- Links
- Prepare Laptop
- slides
- Vocabulary + commands
- Print for overhead projector:
- Vocabulary
- Basic workflow graph
- Commands
- cheat sheet
- Introduce presenters
- quick intro of 4 sessions
- interrupt for questions today & expect participation
- quick survey: commands & terms
- Introduction
- Screenshot of "final.doc"
- Why is this a bad example?
- somebody working that chaotic can make a GIT repository chaotic too
- one person with a completely linear history is
- docx does not work well with for diff
- in an abstract.docx one might not need the old versions at all
- maybe no need to maintain old versions
- it is not clear how to split work into single consistent steps
- not clear and maybe no need how to describe these steps
- What is a version control system and why do I need it?
- protects yourself and others from yourself and others (backup)
- collaboration: work on the same project in a team without need of complicated architecture
- don't afraid change: reverting is easy
- mark which parts are working and which are broken (stable branch, commits under review etc)
- review: split work into readable and consistent parts
- apply a fix to multiple maintained branches
- develop 5 features and deploy them in arbitrary order to the production system
- Why?
- GIT as solution for versioning files
- --> split work into steps (commits) --> forced to describe each step (commit message) --> branch, tags: version of software
- GIT as solution for collaboration
- GIT for distributing software/code
- What?
- versions connected via tree-like graph, each node is a commit
- GIT: think of commit as changes ("patches")
- Operations: branch, rebase, cherry-pick, sending commits (push/pull)
- difference 1 to copying folders: connections (history)
- difference 2 to copying folders: operations
- difference 3 to copying folders: smaller file size
- How?
- command line
- GUIs, IDE integration
- API (eg. Python etc.)
- Nice features:
- merging
- git blame
- biscet
- Git is terrible:
Man page generator https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/
- real man page: source:
- git-push – Update remote refs along with associated objects
- git-push – Upload changes from your local repository into a remote repository
- git-rebase – Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
- Translation: git-rebase: re-apply a set of sequential commits on a different branch
https://git.github.io/htmldocs/git-push.html https://git.github.io/htmldocs/git-rebase.html https://stevebennett.me/2012/02/24/10-things-i-hate-about-git/
More reasons why GIT is bad: https://svnvsgit.com/
Still a must-have: Quasi-standard & Github, (speed compared to mercurial)
- Working alone one needs only:
- init / clone
- commit
- push/pull
--> but the benefit is not very high --> explain how working with GIT works in larger teams
- Quick-intro
- tree
- hash
- working tree
- staging area in between
- branches: imagine different versions of software
- is it dangerous to delete a branch?
- commit, branch, checkout, rebase, cherry-pick, merge
- https://geo-python.github.io/2018/_images/Git_illustration.png
Something went wrong... - https://ohshitgit.com/ - git reflog
- Some hints:
- don't leave comments in the code!
- for command line, use a good command completion!
- you want to have a tree viewer (terminal or GUI)
- many commands can be aborted, like git rebase --abort
- git add again after changing a file
- Excercise: local repo
- git init
- git config --global user/mail
- commit, branch, checkout, rebase, cherry-pick, merge
- https://learngitbranching.js.org/
- Excercise: merge conflict
- create a feature branch
- create a commit
- Exercise:
- clone some open source repository
- Remotes
- Decentralized version control system
- What is a remote?
- http, ssh, filesystem...
- ssh publickeys
- Github
- git != Github
- Alternatives: Gitlab, Bitbucket, your own server, local folder and many more
- Github is your business card!
- Github stars
- Github features:
- Wiki
- Issue tracker
- Warning: Many things are undeletable
- Commits (only by changing Sha1)
- Pull requests
- Issues
- Live demo: pull request xarray: typo most -> must
- xarray/core/alignment.py
- Fix things, rewrite history:
- commit --ammend
- checkout
- reset, reset --hard
- git rebase -i HEAD~7
- reflog
- revert: not!
- https://ohshitgit.com/
- rewriting history?
- commit
- rebase
- cherry-pick
- fetch
- pull
- push
- forced push: rewriting history on the remote
- rewrite history: rebase, git commit --amend
- Golden rule: don't rewrite history after it leaves your machine
- Exception: you know what you are doing and won't regret if it turns out you actually didn't
- Exception: feature branches (or branches you own exclusively)
- Excercise: push to Github
- Clone the workshop repo with --recursive!
- git-game
- run as many commands as possible!
- Exercise:
- create a repository (on github)
- work in it (commit)
- somebody else breaks master (evil commit)
- continue working and rebase your work afterwards!
- Complete Workflow:
- Imagine there are 3-8 developers with an idea
- start sitting together and roughly agree on some goals, (project) names, workflow, review
- folder structure
- no cyclic dependencies
- packages: Make, setup.py
- how does a repository look like?
- https://github.com/numpy/numpy/
- somebody creates one or more repositories and the initial file/folder structure
- split work in tasks, go agile? :)
- different ways:
- every body pushes to master, maybe tags from time to time
- feature branches & pull request, somebody approves and merges
- Build server: e.g. Travis CI
- build packages & run tests (and other tasks?)
- https://travis-ci.org/lumbric/lunchbot/branches
- https://github.com/lumbric/lunchbot
- what could go wrong: nothing!
- publish private data
- Github: issues, wiki are not deletable
- merge conflicts might be complicated and surprising
- start something and end in a weird state (e.g. git rebase)
- --> ohshitgit
- GIT large files
- git lfs
- ...?
What you cannot do with GIT: - large files (Github: 100MB, everything is stored forever) - mixing public and private branches in one repository, cloning repos partially - Jupyter notebooks: nbdime
- Hashes & Refs
- What is Sha1?
- Probability of hash collisions
- Hashes can be shorted
- For many Hashes there are symbolic names, like tags
- --> HEAD
- GIT internals (what is a hash?)
- .git
- config
- objects: files, commits
- git cat -p file COMMIT
- git ls-tree COMMIT
- commmit: da483
- file: 8e8bd5 --> cat 8bd5 | pigz -d
- hashes
- refs
- refs/heads
- Fun with GIT
- cycles in history?
- GIT coin