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File metadata and controls

358 lines (261 loc) · 10.5 KB


The original example projects / prototypical applications that have been referenced in the publications have moved to separate repositories:

Update: 1. uses processing 2.1 now 2. all components can now be treated with Style, this works as all reakt properties can be looked up at runtime and properly matched to the Style description

      val slider = new Slider

      slider use Style(
        "fillColor" := Color.WHITE,
        "strokeColor":= Color.TEAL - Alpha(20)
      canvas += slider
3. tweening & transitions; tweens are more generic animations, can be connected to any reakt signal;
    easings are also supported (lifted from Ani); start&stop&reset is done via the respective properties
            val otherEasing = QuartInOut()
            val tween = Tween(3f, LoopRepetitions(1))
            slider.globalPosition <~>>Interpolation(y, rect.globalPosition(), Vec3d(100,100,100)))(x))
            tween.start <~ button.pressed
   tweens and transitions can be sequenced
    val tween = Tween(2.0f, LoopRepetitions(1))
           val tween2 = Tween(...)

           tween before tween2 before tween // sequential composition, results in a loop
    Transitions are more high-level and can be also chained
            val transition = Vector3DTransition(slider2.globalPosition, Vec3d(0,0), Vec3d(400,400), 4f)

How to build:

###First,you need:
A running jdk install and sbt (

###Second, dependencies: all dependencies are included in the supplied libraries directory, the only part of the framework missing is reakt (, you have to build reakt first.

  1. check out reakt from github

    git clone

  2. build it

    sbt compile

  3. publish it on your system, so it is packaged for UltraCom

    sbt publish-local

###Finally: There is not much more to do:

  1. check out UltraCom from github:

    git clone

  2. build it

    sbt compile

  3. publish it (so you can build the examples)

    sbt publish-local

Example Projects

In examples/ are small project files, you can build/execute them by running sbt compile/run in the corresponding directory

API Examples and a little bit more about the concept

###General API This lenghty example is taken from examples/tutorial_one and shows how the API looks like and how it can be used Note: Settings, such as the application name, display properties, etc are set in Settings.txt

class TutorialOneScene(app: Application, name: String) extends Scene(app,name) {

	// Show touches


		- component creation
		- changing properties

	// Create two UI components ...
	var textField = TextArea();
	var slider = Slider(0,100);

	// ^^ this can also be done java style using plain mt4j
	var textField2 = new MTTextArea(app)
	var slider2 = new MTSlider(app,100,100,100,20,0,100);

	//Adding the textarea reakt style to canvas
	canvas += textField;

	//Adding slider to canvas, original java style

	//Adding arrays as children to an object (could be canvas), could be single object, too
	textField += textField2++slider2

	//Removing a child
	textField -= textField2

	// Setting position ... java style from original MT4J
	textField.setPositionGlobal(new Vector3D(app.width / 2f, app.height / 2f));

	// same, but reakt style (makes use of properties, see below)
	textField.globalPosition := Vec3d(app.width / 2f, app.height / 2f);

	// setting and reading Properties
	textField.text() ="foo"
	val foo = textField.text();
	slider.globalPosition() = Vec3d(100,200);

		other component properties are
		- global and relative position
		- rotation
		- padding ...


		Linking/Connecting event streams

		Some examples about making use of event streams
		- linking
		- modifying
		- general observing

		NOTE: All event streams are thread-save! so no worries about cross-connecting UI/Network/Input streams :)


	// Connect a slider to a textarea (show slider values)
	// - every time the slider outputs a value, it is updating the text field
	// - the type conversion of Float to String is done automatically (mostly works in simple cases)
	textField.text <~ slider.value + ""

	// convert the Float event stream to a Rotation and a Vector Event stream
	textField.localRotation <~{ x => Rotation(degreeX = x*0.4f) })
	textField.globalPosition <~{ x => Vec3d(x*10f,x*10f,0) })

	// convert the Float event stream to a Color event stream
	textField.strokeColor <~{ x => Color(0f,x,255f-x) })
	// 						              ^^ this and the examples before create other anonymous signals,
	// 										 we can't simply disconnect them explictly
	// so the only solution is to disconnect all sources (from strokeColor in this case)

	// but we can also use a variable for the intermediate signal, so connecting/disconnecting can be done this way
	val intermediateSignal ={ x => Color(0f,x,255f-x) })
	textField.strokeColor <~ intermediateSignal
	// or with an overloaded operator
	textField.strokeColor |~ (intermediateSignal)

	// reconnect...
	textField.strokeColor <~ intermediateSignal

	/* <b>Other signal operators are:</b>
	   ~> 				: connect; works to successively concatenate signals as well!
	   signal() = value : push value into signal
	   :> merge         : merge two signals to one - creates tuple signal

	   +, - , /, * 		- creates a signal that contains the result of two signals' arithmetic operation

	   min, max 		- creates signal containing the min/max of two signals

	   comparisons 		- creates a boolean signal
	   < , > , <= , >=, eq

	   binop(fun: (T,T) => T) - roll your binary op

		(little) Finite State Machine and Buttons

		An utterly useless example
	val button = Button("Some text...");
	val slider3= Slider(0,20)

	button.globalPosition() = Vec3d(100,300)
	slider3.globalPosition() = Vec3d(100,500)

	canvas += button

	// just for fun: create a sequence of lines with a random start point
	val r = new Random()
	def rval(): Float = { (r.nextFloat()*600)%300}

	val lines = (1 to 25).map({x =>
		val l = Line()
		l.startPosition() = Vec3d(rval()*2,rval()*2,rval())
		l.setStrokeColor( Color(rval(),rval(),rval()) )
		// connect the end position of each line to the (position of the) textfield
		l.endPosition <~ textField.globalPosition

	val myFSM = new StateMachine { // Derive & define a StateMachine

		fsm {
			// S - is used to define the start state MyStart - the "'" is used by scala to denote symbols

			// define the state MyStart
			'MyStart is {
				println("I am in state MyStart")

				button.text() = "Trigger me!"

				// tell the state to react on input,
				// this can use the usual pattern matching, e.g. tuples, types,...
				react {

					// do something if true is received:
					// transition to state ShowMoreUI, before that
					// show all lines, we created before
					case true => {
						// add sequence (array) to the canvas
						canvas += lines
						->('UseMoreUI) // with UTF symbol: →('ShowMoreUI)

			'UseMoreUI is {
				println("I am in state UseMoreUI")
				button.text() = "Use sliders?"

				canvas += slider3

				react {
					case true => {
						canvas -= lines ++ slider3

					case x:Float => {
						slider.fillColor() = Color(x,0,0)

					case x:String => {
						textField.text() = x+" use button to go back"


	// push the various UI outputs to the state machine and let it decide how to react
	button.pressed.observe({ x => myFSM.consume(x); true })
	slider.value.observe({ x => myFSM.consume(x); true })
	slider3.value.observe({ x => myFSM.consume("Some val "+x); true })
}   ```

	//Define a synthesizer (using ScalaCollider)
	val mySynthDef = SynthDef("mySynth"){

		// simple synthesizer parameters, oscillator frequency, modulator frequency, coupling
		// these can be lateron controlled, .kr for controlrate
		val oscFreq = "oscfreq".kr(440)
		val modFreq = "modfreq".kr(440)
		val coupling= "coupling".kr(0.0)

		// use a repeating envelope to create a rhythmic effect
		// the impulse (2Hz = 120 BPM) triggers the envelope
		val imp =;
		val envelope =, 0.6, 1.0, curveShape(-4)),imp );

		// the modulator has a fixed frequency, the amplitude of the modulator is scaled
		// by the envelope and the amount of coupling
		val modulation =*coupling*envelope

		val signal = + modulation)

		// this function is called to make sure the produced audio signal lands
		// on the supercollider output, it also ensures, that the audio signal is
		// fed back to UltraCom (low sampling rate = 10Hz) for UI updates!
		// if you leave it out, you can still use the synth, just make sure you
		// put the output on an audio bus; you won't get the audio feedback to
		// UltraCom though!
		AudioServer attach signal

	// graphical controls
	val couplingSlider = Slider(0,1000.0f)
	val freqmodEllipse = Ellipse(25f,25f)
	freqmodEllipse.fillColor() = Color(255,0,0)

	// ui feedback
	val scope = Scope(10,100,600,150)

	canvas += couplingSlider++freqmodEllipse++scope

	// The audio is running in a different process, so before we
	// can use the audio server we have to wait until it booted.
	// The function given as startargument is executed once the server did this.
		//create an actual instance of the synthesizer defined before
		val mySynth =

		// to update the parameters of a synth, send tuples
		// these muse be formated as ("parametername", value); the shorthand writing is "parametername"->value
		mySynth.parameters <~ { x => ( "oscfreq" -> x ) }

		freqmodEllipse.globalPosition.observe {
			pos =>{ mySynth.parameters() = ("modfreq" -> pos.x);
					mySynth.parameters() = ("coupling" -> 5*pos.y);
					true }

		// plot the output
		scope.plot <~ mySynth.amplitude

		// faster update, to see more of the waveform
	}) ```