The openai miner provided in this repo is not intended to be run on mainnet!
If you run the base miner on mainnet, you will not earn anything! It is provided as an example to help you build your own custom mining operation!
Resource | Requirement |
VRAM | None |
vCPU | 8 vCPU |
RAM | 8 GB |
Storage | 80 GB |
Clone this repository and run the script.
git clone
cd prompting
NETUID= #[1, 61, 102]
SUBTENSOR_NETWORK= #The network name [test, main, local]
SUBTENSOR_CHAIN_ENDPOINT= #The chain endpoint [test if running on test, main if running on main, custom endpoint if running on local]
WALLET_NAME= #Name of your wallet(coldkey)
HOTKEY= #Name of your hotkey associated with above wallet
AXON_PORT= #Number of the open tcp port
OPENAI_API_KEY= #The openai key that you would like to mine with
We highly recommend that you run your miners on testnet before deploying on main. This is give you an opportunity to debug your systems, and ensure that you will not lose valuable immunity time. The SN1 testnet is netuid 61.
In order to run on testnet, you will need to go through the same hotkey registration proceure as on main, but using testtao. You will need to ask for some in the community discord if you do not have any.
Then, simply set test=True in your .env file and execute all other steps as before.
Then post in the Subnet 1 channel on discord so we can activate a validator for your miner to respond to.
You can use wandb to see how successful your miner would be on mainnet, an example notebook is pinned in the channel.
After creating the above environment file, run
pm2 start "poetry run python neurons/miners/openai/"