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File metadata and controls

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Module 1: Streaming ingestion & online feature retrieval with Kafka, Spark, Redis

In this module, we focus on building features for online serving, and keeping them fresh with a combination of batch feature materialization and stream feature ingestion. We'll be roughly working towards the following:

  • Data sources: Kafka + File source
  • Online store: Redis
  • Use case: Predicting churn for drivers in real time.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Install Feast

First, we install Feast with Spark and Postgres and Redis support:

pip install "feast[spark,postgres,redis]"

Step 2: Inspect the data

We've changed the original driver_stats.parquet to include some new fields and aggregations. You can follow along in explore_data.ipynb:

import pandas as pd

The key thing to note is that there are now a miles_driven field and a daily_miles_driven (which is a pre-computed aggregation).

Step 3: Inspect the feature_store.yaml

project: feast_demo_local
provider: local
  registry_type: sql
  path: postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:55001/feast
  type: redis
  connection_string: localhost:6379
  type: file
entity_key_serialization_version: 2

The key thing to note for now is the registry is now swapped for a SQL backed registry (Postgres) and the online store has been configured to be Redis. This is specifically for a single Redis node. If you want to use a Redis cluster, then you'd change this to something like:

project: feast_demo_local
provider: local
  registry_type: sql
  path: postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:55001/feast
  type: redis
  redis_type: redis_cluster
  connection_string: "redis1:6379,redis2:6379,ssl=true,password=my_password"
  type: file
entity_key_serialization_version: 2

Because we use redis-py under the hood, this means Feast also works well with hosted Redis instances like AWS Elasticache (docs).

Step 4: Spin up Kafka + Redis + Feast SQL Registry + Feast services

We then use Docker Compose to spin up the services we need.

  • This leverages a script (in kafka_demo/) that creates a topic, reads from feature_repo/data/driver_stats.parquet, generates newer timestamps, and emits them to the topic.
  • This also deploys an instance of Redis.
  • Note: one big difference between this and the previous module is its choice of using Postgres as the registry. See Using Scalable Registry for details.
  • This also deploys a Feast push server (on port 6567) + a Feast feature server (on port 6566).
    • These servers embed a feature_store.yaml file that enables them to connect to a remote registry. The Dockerfile mostly delegates to calling the feast serve CLI command, which instantiates a Feast python server (docs):
      FROM python:3.8
      RUN pip install "feast[redis,postgres]"
      COPY feature_repo/feature_store.yaml feature_store.yaml
      # Needed to reach online store and registry within Docker network.
      RUN sed -i 's/localhost:6379/redis:6379/g' feature_store.yaml
      RUN sed -i 's/' feature_store.yaml
      CMD ["feast", "serve", "-h", ""]

Start up the Docker daemon and then use Docker Compose to spin up the services as described above:

  • You may need to run sudo docker-compose up if you run into a Docker permission denied error
$ docker-compose up

Creating network "module_1_default" with the default driver
Creating zookeeper ... done
Creating redis     ... done
Creating broker               ... done
Creating feast_feature_server ... done
Creating feast_push_server    ... done
Creating kafka_events         ... done
Creating registry             ... done
Attaching to zookeeper, redis, broker, feast_push_server, feast_feature_server, kafka_events, registry

Step 5: Why register streaming features in Feast?

Relying on streaming features in Feast enables data scientists to increase freshness of the features they rely on, decreasing training / serving skew.

A data scientist may start out their feature engineering in their notebook by directly reading from the batch source (e.g. a table they join in a data warehouse).

But then they hand this over to an engineer to productionize and realize that the model performance is different because pipeline delays lead to stale data being served.

With Feast, at training data generation time, the data scientist can directly depend on a FeatureView with a PushSource, which ensures consistent access to fresh data at serving time, thus resulting in less training / serving skew.

Understanding the PushSource

Let's take a look at an example FeatureView in this repo that uses a PushSource:

from feast import (
driver_stats = FileSource(
    description="A table describing the stats of a driver based on hourly logs",
    owner="[email protected]",
# A push source is useful if you have upstream systems that transform features (e.g. stream processing jobs)
driver_stats_push_source = PushSource(
    name="driver_stats_push_source", batch_source=driver_stats,
driver_daily_features_view = FeatureView(
    schema=[Field(name="daily_miles_driven", dtype=Float32),],
    tags={"production": "True"},
    owner="[email protected]",

Using a PushSource alleviates this. The data scientist by using the driver_daily_features feature view that at serving time, the model will have access to as fresh of a value as possible. Engineers now just need to make sure that any registered PushSources have feature values being regularly pushed to make the feature consistently available.

In the upcoming release, Feast will support the concept of a StreamFeatureView as well, which simplifies the life for the engineer further. This will allow common configuration of streaming sources (e.g. Kafka) and apply transformations (defined by data scientists) so an engineer doesn't need to scan for PushSources and push data into Feast.

Step 6: Materialize batch features & ingest streaming features

We'll switch gears into a Jupyter notebook. This will guide you through:

  • Registering a FeatureView that has a single schema across both a batch source (FileSource) with aggregate features and a stream source (PushSource).
    • Note: Feast also supports directly authoring a StreamFeatureView that contains stream transformations / aggregations (e.g. via Spark, Flink, or Bytewax), but the onus is on you to actually execute those transformations.
  • Materializing feature view values from batch sources to the online store (e.g. Redis).
  • Ingesting feature view values from streaming sources (e.g. window aggregate features from Spark + Kafka)
  • Retrieve features at low latency from Redis through Feast.
  • Working with a Feast push server + feature server to ingest and retrieve features through HTTP endpoints (instead of needing feature_store.yaml and FeatureStore instances)

Run the Jupyter notebook (feature_repo/workshop.ipynb).

