simple 1D bisection function (to find roots of equations)
call to getRootOf() return NaN if no point founded, or root value otherwise.
number|NaN getRootOf(
function f[,
number guessPoint[,
number increment[,
number tollerance[,
<other function f parameters...>]]]
Example: find root of 5 a - 3 b = -c, where b = 3 and c = 2.5. getRootOf should return value of a.
function anyFunction(a,b,c){
return 5*a-3*b+c
var test = getRootOf(
// * guess point
// * increment to find two values of opposite sign
// * tollerance
0.1, 0.2, 1e-18,
//this ones are the last 2 variables (b,c) of anyFunction
3, 2.5);
if parameters of getRootOf are undefined, the default values are:
- guess point: 0
- increment: 0.1
- tollerance: 1e-4