root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_opencog/MeTTa/metta-vspace# metta 6-Learn-Flybase-Full.metta
Version-Space Init: /mnt/ffff/metta-vspace/metta_vspace/
Init took 0.00046641 seconds
% init_phase(after_load).
%~ call_in_thread('user:wdmsg(call_in_thread)',user,wdmsg(call_in_thread))
%~ call_in_thread.
%~ call_in_thread
%~ /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_agi/prolog/kaggle_arc/
%~ 'removed check:list_undefined and list_void_declarations use: ?- real_list_undefined([]),real_list_void_declarations. '.
; Total Atoms (Atomspace size): ........................................................... 0
; ConceptNodes: ..................................................................... 0
; Random samples: ................................................................... 0
; Total Memory Used: ....................................................... 10,805,152
; Runtime (days:hh:mm:ss): ................................................. 0:00:00:18
(load_flybase tsv "./data/" "./data/" fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(track_load_into_file "./data/")
; ## FlyBase expanded current gene product report
; ## Generated: Mon Jul 24 23:20:13 2023
; ## Using datasource: fb_2023_04_reporting
; ##
; ## organism gene_type gene_ID gene_symbol gene_fullname annotation_ID transcript_type transcript_ID transcript_symbol polypeptide_ID polypeptide_symbol
(load_fb_data (1 FBgn FBtr FBpp) "./data/" inf fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded )
newData(10)=(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000015 Abd-B "Abdominal B" CG11648 mRNA FBtr0083381 Abd-B-RC FBpp0082823 Abd-B-PC)
newData(11)=(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000015 Abd-B "Abdominal B" CG11648 mRNA FBtr0083382 Abd-B-RA FBpp0082824 Abd-B-PA)
newData(12)=(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000015 Abd-B "Abdominal B" CG11648 mRNA FBtr0083383 Abd-B-RD FBpp0082825 Abd-B-PD)
newData(13)=(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000015 Abd-B "Abdominal B" CG11648 mRNA FBtr0083384 Abd-B-RB FBpp0082826 Abd-B-PB)
; Total Atoms (Atomspace size): .................................................. 43,151,849
; ConceptNodes: ............................................................ 10,757,900
; Random samples: ............................................................... 3,039
; Total Memory Used: ............................................................ 9.17G
; Runtime (days:hh:mm:ss): ................................................. 0:00:40:42
metta +>
Commands ending with period "." are sent to PySwip ; We only using them to show statistics
metta +> print_loaded_from_files.
(loaded_from_file 22_220_267 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 5_580_890 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 2_928_712 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 2_639_866 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 2_262_949 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 1_316_133 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 1_001_255 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 722_571 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 519_823 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 384_207 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 363_453 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 288_469 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 251_228 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 250_923 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 250_923 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 245_830 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 223_056 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 212_011 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 174_894 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 147_155 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 144_465 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 99_296 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 57_987 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 51_248 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 50_401 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 38_591 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 35_733 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 35_733 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 35_107 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 32_530 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 32_143 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 26_751 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 22_467 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/so.obo')
(loaded_from_file 22_453 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 22_015 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/so-simple.obo')
(loaded_from_file 21_982 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 21_580 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 20_322 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 17_902 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 17_748 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 13_986 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 13_986 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 13_746 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 13_398 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 12_497 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 12_095 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 11_223 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 10_959 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 8_883 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 5_034 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 3_970 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 2_903 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/subsets/SOFA.obo')
(loaded_from_file 1_813 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 1_713 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 1_627 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/subsets/biosapiens.obo')
(loaded_from_file 1_092 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 994 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 750 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 601 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 545 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 464 './data/')
(loaded_from_file 420 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/subsets/DBVAR.obo')
(loaded_from_file 348 './data/SO-Ontologies/Ontology_Files/subsets/Alliance_of_Genome_Resources.obo')
(loaded_from_file 0 './data/')
Table sizes
metta +> print_est_sizes.
(est_size_loaded 22_220_267 dataset_metadata/4)
(est_size_loaded 5_580_889 entity_publication/4)
(est_size_loaded 2_928_712 gene_rpkm_report/12)
(est_size_loaded 2_262_949 pmid_fbgn_uniprot/5)
(est_size_loaded 1_316_132 fbgn_NAseq_Uniprot/9)
(est_size_loaded 1_001_254 synonym/6)
(est_size_loaded 722_570 cDNA_clone/6)
(est_size_loaded 388_184 obo_name/2)
(est_size_loaded 384_206 genotype_phenotype/7)
(est_size_loaded 367_008 obo_is_a/2)
(est_size_loaded 363_453 allele_genetic_interactions/4)
(est_size_loaded 288_469 fbal_to_fbgn/4)
(est_size_loaded 261_097 obo_id_type/2)
