AS a user of the Belle app
I WANT to see the date, weather, a customizable task list, and random movie generator
SO THAT I can plan my day
WHEN I visit the Belle website
- THEN I am presented with a user interface including the data, a weather section, hourly task list, and random movie picker
WHEN I load the page
- THEN I am presented with the present date
WHEN I enter a city in the search box of the weather section
- THEN I am presented with the current weather conditions, current temperature, expected high temperature, humidity, and wind speed
WHEN I add tasks to the hourly task section
- THEN I have the option to save all tasks using the save button
WHEN I click on the "Random Trending Movie" button in the Movie section
- THEN I am presented with a modal displaying a movie title and image
WHEN I refresh the page
- THEN my previous actions are still there, including my weather search and saved tasks
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