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Erik Gomez edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 27 revisions

forceScreenShotIcon - Type: Boolean, Default Value: False

Force the built-in ScreenShot icon to render in the UI if a ScreenShot path is not passed.

iconDarkPath - Type: String, Default Value: ""

A path to a local jpg, png, icns that contains the icon for dark mode. This will replace the Apple logo on the left side of Nudge.

iconLightPath - Type: String, Default Value: ""

A path to a local jpg, png, icns that contains the icon for light mode. This will replace the Apple logo on the left side of Nudge.

screenShotDarkPath - Type: String, Default Value: ""

A path to a local jpg, png, icns that contains the screen shot for dark mode. This will replace the Big Sur logo on the lower right side of Nudge.

screenShotLightPath - Type: String, Default Value: ""

A path to a local jpg, png, icns that contains the screen shot for light mode. This will replace the Big Sur logo on the lower right side of Nudge.

simpleMode - Type: Boolean, Default Value: False

Enables Nudge to launch in the simplified user experience

updateElements - Type: Array, Default Value: []

A list of arrays, enabling further customization to the Nudge UI. Please see the updateElements wiki article for more information.

Example (JSON)

    "userInterface": {
        "forceScreenShotIcon": false,
        "iconDarkPath": "/somewhere/logoDark.png",
        "iconLightPath": "/somewhere/logoLight.png",
        "screenShotDarkPath": "/somewhere/screenShotDark.jpg",
        "screenShotLightPath": "/somewhere/screenShotLight.jpg",
        "simpleMode": false,
        "updateElements": []

Example (Mobile Configuration)


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