(est_size_loaded 245_829 gene_map_table/6)
(est_size_loaded 223_056 dmel_paralogs/11)
(est_size_loaded 212_010 insertion_mapping/7)
(est_size_loaded 192_302 obo_subset/2)
(est_size_loaded 174_894 fbgn_gleanr/4)
(est_size_loaded 154_442 obo_formula/2)
(est_size_loaded 152_978 obo_charge/2)
(est_size_loaded 152_160 obo_mass/2)
(est_size_loaded 152_123 obo_monoisotopicmass/2)
(est_size_loaded 150_843 obo_smiles/2)
(est_size_loaded 147_155 stocks/7)
(est_size_loaded 141_498 obo_inchikey/2)
(est_size_loaded 141_498 obo_inchi/2)
(est_size_loaded 99_294 fbrf_pmid_pmcid_doi/7)
(est_size_loaded 96_045 obo_synonym/5)
(est_size_loaded 57_986 organism_list/6)
(est_size_loaded 51_248 physical_interactions_mitab/42)
(est_size_loaded 50_401 genomic_clone/4)
(est_size_loaded 49_424 obo_namespace/2)
(est_size_loaded 42_877 obo_has_role/2)
(est_size_loaded 38_591 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations/4)
(est_size_loaded 35_732 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded/11)
(est_size_loaded 35_732 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp/3)
(est_size_loaded 35_107 dmel_human_orthologs_disease/8)
(est_size_loaded 32_530 fbgn_uniprot/4)
(est_size_loaded 32_143 best_gene_summary/4)
(est_size_loaded 27_827 obo_receives_synaptic_input_in_region/3)
(est_size_loaded 27_370 automated_gene_summaries/3)
(est_size_loaded 26_750 disease_model_annotations/12)
(est_size_loaded 24_767 obo_alt_id/2)
(est_size_loaded 22_453 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms/4)
(est_size_loaded 20_392 obo_sends_synaptic_output_to_region/3)
(est_size_loaded 20_322 gene_genetic_interactions/6)
(est_size_loaded 18_661 obo_comment/2)
(est_size_loaded 18_615 obo_has_functional_parent/2)
(est_size_loaded 17_901 fbgn_annotation_ID/6)
(est_size_loaded 17_748 gene_rpkm_matrix/170)
(est_size_loaded 14_558 obo_part_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 13_986 gene_snapshots/5)
(est_size_loaded 13_985 gp_information/10)
(est_size_loaded 13_746 fbgn_exons2affy2_overlaps/2)
(est_size_loaded 13_216 transposon_sequence_set/62)
(est_size_loaded 12_497 fbgn_exons2affy1_overlaps/2)
(est_size_loaded 10_958 gene_group/7)
(est_size_loaded 8_995 obo_is_obsolete/2)
(est_size_loaded 8_405 obo_is_conjugate_base_of/2)
(est_size_loaded 8_405 obo_is_conjugate_acid_of/2)
(est_size_loaded 5_680 obo_has_synaptic_IO_in/3)
(est_size_loaded 5_034 'genome-cyto-seq'/3)
(est_size_loaded 4_198 obo_created_by/2)
(est_size_loaded 4_196 obo_creation_date/2)
(est_size_loaded 3_969 'Dmel_enzyme'/11)
(est_size_loaded 3_120 obo_regulates/3)
(est_size_loaded 2_880 obo_consider/2)
(est_size_loaded 2_724 obo_is_enantiomer_of/2)
(est_size_loaded 2_704 obo_negatively_regulates/3)
(est_size_loaded 2_692 obo_positively_regulates/3)
(est_size_loaded 2_126 obo_has_soma_location/3)
(est_size_loaded 1_951 obo_overlaps/3)
(est_size_loaded 1_874 obo_is_tautomer_of/2)
(est_size_loaded 1_759 obo_has_parent_hydride/2)
(est_size_loaded 1_744 obo_develops_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 1_711 gene_groups_HGNC/4)
(est_size_loaded 1_422 obo_replaced_by/2)
(est_size_loaded 1_283 obo_is_substituent_group_from/2)
(est_size_loaded 1_149 obo_sends_synaptic_output_to_cell/3)
(est_size_loaded 993 pathway_group/7)
(est_size_loaded 738 obo_receives_synaptic_input_from_neuron/3)
(est_size_loaded 706 obo_fasciculates_with/3)
(est_size_loaded 601 'cyto-genetic-seq'/4)
(est_size_loaded 572 obo_has_sensory_dendrite_in/3)
(est_size_loaded 526 obo_continuous_with/3)
(est_size_loaded 495 obo_has_quality/3)
(est_size_loaded 464 obo_has_part/3)
(est_size_loaded 464 gene_functional_complementation/5)
(est_size_loaded 311 obo_synapsed_via_type_Ib_bouton_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 287 obo_innervates/3)
(est_size_loaded 239 obo_immediately_preceded_by/3)
(est_size_loaded 233 obo_intersection_of/4)
(est_size_loaded 229 obo_has_fasciculating_neuron_projection/3)
(est_size_loaded 215 obo_derives_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 200 obo_synapsed_via_type_II_bouton_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 186 obo_receives_synaptic_input_throughout/3)
(est_size_loaded 185 obo_substage_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 153 obo_def/4)
(est_size_loaded 148 obo_synapsed_via_type_Is_bouton_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 126 obo_attached_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 124 obo_subsetdef/3)
(est_size_loaded 92 obo_disjoint_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 90 obo_has_origin/3)
(est_size_loaded 89 obo_receives_input_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 74 obo_sends_synaptic_output_throughout/3)
(est_size_loaded 74 obo_is_transitive/2)
(est_size_loaded 68 obo_develops_into/3)
(est_size_loaded 34 obo_remark/2)
(est_size_loaded 31 obo_is_symmetric/2)
(est_size_loaded 30 obo_electrically_synapsed_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 24 obo_synonymtypedef/4)
(est_size_loaded 23 obo_develops_directly_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 21 obo_transcribed_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 20 obo_attached_to_part_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 19 obo_adjacent_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 18 obo_pathname/2)
(est_size_loaded 18 'obo_format-version'/2)
(est_size_loaded 18 obo_directory/2)
(est_size_loaded 18 obo_basename/2)
(est_size_loaded 17 obo_innervated_by/3)
(est_size_loaded 16 obo_non_functional_homolog_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 14 obo_synapsed_via_type_III_bouton_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 14 obo_ontology/2)
(est_size_loaded 13 'obo_default-namespace'/2)
(est_size_loaded 12 obo_date/2)
(est_size_loaded 12 'obo_data-version'/2)
(est_size_loaded 11 obo_member_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 11 obo_has_synaptic_IO_throughout/3)
(est_size_loaded 10 'obo_saved-by'/2)
(est_size_loaded 10 obo_is_cyclic/2)
(est_size_loaded 9 obo_variant_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 9 obo_transitive_over/3)
(est_size_loaded 9 obo_holds_over_chain/2)
(est_size_loaded 9 obo_contains/3)
(est_size_loaded 8 obo_composed_primarily_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 7 obo_inverse_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 6 obo_conditionality/3)
(est_size_loaded 6 'obo_auto-generated-by'/2)
(est_size_loaded 4 obo_xref_analog/2)
(est_size_loaded 4 'obo_OBI:9991118'/2)
(est_size_loaded 3 obo_xref/4)
(est_size_loaded 3 obo_transcribed_from/3)
(est_size_loaded 3 obo_guided_by/3)
(est_size_loaded 3 obo_develops_from_part_of/3)
(est_size_loaded 3 obo_RO/4)
(est_size_loaded 2 obo_property_value/3)
(est_size_loaded 2 obo_connected_to/3)
(est_size_loaded 1 pathname/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 'obo_owl:versionInfo'/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 'obo_namespace-id-rule'/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 obo_is_metadata_tag/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 obo_is_inverse_functional/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 obo_is_functional/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 obo_is_class_level/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 id_type/2)
(est_size_loaded 1 directory/2)
Inspect develops_into
metta +> listing(develops_into).
