- Author(s): @captainhindsite
- Start Date: 2021-12-09
- Category: Technical
- Original HIP PR: helium#322
- Tracking Issue: helium#331
Under the current Proof Of Coverage (POC) model, for each beacon sent, current tools / reporting mechanisms allow interested parties to monitor only those witnessing hotspots which have been randomly selected as potentially eligible to receive rewards. The details of other hotspots which could have successfully witnessed said beacon but were excluded by that random selection process remain unreported and inaccessible to hotspot owners
This can, especially during periods of sub-optimal network performance, make it difficult for hotspot owners to know if their hotspot is performing poorly in terms of witnessing beacons, or if they are just 'unlucky' with regard to the random selection process in effect. This in turn can prove an obstacle to hotspot owners wishing to optimise their installations for coverage and rewards. I propose a change to reporting, to display all potential witnesses regardless of the results of the random selection process, to provide greater clarity and confidence for hotspot owners seeking to optimise their installations.
It can be frustrating and counter-productive as a hotspot owner to witness beacons rarely, while being unable to ascertain the most likely root cause and thus unable to undertake, with any confidence, any likely or required remedial action, or to avoid unnecessary effort and expense trying to remedy an issue which is outside the hotspot owner's influence.
The ability to differentiate between likely causes of a low witnessing count could be of significant benefit to pro-active hotspot owners as well as to potential newcomers to the Helium network looking to carry out thorough due-diligence.
Anyone interested in monitoring hotspot POC performance.
The maximum number of witnesses to a hotspot POC beacon event as governed (presumably) by chain variable poc_per_hop_max_witnesses is, at time of writing, 18. Thus a maxium of 18 witnesses, selected at random from the total number of possible witnesses, are potentially* eligible to receive rewards for witnessing any particular beacon.
*The randomly selected hotspots can include hotspots which are subsequently classed as invalid witnesses i.e. because of their geographical proximity to the beaconing hotspot.
Currently, these (up to) 18 hotspots are the only ones reported by the available tools / reporting mechanisms. Potential witnesses which were excluded by the random selection process remain unreported.
I submit that hotstpot owners would benefit from knowing how many and which particular hotspots were potential witness candidates, as a means to gauge the effect on beaconing performance of changes made to their individual setup in a bid to optimise their coverage and rewards - or to avoid unnessary effort and expense in making modifications which can have no useful impact.
As a non-coder, based on my end-user experience alone of the way the existing tools / reporting mechanisms operate currently, I can well imagine that implementing this suggestion would require significant effort on the part of the Helium development team and can well appreciate that they likely have more pressing priorities.
I foresee no alternatives to this proposal which would achieve the same objective.
The potential impact of not implementing some measure to provide hotspot owners with better ways to ascertain if low witnessing count results from their setup or from the random selection process or from network issues from time-to-time in effect is that those owners are likely to expend unnecessary effort or expense or, alternatively, miss opportunities to improve their setup to the benefit of themselves and to the network as a whole.
Is this a reasonably achievable objective in the context of the existing codebase, available resource and other objectives?
Information useful to existing and potential hotspot owners looking to ensure their setup is optimised, and to existing and potential network users will be made available to them.