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Migrating from version 1.X to 2.0

Tobias Almén edited this page Dec 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

Migration to Swift and SwiftUI (Version 2.0)

Starting with Support Companion 2.0, the application has been completely rebuilt from its original .NET codebase to Swift and SwiftUI. This migration brings significant improvements to the application, including:

  • A more responsive and fluid user interface.
  • A native macOS look and feel for a better user experience.
  • Enhanced memory management and overall performance.

Key Changes in Version 2.0

This major update introduces several changes that impact bundle identifiers, icons, and configuration keys. As a result, it is necessary to uninstall version 1.x before installing version 2.0 to avoid conflicts.

Uninstalling Previous Versions

To remove version 1.x, run the provided uninstall script as part of your pre-installation process or through a separate script. The script is located at:


Configuration Changes in Version 2.0

Some configuration keys have been deprecated or changed in version 2.0. Ensure your configuration profiles are updated to align with these changes.

Deprecated Keys

The following keys are no longer supported:

  • BrandColor -> Replaced by AccentColor
  • HiddenWidgets -> Replaced by HiddenCards
  • CustomColors
  • IntuneMode
  • ShowMenuToggle
  • DesktopInfoCustomItems
  • DesktopInfoBackgroundColor
  • DesktopInfoColorHighlight
  • CustomWidgetsPath -> Replaced by CustomCardPath
  • SystemProfilerApps

Changed Keys

  • DesktopInfoLevel
    • Previously a string, now an integer.
    • Removed string values: Minimal, Hardware, Full, Custom.
    • New accepted values: 1 through 5.


Before upgrading to version 2.0:

  1. Uninstall Version 1.x using the provided script.
  2. Update MDM Profiles to reflect the changes in configuration keys.
  3. Test your configuration with version 2.0 to ensure compatibility with the new structure.

For additional details or troubleshooting assistance, refer to the updated documentation.

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