:- dynamic develops_into/3.
develops_into('FBbt00001247', 'FBbt00047857', 'larval brain neuropil glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00001311', 'FBbt00047856', 'larval neuropil glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00001313', 'FBbt00047840', 'embryonic/larval astrocyte-like glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00001328', 'FBbt00051073', 'embryonic/larval PNS subperineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00001330', 'FBbt00051073', 'embryonic/larval PNS subperineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00051422', 'FBbt00047194', 'larval Basin neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00051426', 'FBbt00051425', 'larval chordotonal neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00051447', 'FBbt00007507', 'adult ellipsoid body R-neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00051451', 'FBbt00047047', 'adult tubercle-bulb neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00051454', 'FBbt00003637', 'adult ellipsoid body-protocerebral bridge-gall neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052257', 'FBbt00003731', 'T4 neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052258', 'FBbt00003736', 'T5 neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052259', 'FBbt00003737', 'T5a neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052260', 'FBbt00003738', 'T5b neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052261', 'FBbt00003739', 'T5c neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052262', 'FBbt00003740', 'T5d neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052263', 'FBbt00003732', 'T4a neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052264', 'FBbt00003733', 'T4b neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052265', 'FBbt00003734', 'T4c neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052266', 'FBbt00003735', 'T4d neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052305', 'FBbt00003768', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm1').
develops_into('FBbt00052306', 'FBbt00110135', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm10').
develops_into('FBbt00052307', 'FBbt00111272', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm11').
develops_into('FBbt00052308', 'FBbt00111273', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm12').
develops_into('FBbt00052309', 'FBbt00003769', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm2').
develops_into('FBbt00052310', 'FBbt00003770', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm3').
develops_into('FBbt00052311', 'FBbt00052303', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm3a').
develops_into('FBbt00052312', 'FBbt00052304', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm3b').
develops_into('FBbt00052313', 'FBbt00003771', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm4').
develops_into('FBbt00052314', 'FBbt00013774', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm8').
develops_into('FBbt00052315', 'FBbt00111271', 'distal medullary amacrine neuron Dm9').
develops_into('FBbt00052316', 'FBbt00003746', 'lamina intrinsic neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052317', 'FBbt00003776', 'medullary intrinsic neuron Mi1').
develops_into('FBbt00052318', 'FBbt00111285', 'medullary intrinsic neuron Mi15').
develops_into('FBbt00052319', 'FBbt00003779', 'medullary intrinsic neuron Mi4').
develops_into('FBbt00052320', 'FBbt00003784', 'medullary intrinsic neuron Mi9').
develops_into('FBbt00052321', 'FBbt00003833', 'proximal medullary amacrine neuron Pm1').
develops_into('FBbt00052322', 'FBbt00003835', 'proximal medullary amacrine neuron Pm2').
develops_into('FBbt00052323', 'FBbt00111282', 'proximal medullary amacrine neuron Pm4').
develops_into('FBbt00052324', 'FBbt00003727', 'columnar neuron T1').
develops_into('FBbt00052325', 'FBbt00003789', 'transmedullary neuron Tm1').
develops_into('FBbt00052326', 'FBbt00003790', 'transmedullary neuron Tm2').
develops_into('FBbt00052327', 'FBbt00003808', 'transmedullary neuron Tm20').
develops_into('FBbt00052328', 'FBbt00049916', 'transmedullary neuron Tm29').
develops_into('FBbt00052329', 'FBbt00003791', 'transmedullary neuron Tm3a').
develops_into('FBbt00052330', 'FBbt00003792', 'transmedullary neuron Tm4').
develops_into('FBbt00052331', 'FBbt00110073', 'transmedullary neuron Tm5b').
develops_into('FBbt00052332', 'FBbt00110074', 'transmedullary neuron Tm5c').
develops_into('FBbt00052333', 'FBbt00003797', 'transmedullary neuron Tm9').
develops_into('FBbt00052334', 'FBbt00058233', 'transmedullary neuron Tm9a').
develops_into('FBbt00052335', 'FBbt00058234', 'transmedullary neuron Tm9b').
develops_into('FBbt00052336', 'FBbt00111286', 'transmedullary Y neuron TmY14').
develops_into('FBbt00052337', 'FBbt00003820', 'transmedullary Y neuron TmY3').
develops_into('FBbt00052338', 'FBbt00003821', 'transmedullary Y neuron TmY4').
develops_into('FBbt00052339', 'FBbt00003823', 'transmedullary Y neuron TmY5a').
develops_into('FBbt00052340', 'FBbt00003826', 'transmedullary Y neuron TmY8').
develops_into('FBbt00052343', 'FBbt00005899', 'adult dorsal cluster neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052347', 'FBbt00052350', 'pupal late CCAP neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052348', 'FBbt00111334', 'pupal A8-A9 late CCAP neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052349', 'FBbt00052352', 'pupal A5-A7 late CCAP neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00052566', 'FBbt00002019', 'larval abdominal lch5 neuron').
develops_into('FBbt00110105', 'FBbt00100511', 'embryonic/larval PNS perineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110106', 'FBbt00051073', 'embryonic/larval PNS subperineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110108', 'FBbt00110171', 'embryonic/larval wrapping glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110109', 'FBbt00100511', 'embryonic/larval PNS perineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110110', 'FBbt00051073', 'embryonic/larval PNS subperineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110111', 'FBbt00100511', 'embryonic/larval PNS perineurial glial cell').
develops_into('FBbt00110112', 'FBbt00110171', 'embryonic/larval wrapping glial cell').
find ./data/ \( -name "*.tsv" -or -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.fb" \) -exec python metta_vspace/ \;
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBal0137236"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBcl0000001") (3 "UUGC0315"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBcl0297251") (3 "BACR13J02"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ()) ; Could not parse file.
