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Android Support

Mini-Caffe now can be cross compiled for Android platform.


  1. You need to download Android NDK here first (version higher than android-ndk-15c). Or if you use Android Studio, you can download Android NDK through SDK Manager.
  2. Set up environment variable NDK_ROOT for Android NDK. NDK_ROOT=/path/to/ndk, if you use Windows, make sure to replace path separator \ to /.
  3. If you use Windows, you also need the GNU toolchain. Usually tdm-gcc should be fine. Download 64bit version of tdm-gcc like tdmgcc64-gcc-x.x.x.exe in the download page. You also need a shell environment to run the build. Usually Git for Windows ship with Git Bash should be fine. IMPORTANT, you need to copy and rename /path/to/TDM-GCC-64/bin/mingw32-make.exe to /path/to/TDM-GCC-64/bin/make.exe.


Run will automatically cross compile Mini-Caffe and libraries(protobuf and OpenBLAS) it relies on. The default build option is listed below, currently you can directly change them in file.

ANDROID_PLATFORM_LEVEL=21  # android native api level
ANDROID_BUILD_JOBS=4  # threads to build
ANDROID_ABIS=(arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a)  # android abi to build is tested on Fedora 27 with android-ndk-15c, Windows 10 with tdmgcc64-gcc-5.1.0-2.exe and Android NDK r16b.


Every library will create a build folder for every ANDROID_ABI. Mini-Caffe output will be in jniLibs.

How to use

I have modify Leliana/WhatsThis which uses MXNet as backend. Make Mini-Caffe as its backend, checkout project luoyetx/WhatsThis. What's more, you also need to checkout the Java API here.