- admin rights
- git/zip file
- python >=3.8
- pip >=20.0
The following steps will set up DART as a local application running under localhost:<PORT>
Assumptions: DART root directory is /DART (this can be any path you choose, but just make sure to replace this path with yours if it is different).
Might need python3 instead of python depending on the system.
Open a terminal and navigate to
cd /
Use the git clone command to download the repo
$> git clone https://<PATH_TO_THE_REPO>/dart.git
if using a zip just unzip the content in the desired location
From the /DART root directory create a virtual directory by running
$> python -m venv .dart-env
To activate the virtual environment
Bash Windows
$> source /DART/.dart-env/Scripts/activate
Bash Linux
$> source /DART/.dart-env/bin/activate
VS Code terminal
vscode press ctrl+shft+p
Search for Python: Select Interpreter
Select the correct venv (.dart-env)
Open new terminal
Verify that the environment is running
$> which python
Should return the location to python inside the .dart-env folder: /DART/.dart-env/Scripts/python
Run the command
$> pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: if you run into an issue downloading the packages add the --proxy and/or --trusted-host parameters
Run database setup script. This script will generate or apply any missing migrations to the database.
$> python manage.py setup-db
Run the command
$> python manage.py runserver<PORT>
Run the command
- Localhost:<PORT>
- LAN:
With the exception of the following files / locations, replace all DART files (copy and pasting the whole folder should be fine)
Run the following command
$> python manage.py migrate
Restart the application