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBgn0031081") (2 "Nep3"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (3 "a-PA"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "7SLRNA:CR32864") (3 "FBgn0000003") (5 "CR32864"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "7SLRNA:CR32864") (3 "FBgn0000003") (5 "CR32864"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (8 "FBtr0081624") (9 "7SLRNA:CR32864-RA"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (2 "FBtr0081624"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (2 "snRNA:4.5S") (3 "FBgn0000001"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBgn0031081") (2 "Nep3"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBgn0052532") (2 "CG32532"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (14 "flybase:FBrf0218395-7641.DPiM"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "1A"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "21B2") (2 "98620") (3 "134010"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBrf0026179") (2 "37280885"))
(unique-columns "./data/" ())
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBst"))
(unique-columns "./data/" (1 "FBal0000001"))
metta +> !(mine-overlaps)
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 protein_coding_gene))
(ConceptMapFn gene_type 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn so_term_name 3 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG6741))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0071763))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0071677))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0071764))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0071678))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0100521))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0099961))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0342981))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0309745))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 a-PD))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG10325))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083387))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082828))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A-PA))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083388))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082829))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A-PB))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0300485))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0289712))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0306337))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0297433))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG11648))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083381))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082823))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083382))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082824))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B-PA))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083383))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082825))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083384))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0082826))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B-PB))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0083385))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0089276))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330709))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303552))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B-PF))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0346764))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0312359))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B-PG))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0415463))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0373669))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B-PH))
(ConceptMapFn identical_protein 4 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0415464))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0373670))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0415465))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0373671))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG4032))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0075357))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0075116))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PA))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0112790))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0111702))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PB))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330130))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303163))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PC))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330131))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303164))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PD))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330132))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303165))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PE))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330133))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303166))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PF))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330134))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303167))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PG))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330135))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303168))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PH))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0330136))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0303169))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PI))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0345369))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0311523))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl-PJ))
(ConceptMapFn identical_protein 4 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG6093))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0080168))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0079757))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo-PA))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3796))
(ConceptMapFn FBan 5 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn annotation_ID 6 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBtr0070072))
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBtr 8 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBpp0070071))
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBpp 10 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac-PA))
(ConceptMapFn polypeptide_symbol 11 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn representative_protein 3 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0035438))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 6 gene_group)
(ConceptMapFn ID_Interactor_B 2 physical_interactions_mitab)))
(mine_overlaps1 Gtpx))
(ConceptMapFn Alias_Interactor_B 6 physical_interactions_mitab)
(ConceptMapFn Group_member_FB_gene_symbol 7 gene_group)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0035438))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 6 gene_group)
(ConceptMapFn ID_Interactor_A 1 physical_interactions_mitab)))
(mine_overlaps1 Gtpx))
(ConceptMapFn Alias_Interactor_A 5 physical_interactions_mitab)
(ConceptMapFn Group_member_FB_gene_symbol 7 gene_group)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 7SLRNA:CR32864))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000003))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 pnt))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 4 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn Interacting_gene_symbol 3 gene_genetic_interactions)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0003118))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 4 gene_genetic_interactions)))
(mine_overlaps1 park))
(ConceptMapFn Interacting_gene_symbol 3 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 8 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0041100))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 4 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 7 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dronc))
(ConceptMapFn Interacting_gene_symbol 3 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 8 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0026404))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 4 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 7 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dronc))
(ConceptMapFn Starting_gene_symbol 1 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 8 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0026404))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 2 gene_genetic_interactions)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 7 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0031086))
(ConceptMapFn Dmel_gene 1 dmel_human_orthologs_disease)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)))
(mine_overlaps1 fd19B))
(ConceptMapFn Dmel_gene_symbol 2 dmel_human_orthologs_disease)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0004167))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn Item_ID 3 dataset_metadata)))
(mine_overlaps1 kst))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 4 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn Item_Name 4 dataset_metadata)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0020278))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 6 dmel_paralogs)))
(mine_overlaps1 loco))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 4 fbal_to_fbgn)
(ConceptMapFn Paralog_GeneSymbol 7 dmel_paralogs)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abd-B))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Abl))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abo))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Ace))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000024))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 acj6))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000028))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Acph-1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000032))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRalpha1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000036))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 mAChR-A))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000037))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 nAChRbeta1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000038))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000015))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000017))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000018))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Act88F))
(ConceptMapFn Dmel_gene_symbol 1 gene_functional_complementation)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000047))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 2 gene_functional_complementation)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0052826))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 tRNA:Pro-CGG-1-1))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0031085))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG9570))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 protein_coding_gene))
(ConceptMapFn gene_type 2 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn gene_type 4 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 protein_coding_gene))
(ConceptMapFn gene_type 4 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn so_term_name 3 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0062565))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 Or19b))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0041626))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 Or19a))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0031086))
(ConceptMapFn Dmel_gene 1 dmel_human_orthologs_disease)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0031086))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 fd19B))
(ConceptMapFn Dmel_gene_symbol 2 dmel_human_orthologs_disease)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 fd19B))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0031082))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 lky))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0053217))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG33217))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0052350))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 Vps11))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0024733))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 RpL10))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0040372))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 G9a))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 G9a))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_fullname 3 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000316))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 cin))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0024989))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3777))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0040371))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG12470))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0029521))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 Or1a))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0004034))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000022))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 4 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn FB_gene_symbol 2 dmel_unique_protein_isoforms)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ac))
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 1 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 achaete))
(ConceptMapFn gene_fullname 3 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn gene_fullname 5 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0004170))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 sc))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0002561))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 l(1)sc))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000137))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 ase))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0029522))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG13373))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0052817))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG32817))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0029524))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3176))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0023536))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3156))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0023535))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 arg))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0023537))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG17896))
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000003))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 2 gene_rpkm_report)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000003))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 2 gene_rpkm_report)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 3 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 7SLRNA:CR32864))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 3 gene_rpkm_report)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 7SLRNA:CR32864))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 3 gene_rpkm_report)
