HAL_assembly uses wtdbg2, racon, medaka, and RagTag.
Prerequisties: wtdbg2, racon, medaka, RagTag
These programs need to exist on your path.
No need to installation. Just execute 'HAL_0.2.sh' on your linux machine.
HAL de novo assembly pipeline
USAGE: ./hal_0.2 [options] <path_to_input_reads> <name_of_genome> <name_of_reference_genome>
This is a script to assemble draft genome as choromsome level with a reference genome
path_to_input_reads Specify file path to sequenced long read fastq file
name_of_genome Specify the name of genome which you want ot use
name_of_reference_genome Specify the name of the reference genome for the chromosome assembly
-d|--depth Specify the depth of the sequenced long read (Default: D2)
D1 : below 15x
D2 : 15 ~ 30x
-c|--cpu Specify number of threads for processing assembly (Default: 1)
-s|--seq_type Type of long read sequencer. ONT / PacBio Hifi-CCS or Corrected PacBio reads (Default: ONT)
-g|--gpu GPU usage for Medaka. Specify number of GPU or X (Default: X)
-m|--medaka_model (Default: r941_prom_high_g303)
-h|--help Shows this help page.
On working directory, you can find the final result with extention of '~.chr.fa'.
For questions, bugs and issues, please post on issue page of Github.
This page: https://github.com/macarima/hal
HAL_assembly is freely available for academic use. It is provided without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. No liability for the software usage is assumed. Redistribution is allowed. Redistribution of modified version is not allowed.
For commercial use, please contact me.
[email protected] / [email protected]