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File metadata and controls

485 lines (434 loc) · 25.9 KB


1.3.0 - February 28, 2016

This version implements several new features and includes two major breaking changes.

Please take note of the following breaking changes:

  1. There is no longer a Length aggregation. The more obvious :class:`.Count` is now used instead.
  2. Agate's replacements for Python's CSV reader and writer have been moved to the agate.csv namespace. To use as a drop-in replacement: from agate import csv.

The major new features in this release are primarly related to transforming (reshaping) tables. They are:

  1. :meth:`.Table.normalize` for converting columns to rows.
  2. :meth:`.Table.denormalize` for converting rows to columns.
  3. :meth:`.Table.pivot` for generating "crosstabs".
  4. :meth:`.Table.homogenize` for filling gaps in data series.

Please see the following complete list of changes for a variety of other bug fixes and improvements.

1.2.2 - February 5, 2016

This release adds several minor features. The only breaking change is that default column names will now be lowercase instead of uppercase. If you depended on these names in your scripts you will need to update them accordingly.

  • :class:`.TypeTester` no longer takes a locale argument. Use types instead.
  • :class:`.TypeTester` now takes a types argument that is a list of possible types to test. (#461)
  • Null conversion can now be disabled for :class:`.Text` by passing cast_nulls=False. (#460)
  • Default column names are now lowercase letters instead of uppercase. (#464)
  • :meth:`.Table.merge` can now merge tables with different columns or columns in a different order. (#465)
  • :meth:`.MappedSequence.get` will no longer raise KeyError if a default is not provided. (#467)
  • :class:`.Number` can now test/cast the long type on Python 2.

1.2.1 - February 5, 2016

This release implements several new features and bug fixes. There are no significant breaking changes.

Special thanks to Neil Bedi for his extensive contributions to this release.

1.2.0 - January 18, 2016

This version introduces one breaking change, which is only relevant if you are using custom :class:`.Computation` subclasses.

  1. :class:`.Computation` has been modified so that :meth:`` takes a :class:`.Table` instance as its argument, rather than a single row. It must return a sequence of values to use for a new column. In addition, the :meth:`.Computation._prepare` method has been renamed to :meth:`.Computation.validate` to more accurately describe it's function. These changes were made to facilitate computing moving averages, streaks and other values that require data for the full column.

1.1.0 - November 4, 2015

This version of agate introduces three major changes.

  1. :class:`.Table`, :meth:`.Table.from_csv` and :meth:`.TableSet.from_csv` now all take column_names and column_types as separate arguments instead of as a sequence of tuples. This was done to enable more flexible type inference and to streamline the API.
  2. The interfaces for :meth:`.TableSet.aggregate` and :meth:`.Table.compute` have been changed. In both cases the new column name now comes first. Aggregations have also been modified so that the input column name is an argument to the aggregation class, rather than a third element in the tuple.
  3. This version drops support for Python 2.6. Testing and bug-fixing for this version was taking substantial time with no evidence that anyone was actually using it. Also, multiple dependencies claim to not support 2.6, even though agate's tests were passing.

1.0.1 - October 29, 2015

  • TypeTester now takes a "limit" arg that restricts how many rows it tests. (#332)
  • Table.from_csv now supports CSVs with neither headers nor manual column names.
  • Tables can now be created with automatically generated column names. (#331)
  • File handles passed to Table.to_csv are now left open. (#330)
  • Added Table.print_csv method. (#307, #339)
  • Fixed stripping currency symbols when casting Numbers from strings. (#333)
  • Fixed two major join issues. (#336)

1.0.0 - October 22, 2015

  • Table.from_csv now defaults to TypeTester() if column_info is not provided. (#324)
  • New tutorial section: "Navigating table data" (#315)
  • 100% test coverage reached. (#312)
  • NullCalculationError is now a warning instead of an error. (#311)
  • TableSet is now a subclass of MappedSequence.
  • Rows and Columns are now subclasses of MappedSequence.
  • Add Column.values_without_nulls_sorted().
  • Column.get_data_without_nulls() is now Column.values_without_nulls().
  • Column.get_data_sorted() is now Column.values_sorted().
  • Column.get_data() is now Column.values().
  • Columns can now be sliced.
  • Columns can now be indexed by row name. (#301)
  • Added support for Python 3.5.
  • Row objects can now be sliced. (#303)
  • Replaced RowSequence and ColumnSequence with MappedSequence.
  • Replace RowDoesNotExistError with KeyError.
  • Replaced ColumnDoesNotExistError with IndexError.
  • Removed unnecessary custom RowIterator, ColumnIterator and CellIterator.
  • Performance improvements for Table "forks". (where, limit, etc)
  • TableSet keys are now converted to row names during aggregation. (#291)
  • Removed fancy __repr__ implementations. Use __str__ instead. (#290)
  • Rows can now be accessed by name as well as index. (#282)
  • Added row_names argument to Table constructor. (#282)
  • Removed Row.table and Row.index properties. (#287)
  • Columns can now be accessed by index as well as name. (#281)
  • Added column name and type validation to Table constructor. (#285)
  • Table now supports variable-length rows during construction. (#39)
  • aggregations.Summary implemented for generic aggregations. (#181)
  • Fix TableSet.key_type being lost after proxying Table methods. (#278)
  • Massive performance increases for joins. (#277)
  • Added join benchmark. (#73)

