renderer will be replaced with dedicated disableRandomColor option in the next major release


21 May 12:16
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Release notes v0.4.1

New features and enhancements

  • upgraded dev dependencies
  • proper eslint setup
  • jest setup & testing


  • Incompatible with Internet Explorer #2


  • DefaultRenderer import will be removed in the next major release and replaced with factory function defaultRenderer