TODO: AWS Lambda Layers (lambda shared code, i.e. helpers) AWS SQS AWS Puppet AWS Amazon System Manager
- security: learn about this. Add ssh max retry
Learn about the next concepts and considerate to add them to the server structure if it generates a benefit without cost.
- CloudWatch
- Cognito
- Shield
- Pipeline CI/CD (CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy)
- IaC: CloudFormation (Configuration Orchestration)
- CCA: Cheff (Configuration Management)
- Dockerization
- Server Side Rendering
- Purge CSS and Javascript
- HTTP Caching in Client Side
- Allow gzip and bzip compression methods
- HTTP Caching in Client Side
- Allow gzip and bzip compression methods
- Admin service
- Responsive design
- Maskable icons
- Test in old PC
- Structured data: RDFa, JSON-D, Microdata, GoodRelations, vCard, hCard
- rel profile attribute for referring to author of website
- Whatsapp sms, call button for mobiles
- ARIA labels (with role attribute)
- Search for beauty and lightweight javascript libraries