0.11.0 - October 6, 2015

  • Implemented __repr__ for Table, TableSet, Column and Row. (#261)
  • Row.index property added.
  • Column constructor no longer takes a data_type argument.
  • Column.index and properties added.
  • Table.counts implemented. (#271)
  • Table.bins implemented. (#267, #227)
  • Table.join now raises ColumnDoesNotExistError. (#264)
  • now raises ColumnDoesNotExistError.
  • computations.ZScores moved into agate-stats.
  • computations.Rank cmp argument renamed comparer.
  • aggregations.MaxPrecision added. (#265)
  • Table.print_bars added.
  • Table.pretty_print renamed Table.print_table.
  • Reimplement Table method proxying via @allow_tableset_proxy decorator. (#263)
  • Add agate-stats references to docs.
  • Move stdev_outliers, mad_outliers and pearson_correlation into agate-stats. (#260)
  • Prevent issues with applying patches multiple times. (#258)

0.10.0 - September 22, 2015

  • Add reverse and cmp arguments to Rank computation. (#248)
  • Document how to use agate-sql to read/write SQL tables. (#238, #241)
  • Document how to write extensions.
  • Add monkeypatching extensibility pattern via utils.Patchable.
  • Reversed order of argument pairs for Table.compute. (#249)
  • TableSet.merge method can be used to ungroup data. (#253)
  • Columns with identical names are now suffixed "2" after a Table.join.
  • Duplicate key columns are no longer included in the result of a Table.join. (#250)
  • Table.join right_key no longer necessary if identical to left_key. (#254)
  • Table.inner_join is now more. Use inner keyword to Table.join.
  • Table.left_outer_join is now Table.join.

0.9.0 - September 14, 2015

  • Add many missing unit tests. Up to 99% coverage.
  • Add property accessors for TableSet.key_name and TableSet.key_type. (#247)
  • Table.rows and Table.columns are now behind properties. (#247)
  • Column.data_type is now a property. (#247)
  • Table[Set].get_column_types() is now the Table[Set].column_types property. (#247)
  • Table[Set].get_column_names() is now the Table[Set].column_names property. (#247)
  • Table.pretty_print now displays consistent decimal places for each Number column.
  • Discrete data types (Number, Date etc) are now right-aligned in Table.pretty_print.
  • Implement aggregation result caching. (#245)
  • Reimplement Percentiles, Quartiles, etc as aggregations.
  • UnsupportedAggregationError is now used to disable TableSet aggregations.
  • Replaced several exceptions with more general DataTypeError.
  • Column type information can now be accessed as Column.data_type.
  • Eliminated Column subclasses. Restructured around DataType classes.
  • Table.merge implemented. (#9)
  • Cookbook: guess column types. (#230)
  • Fix issue where all group keys were being cast to text. (#235)
  • Table.group_by will now default key_type to the type of the grouping column. (#234)
  • Add Matt Riggott to AUTHORS. (#231)
  • Support file-like objects in Table.to_csv and Table.from_csv. (#229)
  • Fix bug when applying multiple computations with Table.compute.

0.8.0 - September 9, 2015

  • Cookbook: dealing with locales. (#220)
  • Cookbook: working with dates and times.
  • Add timezone support to DateTimeType.
  • Use pytimeparse instead of python-dateutil. (#221)
  • Handle percents and currency symbols when casting numbers. (#217)
  • Table.format is now Table.pretty_print. (#223)
  • Rename TextType to Text, NumberType to Number, etc.
  • Rename agate.ColumnType to agate.DataType (#216)
  • Rename agate.column_types to agate.data_types.
  • Implement locale support for number parsing. (#116)
  • Cookbook: ranking. (#110)
  • Cookbook: date change and date ranking. (#113)
  • Add tests for unicode support. (#138)
  • Fix computations.ZScores calculation. (#123)
  • Differentiate sample and population variance and stdev. (#208)
  • Support for overriding column inference with "force".
  • Competition ranking implemented as default. (#125)
  • TypeTester: robust type inference. (#210)

0.7.0 - September 3, 2015

  • Cookbook: USA Today diversity index.
  • Cookbook: filter to top x%. (#47)
  • Cookbook: fuzzy string search example. (#176)
  • Values to coerce to true/false can now be overridden for BooleanType.
  • Values to coerce to null can now be overridden for all ColumnType subclasses. (#206)
  • Add key_type argument to TableSet and Table.group_by. (#205)
  • Nested TableSet's and multi-dimensional aggregates. (#204)
  • TableSet.aggregate will now use key_name as the group column name. (#203)
  • Added key_name argument to TableSet and Table.group_by.
  • Added Length aggregation and removed count from TableSet.aggregate output. (#203)
  • Fix error messages for RowDoesNotExistError and ColumnDoesNotExistError.

