Chisel is a library that uses bitmap fonts to sculpt text on any device that can handle pixels.
Add Chisel to your mix.exs deps:
{:chisel, "~> 0.2.0"},
Run mix deps.get
to download the new dependency.
- Take a function to draw pixels...
put_pixel = fn x, y ->
YourDisplay.draw_pixel(x, y, ...)
- Pick a BDF font (Look for one on the Internet or take one from the fixtures folder on this project)
{:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("foo/bar/font.bdf")
- Use Chisel to sculpt the text using the provided function and font
Chisel.Renderer.draw_text("Hello World!", x, y, font, put_pixel)
- Enjoy!
(Thanks to lawik for the picture)
Chisel is a general purpose library that can be used to render text on any target based on pixels (LCD, Led matrixs, image files, ...).
img = :egd.create(200, 50)
color = :egd.color({0, 0, 0})
put_pixel = fn x, y ->
:egd.line(img, {x, y}, {x, y}, color)
{:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("font.bdf")
Chisel.Renderer.draw_text("Hello World!", 0, 0, font, put_pixel), :png), "test.png")
put_pixel = fn x, y, pixels ->
[{x, y} | pixels]
{:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("c64.bdf")
{pixels, _, _} = Chisel.Renderer.reduce_draw_text("Hello World!", 0, 0, font, [], put_pixel)
for y <- 0..10 do
for x <- 0..100 do
if Enum.member?(pixels, {x, y}) do
" "
|> IO.puts()
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Samples using OLED
Using the right font it is even possible to render unicode strings.
Many good BDF fonts are available here on the U8g2 library repo.
Check fonts licenses here.