Release Notes
- drop username column from users table
- remove shuttle and run directly with serenity
- rename weighted "score" to "medal points"
- stop including user ID in medal sorting
- change medal sorting to use 4-2-1 weighted score
- default late submissions to disabled in all-time GeoGrid leaderboard
- allow turning off today's and late scores in all-time GeoGrid leaderboard
- log the guild ID in a couple of places
- include rerun footer in all-time GeoGrid leaderboard too
- all-time GeoGrid leaderboard
- daily GeoGrid leaderboard
- take account of which day a GeoGrid score was submitted
- basic GeoGrid score persistence
- switch to Shuttle, with serenity
- GeoGrid score parsing
- basic Discord bot from twilight example
Install vexillologist 1.0.0
Install prebuilt binaries via shell script
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh
Download vexillologist 1.0.0