A note on Feast feature servers + push servers

The above notebook introduces a way to curl an HTTP endpoint to push or retrieve features from Redis.

The servers by default cache the registry (expiring and reloading every 10 minutes). If you want to customize that time period, you can do so in feature_store.yaml.

Let's look at the feature_store.yaml used in this module (which configures the registry differently than in the previous module):

project: feast_demo_local
provider: local
  path: data/local_registry.db
  cache_ttl_seconds: 5
  type: redis
  connection_string: localhost:6379
  type: file

The registry config maps to constructor arguments for RegistryConfig Pydantic model(reference).

  • In the feature_store.yaml above, note that there is a cache_ttl_seconds of 5. This ensures that every five seconds, the feature server and push server will expire its registry cache. On the following request, it will refresh its registry by pulling from the registry path.
  • Feast adds a convenience wrapper so if you specify just registry: [path], Feast will map that to RegistryConfig(path=[your path]).

Step 7: Scaling up and scheduling materialization

Background: configuring materialization

By default, materialization will pull all the latest feature values for each unique entity into memory, and then write to the online store.

You can speed up / scale this up in different ways:

  • Using a more scalable materialization mechanism (e.g. using the Bytewax or Spark materialization engines)
  • Running materialization jobs on a per feature view basis
  • Running materialization jobs in parallel

To run many parallel materialization jobs, you'll want to use the SQL registry (which is already used in this module). Then you could run multiple materialization jobs in parallel (e.g. using feast materialize [FEATURE_VIEW_NAME] start_time end_time)

Background: scheduling materialization

To ensure fresh features, you'll want to schedule materialization jobs regularly. This can be as simple as having a cron job that calls feast materialize-incremental.

Users may also be interested in integrating with Airflow, in which case you can build a custom Airflow image with the Feast SDK installed, and then use a PythonOperator (with store.materialize).

Step 7a: Setting up Airflow

We setup a standalone version of Airflow to set up the PythonOperator (Airflow now prefers @task for this).

cd airflow_demo; sh

Step 7b: Examine the Airflow DAG

The example dag is going to run on a daily basis and materialize all feature views based on the start and end interval. Note that there is a 1 hr overlap in the start time to account for potential late arriving data in the offline store.

    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
def materialize_dag():
    def materialize(data_interval_start=None, data_interval_end=None):
        repo_config = RepoConfig(
                path="postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:55001/feast",
        store = FeatureStore(config=repo_config)
        # Add 1 hr overlap to account for late data
        # Note: normally, you'll probably have different feature views with different freshness requirements, instead of materializing all feature views every day.
        store.materialize(data_interval_start.subtract(hours=1), data_interval_end)


materialization_dag = materialize_dag()

In this test case, you can also use a single command feast materialize-incremental $(date +%Y-%m-%d) and that will materialize until the current time.

Q: What if different feature views have different freshness requirements?

There's no built in mechanism for this, but you could store this logic in the feature view tags (e.g. a batch_schedule).

Then, you can parse these feature view in your Airflow job. You could for example have one DAG that runs all the daily batch_schedule feature views, and another DAG that runs all feature views with an hourly batch_schedule.

Step 7c: Enable the Airflow DAG

Now go to localhost:8080, use Airflow's auto-generated admin password to login, and toggle on the materialize_dag. It should run one task automatically.

Step 7d (optional): Run a backfill

To run a backfill (i.e. process previous days of the above while letting Airflow manage state), you can do (from the airflow_demo directory):

Warning: This works correctly with the Redis online store because it conditionally writes. This logic has not been implemented for other online stores yet, and so can result in incorrect behavior

export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(pwd)/airflow_home
airflow dags backfill \
    --start-date 2019-11-21 \
    --end-date 2019-11-25 \


By the end of this module, you will have learned how to build streaming features power real time models with Feast. Feast abstracts away the need to think about data modeling in the online store and helps you:

  • maintain fresh features in the online store by
    • ingesting batch features into the online store (via feast materialize or feast materialize-incremental)
    • ingesting streaming features into the online store (e.g. through feature_store.push or a Push server endpoint (/push))
  • serve features (e.g. through feature_store.get_online_features or through feature servers)


How do you synchronize materialized features with pushed features from streaming?

This relies on individual online store implementations. The existing Redis online store implementation for example will check timestamps of incoming events and prefer the latest version.

Doing this event timestamp checking is expensive though and slows down writes. In many cases, this is not preferred. Databases often support storing multiple versions of the same value, so you can leverage that (+ TTLs) to query the most recent version at read time.

Does Feast allow pushing features to the offline store?

Yes! See more details at

Can feature / push servers refresh their registry in response to an event? e.g. after a PR merges and feast apply is run?

Unfortunately, currently the servers don't support this. Feel free to contribute a PR though to enable this! The tricky part here is that Feast would need to keep track of these servers in the registry (or in some other way), which is not the way Feast is currently designed.