This template is intended as a strating point for new npm packages.
You can import the example library as follows.
import * as lib from 'maasglobal-template-ts';
lib.fpSendSms; // functional implementation
lib.ooSendSms; // shim for non-functional code
You can execute the FP version as follows
import * as P from 'maasglobal-prelude-ts';
import * as ruins from 'ruins-ts';
import { fpSendSms } from 'maasglobal-template-ts';
const main = P.pipe('Hello world!', fpSendSms('+3581234567'));
You can use the OO shim for object oriented projects
import { ooSendSms } from 'maasglobal-template-ts';
ooSendSms('+3581234567', 'Hello world!');
Code examples annotated with typescript
will be extracted and tested.
function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
Code examples annotated with ts
are ignored by tests and may be incomplete
function product(a: number, b: number): number {
... your code goes here ...
npm install -g yarn # install yarn
yarn # install dependencies
yarn lint # run linters
yarn typecheck # run static type checks
yarn test # run tests
yarn prettify # auto format code base
yarn ci # perform a local CI test run
yarn build # create a production build
yarn clean # remove build artefacts
yarn readme-ts # extract readme code examples
yarn deploy-npm # deploy npm package
yarn deploy-alpha # deploy prelease npm package