(ConceptMapFn current_symbol 2 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000063))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_E2-16hr))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000064))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_E2-16hr100))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000065))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_L3i))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000066))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_L3i100))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000067))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_P3d))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000070))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_P))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000072))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 BCM_1_A17d))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000091))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_em10-12hr))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000092))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_em12-14hr))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000098))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_L1))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000100))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_L3_12hr))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000101))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_L3_PS1-2))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000103))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_L3_PS7-9))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000275))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_D32_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000278))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_D9_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000279))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_S1_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000280))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_S2R+_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000281))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_Sg4_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000282))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_OSS_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000283))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_OSC_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000284))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_fGS_cells))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003619))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Brain))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003620))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Crop))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003621))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Carcass))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003622))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Eye))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003623))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_FatBody))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003625))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Hindgut))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003626))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Midgut))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003627))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_Ovary))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003629))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_SalivaryGland))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003630))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Female_ThoracicoAbdominalGanglion))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003635))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Male_Brain))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003636))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Male_Crop))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0003637))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 RNA-Seq_Profile_FlyAtlas2_Adult_Male_Carcass))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBlc0000107))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_ID 1 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn FBlc 6 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 mE_mRNA_P8))
(ConceptMapFn Dataset_Metadata_Name 2 dataset_metadata)
(ConceptMapFn RNASource_name 7 gene_rpkm_report)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0023536))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 best_gene_summary)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_snapshots)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0023536))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_rpkm_matrix)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 gene_snapshots)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3156))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 gene_snapshots)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_Symbol 2 best_gene_summary)))
(mine_overlaps1 CG3156))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 gene_snapshots)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 gene_rpkm_matrix)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0025638))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 6 pathway_group)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 7 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 Roc1a))
(ConceptMapFn Group_member_FB_gene_symbol 7 pathway_group)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 8 Dmel_enzyme)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000008))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn gene_primary_id 1 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 FBgn0000014))
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 disease_model_annotations)
(ConceptMapFn FBgn 1 dmel_paralogs)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn gene_symbol 2 dmel_gene_sequence_ontology_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 abd-A))
(ConceptMapFn GeneSymbol 2 dmel_paralogs)
(ConceptMapFn Gene_symbol 2 disease_model_annotations)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism 1 fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 1 gene_map_table)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 cDNA_clone)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 genomic_clone)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 fbgn_annotation_ID)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
(mine_overlaps1 Dmel))
(ConceptMapFn name 4 stocks)
(ConceptMapFn organism_abbreviation 2 synonym)))
% 712,966 inferences, 0.165 CPU in 0.208 seconds (80% CPU, 4309769 Lips)
metta +> !(try-overlaps)
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBtr0071763 FBpp0309745 FBpp0071677 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBtr0071763 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBpp0071677 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $O $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $M1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $M1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $X1 $Y1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $M1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $M1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_snapshots $M1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_snapshots $M1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $P $Y $Z $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $F1 $B1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 CA807794 58C1-58C5 ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBcl0000002 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= CA807794 ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= ESG01_cDNA ESG019c.E21_E07)
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(cDNA_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBcl0297252 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 AC105774 BACR08O05 58C1-58C5 protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(genomic_clone $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= concepts
(FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745 FBgn0000008 FBal0000002 arc mRNA a-RD a-PD Dmel 2-98 CG6741 58C1-58C5 α-Spec[2] protein_coding_gene 2R:22136968..22172834(1)))
(= FBtr0342981 arc)
(= FBpp0309745 arc)
(= FBgn0000008 arc)
(= FBal0000002 alpha-Spec[2])
(= arc "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(= mRNA arc)
(= a-RD arc)
(= a-PD arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= 2-98 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= CG6741 arc)
(= 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(gene_map_table $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(synonym $J1 $E1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $E1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(disease_model_annotations $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(dmel_paralogs $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(gene_map_table $O1 $P1 $E1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_map_table $H1 $I1 $E1 $J1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0342981 FBpp0309745)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $Q $A1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $B1 $C1 $A1 $D1)
(best_gene_summary $E1 $C1 $F1 $G1)
(gene_snapshots $E1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $C1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $N1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(disease_model_annotations $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $N1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(dmel_paralogs $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $C1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_snapshots $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(best_gene_summary $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $Z $A1 $Y $B1)
(best_gene_summary $C1 $A1 $D1 $E1)
(gene_snapshots $C1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(best_gene_summary $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $N1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $N1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $X1 $Y1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $N1 $S1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $N1 $S1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $Q1 $R1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $Q1 $R1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" 20190307 "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_snapshots $N1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_snapshots $N1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $O1 $K1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(cDNA_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(genomic_clone $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(gene_map_table $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(synonym $S1 $N1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $N1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $N1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $X1 $Y1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(dmel_paralogs $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $N1 $S1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $N1 $S1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $Q1 $R1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $N1 $Q1 $R1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" 20190307 "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_snapshots $N1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $A1 $B1 $C1 $P $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $K1 $L1 $J1 $M1)
(best_gene_summary $N1 $L1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_snapshots $N1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(cDNA_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(genomic_clone $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(synonym $R1 $M1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $M1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(gene_map_table $X1 $Y1 $M1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $X1 $Y1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $X1 $Y1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $M1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $M1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $M1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_snapshots $M1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $P $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_snapshots $M1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $F1 $S1 $T1 $U1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $F1 $S1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031086 FBtr0070032 FBpp0070031)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $Q1 $R1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $Q1 $R1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0031086 fd19B X 20091428..20092408 -1 FBgn0004896 fd59A 2R 22868159..22870706 1 7)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0062565 Or19b UniProtKB "Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0062565 Or19b "Odorant receptor 19b" CG32825 mRNA FBtr0070003 Or19b-RA FBpp0070002 Or19b-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0062565 Or19b Or19b-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0062565 Or19b X 20094398..20095767 1 FBgn0041626 Or19a X 20141819..20143188 -1 8)
(gene_map_table Dmel Or19b FBgn0062565 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20094398..20095767(1))))
(= english
("Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)" "Odorant receptor 19b"))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $F1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $F1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0062565 Or19b UniProtKB "Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0062565 Or19b "Odorant receptor 19b" CG32825 mRNA FBtr0070003 Or19b-RA FBpp0070002 Or19b-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0062565 Or19b Or19b-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0062565 Or19b X 20094398..20095767 1 FBgn0041626 Or19a X 20141819..20143188 -1 8)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0062565 FBtr0070003 FBpp0070002)))
(= english
("Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)" "Odorant receptor 19b"))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $P1 $Q1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_map_table $I1 $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_map_table $I1 $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031085 FBtr0070002 FBpp0070001)))
(= concepts
("Is expressed in adult head." FBtr0070002 FBpp0070001 FBgn0031085 mRNA Dmel CG9570 Alliance CG9570-RA CG9570-PA protein_coding_gene))
(= "Is expressed in adult head." Alliance)
(= FBgn0031085 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(= mRNA arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= CG9570 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(= Alliance "Predicted to enable CCG codon-amino acid adaptor activity. Predicted to be involved in translation. Predicted to be located in cytosol.")
