- you have some knowledge about java, compilation and class path settings
- you have python 2.7 installed
- latest version of pyjvm is downloaded from github
- python is in your PATH
With JAVA 7 installed: Set JAVA_HOME to actual jdk location
Without JAVA 7: Go to ./rt/ folder in pyjvm and run get_rt.py. This will download rt.jar of jdk 7 to ./rt/
See testcases folder for sample calls and java examples
Assuming some.package.KlassName has static main method.
With standard java:
java -cp some/class/path some.package.KlassName
PyJVM @ Windows:
pava.cmd -cp some/class/path some.package.KlassName
PyJVM @ *nix/Mac:
./pava -cp some/class/path some.package.KlassName
Assuming pava/pava.cmd is in your PATH - you can just replace java with pava to run your application.
Class path is configured with -cp parameter and default value is set to current folder ("."). To add other folders and/or jar files use -cp with list of those folders and jars separated by ":".
Run class MyClass which is in default package and is in current folder (MyClass.class file exists):
./pava MyClass
./pava -cp . MyClass
Run class in MyClass from package abc.de, assuming MyClass.class is in ./abc/de/
./pava abc.de.MyClass
Run class in MyClass from package abc.de, class is in jar Some.jar
./pava -jar Some.jar abc.de.MyClass
There is good chance that your application will call native java method not yet implemented in python. In this case you will get error message similar to:
Exception: Op (SOME_NAME_HERE) is not yet supported in natives
Unfortunately you have only two options: wait or implement it yourself. See documentation for more details (natives.txt and developers.txt)
Other types of errors probably should be reported, including log file (created in pyjvm folder) and sample java source code.