- Run the command below to set the environment variable
, this will be passed into the Authentication microservice pod when deploying.# Retrieve the default API key generated from the Terraform stage `2-foundation` automatically. KEY_NAME=$(gcloud alpha services api-keys list --filter="displayName='API Key for Identity Platform'" --format="value(name)") export FIREBASE_API_KEY=$(gcloud alpha services api-keys get-key-string ${KEY_NAME} --format="value(keyString)")
This variable will be passed into the GKE pod for Authentication microservice.
Go to GCP console and enable the Identity Platform.
Add an Email/Password provider in Identity Platform page:
Make sure to enable the Email/Password provider as the screenshot below:
Please verify that email/password provider is enabled.
Get the IP address for the GKE ingress endpoint:
IP_ADDRESS=$(gcloud compute addresses describe gke-ingress-ip --global --format='value(address)')
In the source code folder:
pip install -r components/common/requirements.txt
pip install -r components/authentication/requirements.txt
PYTHONPATH=components/common/src/ python components/authentication/scripts/user_tool.py create_user --base-url=$BASE_URL
- You can use the IP address, e.g.
- This will register the user to Identity Platform and a user record in Firestore (in
Once complete, it will show the ID token in the output. E.g.:
User '[email protected]' created successfully. ID Token:
Get the access token for a particular user:
PYTHONPATH=components/common/src/ python components/authentication/scripts/user_tool.py get_token
- This will print out the token in the terminal.
Signed in with existing user '[email protected]'. ID Token: