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File metadata and controls

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PR #420 added an object IamDataFrame._data to handle timeseries data internally. This is implemented as a pandas.Series (instead of the previous long-format pandas.DataFrame) to improve performance. The previous behaviour with is maintained via getter and setter functions.

Individual updates

  • #424 Add a tutorial reading results from a GAMS model (via a gdx file).
  • #420 Add a _data object (implemented as a pandas.Series) to handle timeseries data internally.
  • #418 Read data from World Bank Open Data Catalogue as IamDataFrame.
  • #416 Include meta in new IamDataFrames returned by aggregation functions.

Release v0.7.0


  • Add new features for aggregating and downscaling timeseries data.
  • Update the plotting library for compatibility with the latest matplotlib release.
  • Refactor the feature to read data directly from an IIASA scenario database API.
  • Migrate the continuous-integration (CI) infrastructure from Travis & Appveyor to GitHub Actions and use instead of for test coverage metrics.

API changes

PR #413 changed the return type of pyam.read_iiasa() and pyam.iiasa.Connection.query() to an IamDataFrame (instead of a pandas.DataFrame) and loads meta-indicators by default.

Also, the following functions were deprecated for package consistency:

  • index() replaces scenario_list() for an overview of all scenarios
  • meta_columns (attribute) replaces available_metadata()
  • meta() replaces metadata()

PR #402 changed the default behaviour of as_pandas() to include all columns of meta in the returned dataframe, or only merge columns given by the renamed argument meta_cols. The feature to discover meta-columns from a dictionary was split out into a utility function pyam.plotting.mpl_args_to_meta_cols().

Individual Updates

  • #413 Refactor IIASA-connection-API and rework all related tests.
  • #412 Add building the docs to GitHub Actions CI.
  • #411 Add feature to pass an explicit weight dataframe to downscale_region().
  • #410 Activate tutorial tests on GitHub Actions CI (py3.8).
  • #409 Remove travis and appveyor CI config.
  • #408 Update badges on the docs page and readme.
  • #407 Add Codecov to Github Actions CI.
  • #405 Add ability for recursivley aggregating variables.
  • #402 Refactor as_pandas() and docs for more consistent description of meta.
  • #401 Read credentials for IIASA-API-Connection by default from known location.
  • #396 Enable casting to IamDataFrame multiple times.
  • #394 Switch CI to Github Actions.
  • #393 Import ABC from for Python 3.10 compatibility.
  • #380 Add compatibility with latest matplotlib and py3.8

Release v0.6.0


  • Add feature to aggregate timeseries at sub-annual time resolution
  • Refactored the iam-units utility from a submodule to a dependency
  • Clean up documentation and dependencies

Individual Updates

  • #386 Enables unit conversion to apply to strings with "-equiv" in them.
  • #384 Add documentation for the pyam.iiasa.Connection class.
  • #382 Streamline dependencies and implementation of xlsx-io
  • #373 Extends the error message when initializing with duplicate rows.
  • #370 Allowed filter to work with np.int64 years and np.datetime64 dates.
  • #369 convert_unit() supports GWP conversion of same GHG species without context, lower-case aliases for species symbols.
  • #361 iam-units refactored from a Git submodule to a Python dependency of pyam.
  • #322 Add feature to aggregate timeseries at sub-annual time resolution

Release v0.5.0


  • Improved feature for unit conversion using the pint package and the IAMconsortium/units repository, providing out-of-the-box conversion of unit definitions commonly used in integrated assessment research and energy systems modelling; see this tutorial for more information
  • Increased support for operations on timeseries data with continuous-time resolution
  • New tutorial for working with various input data formats; take a look
  • Rewrite and extension of the documentation pages for the API; read the new docs!

API changes

PR #341 changed the API of IamDataFrame.convert_unit() from a dictionary to explicit kwargs current, to and factor (now optional, using pint if not specified).

PR #334 changed the arguments of IamDataFrame.interpolate() and pyam.fill_series() to time. It can still be an integer (i.e., a year).

With PR #337, initializing an IamDataFrame with n/a entries in columns other than value raises an error.

