TDD 연습 프로젝트(Junit/Assertj) 1. Test Double 2. Divide Test Cases 3. Divide Hard to Test 4. TDD - Test Driven Development 5. Write Display Name in detail 6. Positive, Negative, Boundary Test 7. DataJpa Test, Springboot Test 8. Persistent Layer, Business Layer, Presentation Layer Test 9. Mockito Stubbing, InjectMock, Fixture 10. BDD Test 11. Mock vs Spy 12. BDDMockito 13. Parameterized Test 14. Dynamic Test 15. Integrate Test Environment for repository/service/controller 16. Learning Test for Guava 17. REST docs with Asciidoctor plugin Result All Tests Test Report Integrate Test Environment Integrated Test Result(Only Run Server Twice) Build after RestDocs(localhost:8080/docs/index.html)