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Final version of the GAN-AE algorithm provided together with the scripts used for the LHC Olympics 2020 challenge.
Information about the LHC Olympics 2020 challenge can be found here :

The code used to download and preprocess the data can be found here :


Setting environment

We recommend to use work in a virtual environent using venv.
Command line example :

python3 -m venv  .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirement.txt

Preparing the data

Please refer to the instruction given here for modre details.
The following command lines correspond to a clustering in 2 large jets.
Command lines for the RnD dataset :

./ cluster RnD -D ./data_raw/ --out_dir ./data/ --out_prefix RnD_2j --njets 2
./ cluster RnD_3_prong -D ./data_raw/ --out_dir ./data/ --out_prefix RnD2_2j --njets 2

Command lines for the Black-Box dataset :

./ cluster BBOX1 -K -D ./data_raw/ --out_dir ./data/ --out_prefix BBOX1_2j --njets 2
./ cluster BBOX2 -D ./data_raw/ --out_dir ./data/ --out_prefix BBOX2_2j --njets 2
./ cluster BBOX3 -K -D ./data_raw/ --out_dir ./data/ --out_prefix BBOX3_2j --njets 2

The number of required large jets can be changed to 3 using the --njets argument.

Train and apply a GAN-AE model

You can use the example script and
The hyperparameter of the GAN-AE can be set using a configuration file like the one provided in the config directory.
The parameter of BumpHunter can also be set using a configuration file. The files under selection/ provide a list of variables to use for the traning of the GAN-AE model.

Command line to train a new GAN-AE model on RnD dataset :

python3 --model myModel --selec dijet_all_new2.txt --config gae_new_big.txt --input RnD_2j

Command line to appy the example GAN-AE model (under models/) to Black-Box dataset :

python3 --model BB1_2j_new_big3_2 --selec dijet_all_new2.txt --config default_BH2.txt --percent 99 --njets 2

For more information on the command line arguments, please refer to the header of the example scripts.

The GAN_AE class

Here we describe briefly all the methods, hyperparameters and results stored in the GAN_AE class.


  • scale_data : Apply MinMax scaler to data (and also quantile transformer if required).
  • restore_data : Invert the transformation performed by the scale_data method.
  • build : Build the Neural Network architecture and return them as a tensorflow.keras model.
  • train : Train the GAN-AE model according to the set hyperparameters.
  • apply : Apply the GAN-AE model to a test dataset and produce all required plots (latent space, ROC curves, ...).
  • save : Save the trained model under the models/ directory.
    The save files contains the hyperparameters, the optimized weights and the loss functions.
  • load : Load the hyperparameter, weights and loss of a saved model.
  • plot : Plot all terms of the loss funtions evaluated at the end of each training cycle.


Hyperparameter description Hyperparameter description
input_dim Input size Ncycle Number of training cycles
hidden_dim List of AE's hidden hidden sizes NGAN Number of AE epochs per cycle
latent_dim Latent space size ND Number of D epochs per cycle
dis_dim List of discriminant hidden sizes batch_size Number of events per batch
epsilon Reconstruction error weight in loss function pretrain_AE Unable pretraining of AE
alpha DisCo weight in loss function pretrain_dis Unable pretraining of discriminant
use_quantile Unable quantile transformer


  • AE_weights : List with the weight tensors and bias vectors of the AE.
  • dis_weights : List with the weight tensors and bias vectors of the discriminant.
  • loss : Python directory containing the evolution of all the terms of the loss functions.
  • distance : the distance distributions obtained from the test sest.
  • auc : The AUC obtainedfrom the test set (only if truth labels are given).

The variables AE_weights, dis_weights and loss are automatically set when calling the train method.
The variables distance and auc are automatically set when calling the test method.

Content of this repository Code implementing the GAN_AE class Script used to train a GAN-AE model on any dataset of the LHC Olympics 2020 challenge Script used to apply a GAN-AE model to the Black-Box dataset
config/ Directory containing the configuration files for GAN-AE and pyBumpHunter
selection/ Directory containing the feature selection files
models/ Trained GAN-AE models used to produce results for the LHC Olympics 2020 challenge