This is a collection of research and review papers of Computational Advertising. The sharing principle of these references here is for research and learning.
If any authors do not want their paper to be listed here, please feel free to contact tulongf.You are more than welcome to update this list! If you find more about computional advertise techniques or review which is not listed here, please fork this repository, add it and merge back;or email tulongf([email protected])
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这是一个关于计算广告、程序化广告的资源收藏夹,主要用于研究学习的目的。如果下文中提到的人、论文或者其他信息,引起了您的不愉快,请联系我的邮箱[email protected]
(6)随机过程Hyperlink: Stochastic Process MIT View the complete course: Discrete Stochastic Processes
(3)Stanford – Introduction to Computational Advertising
(4)秒针系统2013人大计算广告学 RUC DB-IIR
(5)Stanford-CS 276 / LING 286: Information Retrieval and Web Search
(6)Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(7)UC Santa Cruz: ISM 293: Introduction to Computational Advertising
(8)UC Santa Cruz: Machine Learning for Computational Advertising
(9) 454 - Advanced Internet Systems
(10)Computational Advertising (2014 Fall)-华东师范大学/周敏奇
(11)Statistical Learning (统计学习)Spring 2013 -北京大学/Jinzhu Jia and Yuan Yao
- Mining link
- Click Modeling in Search Advertising: Challenges & Solutions
- Machine Learning for Computational Advertising
- 上交,Weinan ZHANG / weibo
- 清华大学-靳晓明
- Yahoo! Research-Andrei Broder
- Yahoo! Research-Vanja Josifovski
- Ram Akella
- [Jun Wang] (
- 哈尔滨工业大学-张海军
- [Yahoo! Labs] (
- google Adense adwords、admob
- 36大数据
- 机器学习日报
- 互联最精彩的发现-简报-传送门
- IT瘾-全网热链
- 统计之都
- 我爱公开课-国内哪些高校老师在机器学习数据挖掘方面做的不错?
- 我爱机器学习
- 我爱自然语言处理
- 百度关键词搜索推荐系统maker
- 火光摇曳-计算广告学
- 刘鹏 老师的 计算广告学课程/人民大学的计算广告学讲义
- 机器学习相关材料
- 机器学习资源
- 计算传播网 / github-link
- 计算广告学漫谈
- PM看看-张国鹏Roc
- adexchanger广告技术流
- RTB China 中国实时竞价广告资讯网
- 牛国柱-互联网精准广告定向技术
- 中国程序化购买广告解析:RTB/DSP/Ad Exchange/SSP/DMP
- 程序化广告实战分享系列 - 程序化广告入门
- 百度在清华开设的《计算广告学》的课程知识脉络
- 360首席架构师刘鹏谈互联网变现与计算广告-2015/10/13
- 计算广告学-RoadMap by ZhouYong/
- 机器学习算法常用指标总结
- 机器学习入门资源不完全汇总
- july-程序员面试、算法研究、编程艺术、红黑树、数据挖掘5大系列集锦
- 数据科学
- 互联网广告与计算广告学入门
- [100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning] (
- [Index of Computational Advertising ] (
- [Koala++'s blog] (
- [] (
- Facebook计算广告学因果推断的论文
- 计算广告小窥(上)
- 计算广告小窥[下]
- iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
- [Yahoo! Labs ] (
- Yahoo dataset
- awesome-datascience data-sets
- Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996)
- Data Analysis
- RecSys
- Advertising
[1] ADKDD 2014 Best paper Chen, Bowei, Yuan, Shuai, Wang, Jun. A Dynamic Pricing Model for Unifying Programmatic Guarantee and Real-Time Bidding in Display Advertising[C]// Eighth International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising. ACM, 2014. (展示广告主要有两种销售方式,竞价拍卖RTB、合同定制,这篇文章提出一种数学模型拟合两种方式对比结果。)
[2] ADKDD 2013 Best paper Real-time Bidding for Online Advertising: Measurement and Analysis. (综述性文章,实时竞价策略,CTR/CVR优化策略)
[3] Yahoo! Labs Amer-Yahia S, Roy S B, Chawlat A, et al. Group recommendation: semantics and efficiency[J]. Proceedings of the Vldb Endowment, 2009, 2(1):754-765. (主要解决群体推荐的分歧问题,有一部分人喜欢xx、但另外一部分人不喜欢xx,文章提出一个语义化的方法去计算user-item相关性)