Individual Updates

  • #354 Fixes formatting of API parameter docstrings
  • #352 Bugfix when using interpolate() on data with extra columns
  • #349 Fixes an issue with checking that time columns are equal when appending IamDataFrames
  • #348 Extend pages for API docs, clean up docstrings, and harmonize formatting
  • #347 Enable contexts and custom UnitRegistry with unit conversion
  • #341 Use pint and IIASA-ene-units repo for unit conversion
  • #339 Add tutorial for dataframe format io
  • #337 IamDataFrame to throw an error when initialized with n/a entries in columns other than value
  • #334 Enable interpolate to work on datetimes

Release v0.4.1

This is a patch release to enable compatibility with pandas v1.0. It also adds experimental support of the frictionless datapackage format.

Individual Updates

  • #324 Enable compatibility with pandas v1.0
  • #323 Support import/export of frictionless datapackage format

Release v0.4.0


  • New feature: downscale regional timeseries data to subregions using a proxy variable
  • Improved features to support aggregation by sectors and regions: support weighted-average, min/max, etc. (including a reworked tutorial)
  • Streamlined I/O: include meta table when reading from/writing to xlsx files
  • Standardized logger behaviour

API changes

PR #305 changed the default behaviour of aggregate_region() regarding the treatment of components at the region-level. To keep the previous behaviour, add components=True.

PR #315 changed the return type of aggregate[_region]() to an IamDataFrame instance. To keep the previous behaviour, add timeseries(). The object returned by [check_]aggregate[_region]() now includes both the actual and the expected value as a pd.DataFrame instance. The function check_internal_consistency() now returns a concatenated dataframe rather than a dictionary and also includes optional treatment of components (see paragraph above). To keep the previous behaviour, add components=True.

Individual Updates

  • #315 Add equals() feature, change return types of [check_]aggregate[_region](), rework aggregation tutorial
  • #314 Update IPCC color scheme colors and add SSP-only colors
  • #313 Add feature to downscale timeseries data to subregions using another variable as proxy
  • #312 Allow passing list of variables to aggregate functions
  • #305 Add method and weight options to the (region) aggregation functions
  • #302 Rework the tutorials
  • #301 Bugfix when using to_excel() with a pd.ExcelWriter
  • #297 Add empty attribute, better error for timeseries() on empty dataframe
  • #295 Include meta table when writing to or reading from xlsx files
  • #292 Add warning message if data is empty at initialization (after formatting)
  • #288 Put pyam logger in its own namespace (see here)
  • #285 Add ability to fetch regions with synonyms from IXMP API

Release v0.3.0


  • Streamlined generation of quantitative metadata indicators from timeseries data using set_meta_from_data()
  • Better support for accessing public and private IIASA scenario explorer databases via the REST API
  • More extensive documentation of the pyam data model and the IAMC format
  • Compatible with recent pandas v0.25

Individual Updates

  • #277 Restructure and extend the docs pages, switch to RTD-supported theme
  • #275 Completely removes all features related to region plotting, notably region_plot() and read_shapefile()
  • #270 Include variables with zeros in stack_plot (see #266)
  • #269 Ensure append doesn't accidentally swap indexes
  • #268 Update aggregate_region so it can find variables below sub-cateogories too
  • #267 Make clear error message if variable-region pair is missing when check_aggregate_region is called
  • #261 Add a check that keep in filter() is a boolean
  • #254 Hotfix for aggregating missing regions and filtering empty dataframes
  • #243 Update pyam.iiasa.Connection to support all public and private database connections. DEPRECATED: the argument 'iamc15' has been deprecated in favor of names as queryable directly from the REST API.
  • #241 Add set_meta_from_data feature
  • #236 Add swap_time_for_year method and confirm datetime column is compatible with pyam features
  • #273 Fix several issues accessing IXMP API (passing correct credentials, improve reliability for optional fields in result payload)

Release v0.2.0


  • the filters argument in IamDataFrame.filter() has been deprecated
  • pd.date_time now has experimental supported for time-related columns
  • plots now support the official IPCC scenario color palatte
  • native support for putting legends outside of plot axes
  • dataframes can now be initialized with default values, making reading raw datasets easier

