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| "nodejs.org":http://nodejs.org/ | Home and Documentation | | "mailing list":http://groups.google.com/group/nodejs | User mailing list | | "node-dev":http://groups.google.com/group/nodejs-dev | development list | | "IRC":http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=node.js | Node.js on irc://irc.freenode.net/node.js "nodejs irc logs":http://nodejs.debuggable.com/ | |"Linkedin Node.js Group":http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2906459&trk=anet_ug_hm | Node.js on Linkedin | | "Node.js QA":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/node.js | Node.js on Stack Overflow |
For help and discussion subscribe to the mailing list at or send an email to [email protected]. For real-time discussion, check irc.freenode.net #node.js or Stack Overflow "chat room":http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/642/node-js.
h1. Blogs and tutorials
| "Debuggable Blog":http://debuggable.com/blog | Some articles on node.js | | "Ryah's Blog":http://four.livejournal.com/ | Ryah's blog | | "How To Node":http://howtonode.org/| Tutorials related to node| | "Boldr":http://boldr.net/| Some articles on node.js| | "Setting up with Apache and Supervisord":http://bigbangtechnology.com/preview/installation_configuration_deployment_node.js_applications_on_media_temple| Easy deployment | | "Node Blogs":http://nodeblogs.com/| An aggregator for the node.js community| | "Blog.101Ideas.cz":http://blog.101ideas.cz/| A lot of Node.js stuff there| | "OSButler Blog":http://blog.osbutler.com/categories/node-by-example/| Collection of simple node examples| | "Persian Blog":http://blog.nodejs.ir | Persian blog for nodejs | | "IT Wars":http://www.it-wars.com/categorie8/dev | French blog with news and nodejs codes |
h1. Localized sites
| "nodejs.ru":http://nodejs.ru/ | Russian nodejs blog | | "Mechanical world":http://kuroikaze85.wordpress.com/all-node-js-entries/ | Another blog in russian | | "nodejs.ir":http://nodejs.ir | Iran nodejs group in persian | | "nodejs.jp":http://nodejs.jp/ | Japan user group | |"CNodeJS.org":http://cnodejs.org| China NodeJS Community | |"nodejs.co.il":http://nodejs.co.il| Israeli Node.js wiki | | "HKNoJ":http://nodejs.hk | Hong Kong nodejs community | | "nodejs.tw":http://nodejs.tw | Taiwan nodejs community |
h1. Books about Node
| "Up and Running with Node.js":http://ofps.oreilly.com/titles/9781449398583 | Up and Running with Node.js | | "Node.js in Action":http://www.manning.com/cantelon | Node.js in Action |