This project provides a REST API for Odinson, as well as a Python library for easily interacting with this REST API.
Using the REST interface, you can ...
- Validate Odinson documents
- Index Odinson documents
- Delete indexed Odinson documents
- Update indexed Odinson documents
- Search over a collection of Odinson documents
- Retrieve documents and their metadata
The Python library provides an easy way of manipulating Odinson documents from Python.
For details, see the docs.
You can run all project tests with the following command:
sbt test
You can generate API documentation using the following command:
sbt doc
This will generate HTML pages documenting the API:
: target/scala-2.12/api/index.html
We publish releases in the form of multiplatform docker images:
- DockerHub:
The REST API is meant to be run via Docker. Images are built using an SBT task.
We construct our docker images using the sbt native-packager plugin:
sbt dockerize
For information on additional tasks (generating Dockerfiles, publishing images, etc.), see this section of the native-packager
The REST API server can be launched directly using SBT:
sbt web
After building the docker image, launch a container using the following command:
docker run --name="odinson-rest-api" \
-it \
--restart "on-failure" \
-e "HOME=/app" \
-p "" \
Navigate to localhost:9000/api to interactively explore the API through the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
sbt web
For feature requests and bug reports, please open an issue.
Please see CITATION.cff