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $I1 $J1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $I1 $J1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0031085 CG9570 - () "Contributions welcome.")))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." "Contributions welcome."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_snapshots $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $O $U $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_snapshots $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $G1 $C1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(cDNA_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(genomic_clone $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(gene_map_table $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1)
(synonym $K1 $F1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $F1 $S1 $T1 $U1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(gene_map_table $Q1 $R1 $F1 $S1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031086 FBtr0070032 FBpp0070031)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $Q1 $R1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $Q1 $R1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0031086 fd19B X 20091428..20092408 -1 FBgn0004896 fd59A 2R 22868159..22870706 1 7)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(disease_model_annotations $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0062565 Or19b UniProtKB "Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0062565 Or19b "Odorant receptor 19b" CG32825 mRNA FBtr0070003 Or19b-RA FBpp0070002 Or19b-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0062565 Or19b Or19b-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0062565 Or19b X 20094398..20095767 1 FBgn0041626 Or19a X 20141819..20143188 -1 8)
(gene_map_table Dmel Or19b FBgn0062565 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20094398..20095767(1))))
(= english
("Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)" "Odorant receptor 19b"))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $F1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(gene_map_table $P1 $Q1 $F1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0062565 Or19b UniProtKB "Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0062565 Or19b "Odorant receptor 19b" CG32825 mRNA FBtr0070003 Or19b-RA FBpp0070002 Or19b-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0062565 Or19b Or19b-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0062565 Or19b X 20094398..20095767 1 FBgn0041626 Or19a X 20141819..20143188 -1 8)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0062565 FBtr0070003 FBpp0070002)))
(= english
("Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)" "Odorant receptor 19b"))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $P1 $Q1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(dmel_paralogs $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_map_table $I1 $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_map_table $I1 $J1 $F1 $K1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031085 FBtr0070002 FBpp0070001)))
(= concepts
("Is expressed in adult head." FBtr0070002 FBpp0070001 FBgn0031085 mRNA Dmel CG9570 Alliance CG9570-RA CG9570-PA protein_coding_gene))
(= "Is expressed in adult head." Alliance)
(= FBgn0031085 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(= mRNA arc)
(= Dmel arc)
(= CG9570 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(= Alliance "Predicted to enable CCG codon-amino acid adaptor activity. Predicted to be involved in translation. Predicted to be located in cytosol.")
(= protein_coding_gene arc)
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $I1 $J1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $F1 $I1 $J1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0031085 CG9570 - () "Contributions welcome.")))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." "Contributions welcome."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_snapshots $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $S $T $U $P $V $W $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $C1 $D1 $B1 $E1)
(best_gene_summary $F1 $D1 $G1 $H1)
(gene_snapshots $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(disease_model_annotations $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(disease_model_annotations $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(dmel_paralogs $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(dmel_paralogs $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(best_gene_summary $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O $P $Q)
(gene_map_table $R $S $O $T $U $V)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $W $X $Y $S $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $G1 $H1 $F1 $I1)
(best_gene_summary $J1 $H1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(disease_model_annotations $R1 $P1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(disease_model_annotations $R1 $P1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(best_gene_summary $R1 $P1 $S1 $T1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(best_gene_summary $R1 $P1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_paralogs $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $O $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $O1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(disease_model_annotations $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $S1 $T1))
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(disease_model_annotations $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(disease_model_annotations $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(dmel_paralogs $H1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(disease_model_annotations $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1)
(dmel_paralogs $H1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000008 a 2R 22136968..22172834 1 FBgn0029830 Grip X 5966279..5986699 1 1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)))
(= english
(5966279..5986699 22136968..22172834))
!(match &flybase
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(dmel_paralogs $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $R1 $S1))
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(dmel_paralogs $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000008 FBtr0071763 FBpp0071677)))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(best_gene_summary $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $K1 $L1))
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(best_gene_summary $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((gene_map_table Dmel a FBgn0000008 2-98 58C1-58C5 2R:22136968..22172834(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000008 a arc CG6741 mRNA FBtr0342981 a-RD FBpp0309745 a-PD)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000008 a a-PD ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000008 a "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")
(gene_snapshots FBgn0000008 a arc 20190912 "arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development.")))