Individual Updates

  • #228 Update development environment creation instructions and make pandas requirement more specific
  • #219 Add ability to query metadata from iiasa data sources
  • #214 Tidy up requirements specifications a little
  • #213 Add support for IPCC colors, see the new tutorial "Using IPCC Color Palattes"
  • #212 Now natively support reading R-style data frames with year columns like "X2015"
  • #207 Add a aggregate_region() function to sum a variable from subregions and add components that are only defined at the region level
  • #202 Extend the df.rename() function with a check_duplicates (default True) validation option
  • #201 Added native support for legends outside of plots with pyam.plotting.OUTSIDE_LEGEND with a tutorial
  • #200 Bugfix when providing cmap and color arguments to plotting functions
  • #199 Initializing an IamDataFrame accepts kwargs to fill or create from the data any missing required columns
  • #198 Update stack plot functionality and add aggregation tutorial. Also adds a copy method to IamDataFrame.
  • #197 Added a normalize function that normalizes all data in a data frame to a specific time period.
  • #195 Fix filtering for time, day and hour to use generic pattern_match() (if such a column exists) in 'year'-formmatted IamDataFrames
  • #192 Extend utils.find_depth() to optionally return depth (as list of ints) rather than assert level tests
  • #190 Add concat() function
  • #189 Fix over-zealous dropna() in scatter()
  • #186 Fix over-zealous dropna() in line_plot(), rework as_pandas() to (optionally) discover meta columns to be joined
  • #178 Add a kwarg append to the function rename(), change behaviour of mapping to only apply to data where all given columns are matched
  • #177 Modified formatting of time column on init to allow subclasses to avoid pandas limitation (
  • #176 Corrected title setting operation in line_plot function
  • #175 Update link to tutorial in
  • #174 Add a function difference() to compare two IamDataFrames
  • #171 Fix a bug when reading from an ixmp.TimeSeries object, refactor to mitigate circular dependency
  • #162 Add a function to sum and append timeseries components to an aggregate variable
  • #152 Fix bug where scatter plots did not work with property metadata when using two variables (#136, #152)
  • #151 Fix bug where excel files were not being written on Windows and MacOSX (#149)
  • #145 Support full semantic and VCS-style versioning with versioneer
  • #132 support time columns using the datetime format and additional str columns in data

Release v0.1.2

  • #128 add ability to directly read data from iiasa data sources
  • #120 update install setup

Release v0.1.0

  • #114 extends append() such that data can be added to existing scenarios
  • #111 extends set_meta() such that it requires a name (not None)
  • #109 add ability to fill between and add data ranges in line_plot()
  • #104 fixes a bug with timeseries utils functions, ensures that years are cast as integers
  • #101 add function cross_threshold() to determine years where a timeseries crosses a given threshold
  • #98 add a module to compute and format summary statistics for timeseries data (wrapper for pd.describe()
  • #95 add a scatter() chart in the plotting library using metadata
  • #94 set_meta() can take pd.DataFrame (with columns ['model', 'scenario']) as index arg
  • #93 IamDataFrame can be initilialzed from pd.DataFrame with index
  • #92 Adding $ to the pseudo-regexp syntax in pattern_match(), adds override option
  • #90 Adding a function to set_panel_label() as part of the plotting library
  • #88 Adding check_aggregate_regions and check_internal_consistency to help with database validation, especially for emissions users
  • #87 Extending rename() to work with model and scenario names
  • #85 Improved functionality for importing metadata and bugfix for filtering for strings if nan values exist in metadata
  • #83 Extending filter_by_meta() to work with non-matching indices between df and `data
  • #81 Bug-fix when using set_meta() with unnamed pd.Series and no name kwarg
  • #80 Extend the pseudo-regexp syntax for filtering in pattern_match()
  • #73 Adds ability to remove labels for markers, colors, or linestyles
  • #72 line_plot now drops NaNs so that lines are fully plotted
  • #71 Line plots legend keyword can now be a dictionary of legend arguments
  • #70 Support reading of both SSP and RCP data files downloaded from the IIASA database.
  • #66 Fixes a bug in the interpolate() function (duplication of data points if already defined)
  • #65 Add a filter_by_meta() function to filter/join a pd.DataFrame with an IamDataFrame.meta table