(= english
("arc (a) encodes a protein involved in eye development." "FlyBase Gene Snapshot"))
!(match &flybase
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(best_gene_summary $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1)
(gene_snapshots $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1))
(gene_map_table $O $P $Q $R $S $T)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $U $V $W $P $X $Y $Z $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $E1 $F1 $D1 $G1)
(best_gene_summary $H1 $F1 $I1 $J1)
(gene_snapshots $H1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0000014 abd-A 3R 16807214..16830049 -1 FBgn0030058 CG11294 X 8691820..8693620 -1 2)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 8691820..8693620))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(dmel_paralogs $S1 $Q1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(dmel_paralogs $S1 $Q1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1 $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $A2 $B2)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(best_gene_summary FBgn0000014 abd-A "FlyBase Gene Snapshot" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments.")))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" "abdominal A (abd-A) encodes a homeobox-containing transcription factor component of the bithorax complex. It contributes to the developmental fate of embryonic segments."))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(best_gene_summary $S1 $Q1 $T1 $U1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(best_gene_summary $S1 $Q1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((disease_model_annotations FBgn0000014 abd-A () ameliorates DOID:1319 "brain cancer" FBal0346203 abd-A[UAS.Tag:HA] () () "modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" FBrf0253491)
(gene_map_table Dmel abd-A FBgn0000014 3-59 89E2-89E2 3R:16807214..16830049(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0000014 abd-A "abdominal A" CG10325 mRNA FBtr0083387 abd-A-RA FBpp0082828 abd-A-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0000014 abd-A abd-A-PA "abd-A-PC,abd-A-PD")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0000014 FBtr0083387 FBpp0082828)))
(= english
("modeled by FLYBASE:pros[JF02308]; FB:FBal0220677" 3R:16807214..16830049(-1)))
!(match &flybase
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $P1 $S1 $T1))
(disease_model_annotations $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z)
(gene_map_table $A1 $B1 $O $C1 $D1 $E1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $F1 $G1 $H1 $B1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $P1 $Q1 $O1 $R1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $P1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(disease_model_annotations $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(disease_model_annotations $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0062565 Or19b UniProtKB "Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)")
(gene_map_table Dmel Or19b FBgn0062565 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20094398..20095767(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0062565 Or19b "Odorant receptor 19b" CG32825 mRNA FBtr0070003 Or19b-RA FBpp0070002 Or19b-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0062565 Or19b Or19b-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0062565 Or19b X 20094398..20095767 1 FBgn0041626 Or19a X 20141819..20143188 -1 8)))
(= english
("Odorant receptor which mediates acceptance or avoidance behavior, depending on its substrates. The odorant receptor repertoire encodes a large collection of odor stimuli that vary widely in identity, intensity, and duration. May form a complex with Orco to form odorant-sensing units, providing sensitive and prolonged odorant signaling and calcium permeability (By similarity). (UniProtKB:Q8IRZ5)" "Odorant receptor 19b"))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(dmel_paralogs $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(dmel_paralogs $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(best_gene_summary $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(best_gene_summary $K1 $I1 $L1 $M1)))
(= grounded
((best_gene_summary FBgn0031085 CG9570 Alliance "Is expressed in adult head.")
(gene_map_table Dmel CG9570 FBgn0031085 1-64 19A6-19A6 X:20051294..20052519(1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031085 CG9570 () CG9570 mRNA FBtr0070002 CG9570-RA FBpp0070001 CG9570-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031085 CG9570 CG9570-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031085 FBtr0070002 FBpp0070001)))
(= english
("Is expressed in adult head." X:20051294..20052519(1)))
!(match &flybase
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $K1 $L1))
(best_gene_summary $O $P $Q $R)
(gene_map_table $S $T $O $U $V $W)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $X $Y $Z $T $A1 $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $H1 $I1 $G1 $J1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $H1 $K1 $L1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0031086 fd19B X 20091428..20092408 -1 FBgn0004896 fd59A 2R 22868159..22870706 1 7)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(dmel_paralogs $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(dmel_paralogs $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031086 FBtr0070032 FBpp0070031)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $J1 $M1 $N1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $J1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(cDNA_clone $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(cDNA_clone $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(genomic_clone $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(genomic_clone $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(synonym $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $O $W $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $B1 $W $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(gene_map_table $J1 $K1 $B1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(synonym $O1 $J1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $J1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(disease_model_annotations FBgn0031086 fd19B () "model of" DOID:1206 "Rett syndrome" () () HGNC:3811 FOXG1 IEA FBrf0241599)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(disease_model_annotations $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1 $W1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(dmel_paralogs FBgn0031086 fd19B X 20091428..20092408 -1 FBgn0004896 fd59A 2R 22868159..22870706 1 7)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(dmel_paralogs $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(dmel_paralogs $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1 $T1 $U1 $V1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(best_gene_summary $M1 $K1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp FBgn0031086 FBtr0070032 FBpp0070031)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $J1 $M1 $N1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1 $E1 $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $J1 $K1 $I1 $L1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp $J1 $M1 $N1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(cDNA_clone $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(cDNA_clone $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $O1 $P1 $N1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(genomic_clone $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(genomic_clone $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(synonym $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(gene_map_table $Z $A1 $W $B1 $C1 $D1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $E1 $F1 $G1 $A1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1 $M1 $N1)
(synonym $O1 $E1 $P1 $Q1 $R1 $S1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(cDNA_clone FBcl0000002 Dmel ESG019c.E21_E07 ESG01_cDNA () CA807794)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(cDNA_clone $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(cDNA_clone $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(gene_map_table Dmel 5SrRNA FBgn0000002 2-[90] 56F1-56F2 ())))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $C1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $C1 $M1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(gene_map_table Dmel fd19B FBgn0031086 1-64 19B1-19B1 X:20091428..20092408(-1))))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $E1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(gene_map_table $M1 $N1 $E1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(genomic_clone FBcl0297252 Dmel BACR08O05 AC105774)))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(genomic_clone $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(genomic_clone $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1)))
(= grounded
((dmel_human_orthologs_disease FBgn0031086 fd19B HGNC:3735 OMIM:602939 FOXS1 5 () ())
(best_gene_summary FBgn0031086 fd19B Alliance "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1).")
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms FBgn0031086 fd19B fd19B-PA ())
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded Dmel protein_coding_gene FBgn0031086 fd19B "forkhead domain 19B" CG9571 mRNA FBtr0070032 fd19B-RA FBpp0070031 fd19B-PA)
(synonym FBal0000002 Dmel α-Spec[2] () () ())))
(= english
("forkhead domain 19B" "Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in anatomical structure morphogenesis; cell differentiation; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior ectoderm anlage; anterior endoderm anlage; and head mesoderm anlage. Orthologous to human FOXI3 (forkhead box I3); FOXJ2 (forkhead box J2); and FOXS1 (forkhead box S1)."))
!(match &flybase
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(synonym $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1))
(dmel_human_orthologs_disease $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V)
(best_gene_summary $W $P $X $Y)
(dmel_unique_protein_isoforms $W $Z $A1 $B1)
(fbgn_fbtr_fbpp_expanded $C1 $D1 $E1 $Z $F1 $G1 $H1 $I1 $J1 $K1 $L1)
(synonym $M1 $C1 $N1 $O1 $P1 $Q1)))
937381148 total
248392754 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_relationship.tsv
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98464502 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featureloc.tsv
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39950320 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.dbxref.tsv
27923222 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_feature.tsv
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7474186 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_synonym.tsv
6554428 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.synonym.tsv
5578281 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_pub.tsv
5341101 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featureprop_pub.tsv
4865119 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_relationship_pub.tsv
2813406 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_interactionprop.tsv
2464356 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_cvterm.tsv
1950808 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_cvtermprop.tsv
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888211 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.pubprop.tsv
734871 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featureloc_pub.tsv
688735 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.pubauthor.tsv
518570 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype_synonym.tsv
495849 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype.tsv
491539 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_pubprop.tsv
466210 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.phenstatement.tsv
413339 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.pub_dbxref.tsv
382055 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype_dbxref.tsv
351943 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.phendesc.tsv
277993 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.phenotype_comparison_cvterm.tsv
254299 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_expressionprop.tsv
252545 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.phenotype_comparison.tsv
251929 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/
242345 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.pub_relationship.tsv
227407 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_expression.tsv
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209165 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_cvterm.tsv
195001 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cvtermsynonym.tsv
180312 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expression_cvterm.tsv
167583 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.update_track.tsv
150402 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_relationshipprop_pub.tsv
149856 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.stockcollection_stock.tsv
149856 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.stock.tsv
149836 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.stock_genotype.tsv
146847 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interactionprop.tsv
122005 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_group.tsv
119612 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_interaction_pub.tsv
112785 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_pub.tsv
112782 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction.tsv
101688 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_group_feature_interaction.tsv
96406 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_grpmember_pub.tsv
94766 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cvterm.tsv
79467 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expression_cvtermprop.tsv
74874 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interactionprop_pub.tsv
73829 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_interaction.tsv
57145 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.organism.tsv
48731 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealthprop.tsv
41076 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_grpmember.tsv
36961 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expression.tsv
23566 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_cvterm.tsv
23484 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_cvtermprop.tsv
21252 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cvtermprop.tsv
19798 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.libraryprop.tsv
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16618 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_dbxrefprop.tsv
16530 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_expressionprop.tsv
16319 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_pub.tsv
15401 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_synonym.tsv
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13219 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_cell_line.tsv
10721 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_pub.tsv
9871 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_relationship.tsv
9852 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealthprop_pub.tsv
9559 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_dbxref.tsv
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6720 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_pub.tsv
6658 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_relationship.tsv
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5991 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_synonym.tsv
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5784 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strainprop_pub.tsv
5770 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library.tsv
5544 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_cvterm.tsv
5445 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_synonym.tsv
5278 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_expression.tsv
5188 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grpprop.tsv
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4451 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_expressionprop.tsv
4416 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grpprop_pub.tsv
4320 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.stock_cvterm.tsv
3833 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_dbxrefprop.tsv
3830 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grpmemberprop.tsv
3778 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype_cvterm.tsv
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2642 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_dbxref.tsv
2264 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_relationship.tsv
2221 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_relationship_pub.tsv
2094 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_pub.tsv
2011 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_relationship_pub.tsv
1940 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_cvtermprop.tsv
1940 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_cvterm.tsv
1815 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp.tsv
1778 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_dbxref.tsv
1777 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain.tsv
1740 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.organism_dbxref.tsv
1644 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_humanhealth_dbxref.tsv
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1541 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_cvterm.tsv
1516 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth.tsv
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1292 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_lineprop.tsv
1216 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_dbxref.tsv
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732 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.organismprop_pub.tsv
715 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_cvterm.tsv
519 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.db.tsv
436 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_relationship_pub.tsv
436 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_relationship.tsv
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140 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.strain_feature.tsv
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97 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_pubprop.tsv
74 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_cvtermprop.tsv
72 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/
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1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.organism_cvterm.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_humanhealthprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_humanhealth.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.library_grpmember.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.interaction_cvtermprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_phenotypeprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.humanhealth_phenotype.tsv
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1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_relationshipprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.grp_pubprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotypeprop_pub.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotypeprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype_pub.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.genotype_cvtermprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featurerange.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featurepos.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featuremap_pub.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.featuremap.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_phenotype.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.feature_cvterm_dbxref.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expressionprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expression_pub.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.expression_image.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.eimage.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cvtermpath.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_strainprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.cell_line_strain.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.audit_chado.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.analysisprop.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.analysisgrpmember.tsv
1 ../../data/tsv_exports/public/public.analysisgrp.tsv
root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_opencog/MeTTa/vspace-metta# find ./data/ -name "*.metta" -exec wc -l {} +
net-index.html releases/
root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_opencog/MeTTa/vspace-metta# find ./data/ -name "*.metta" -exec wc -l {} +
363508 ./data/
288516 ./data/
384284 ./data/
722631 ./data/
50446 ./data/
32581 ./data/
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2263006 ./data/
250952 ./data/
32192 ./data/
212341 ./data/
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12724 ./data/
13861 ./data/
35823 ./data/
35777 ./data/
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523 ./data/
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1768 ./data/
11035 ./data/
245890 ./data/
18790 ./data/
2928815 ./data/
14039 ./data/
20019 ./data/
1070 ./data/
51559 ./data/
14319284 ./data/
133864 ./data/
26857 ./data/
20027 ./data/
212088 ./data/
647 ./data/
920 ./data/
5069 ./data/
22220320 ./data/
2969310 ./data/
156401 ./data/
10332 ./data/
627 ./data/
261221 ./data/
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1371 ./data/
12711 ./data/
24629 ./data/
24793 ./data/
35186 ./data/
223151 ./data/
5580946 ./data/
99362 ./data/
58060 ./data/
162444 ./data/
1001318 ./data/
13417 ./data/
1007 ./data/
57738360 total