0.6.0 - September 1, 2015

  • Fix missing package definition in
  • Split Analysis off into the proof library.
  • Change computation now works with DateType, DateTimeType and TimeDeltaType. (#159)
  • TimeDeltaType and TimeDeltaColumn implemented.
  • NonNullAggregation class removed.
  • Some private Column methods made public. (#183)
  • Rename agate.aggegators to agate.aggregations.
  • TableSet.to_csv implemented. (#195)
  • TableSet.from_csv implemented. (#194)
  • Table.to_csv implemented (#169)
  • Table.from_csv implemented. (#168)
  • Added Table.format method for pretty-printing tables. (#191)
  • Analysis class now implements a caching workflow. (#171)

0.5.0 - August 28, 2015

  • Table now takes (column_name, column_type) pairs. (#180)
  • Renamed the library to agate. (#179)
  • Results of common column operations are now cached using a common memoize decorator. (#162)
  • Deprecated support for Python version 3.2.
  • Added support for Python wheel packaging. (#127)
  • Add PercentileRank computation and usage example to cookbook. (#152)
  • Add indexed change example to cookbook. (#151)
  • Add annual change example to cookbook. (#150)
  • Column.aggregate now invokes Aggregations.
  • Column.any, NumberColumn.sum, etc. converted to Aggregations.
  • Implement Aggregation and subclasses. (#155)
  • Move ColumnType subclasses and ColumnOperation subclasses into new modules.
  • Table.percent_change, Table.rank and Table.zscores reimplemented as Computers.
  • Computer implemented. Table.compute reimplemented. (#147)
  • NumberColumn.iqr (inter-quartile range) implemented. (#102)
  • Remove Column.counts as it is not the best way.
  • Implement ColumnOperation and subclasses.
  • Table.aggregate migrated to TableSet.aggregate.
  • Table.group_by now supports grouping by a key function. (#140)
  • NumberColumn.deciles implemented.
  • NumberColumn.quintiles implemented. (#46)
  • NumberColumn.quartiles implemented. (#45)
  • Added robust test case for NumberColumn.percentiles. (#129)
  • NumberColumn.percentiles reimplemented using new method. (#130)
  • Reorganized and modularized column implementations.
  • Table.group_by now returns a TableSet.
  • Implement TableSet object. (#141)

0.4.0 - September 27, 2014

  • Upgrade to python-dateutil 2.2. (#134)
  • Wrote introductory tutorial. (#133)
  • Reorganize documentation (#132)
  • Add John Heasly to AUTHORS.
  • Implement percentile. (#35)
  • no_null_computations now accepts args. (#122)
  • Table.z_scores implemented. (#123)
  • DateTimeColumn implemented. (#23)
  • Column.counts now returns dict instead of Table. (#109)
  • ColumnType.create_column renamed _create_column. (#118)
  • Added Mick O'Brien to AUTHORS. (#121)
  • Pearson correlation implemented. (#103)


  • DateType.date_format implemented. (#112)
  • Create ColumnType classes to simplify data parsing.
  • DateColumn implemented. (#7)
  • Cookbook: Excel pivot tables. (#41)
  • Cookbook: statistics, including outlier detection. (#82)
  • Cookbook: emulating Underscore's any and all. (#107)
  • Parameter documention for method parameters. (#108)
  • Table.rank now accepts a column name or key function.
  • Optionally use cdecimal for improved performance. (#106)
  • Smart naming of aggregate columns.
  • Duplicate columns names are now an error. (#92)
  • BooleanColumn implemented. (#6)
  • TextColumn.max_length implemented. (#95)
  • Table.find implemented. (#14)
  • Better error handling in Table.__init__. (#38)
  • Collapse IntColumn and FloatColumn into NumberColumn. (#64)
  • Table.mad_outliers implemented. (#93)
  • Column.mad implemented. (#93)
  • Table.stdev_outliers implemented. (#86)
  • Table.group_by implemented. (#3)
  • Cookbook: emulating R. (#81)
  • Table.left_outer_join now accepts column names or key functions. (#80)
  • Table.inner_join now accepts column names or key functions. (#80)
  • Table.distinct now accepts a column name or key function. (#80)
  • Table.order_by now accepts a column name or key function. (#80)
  • Table.rank implemented. (#15)
  • Reached 100% test coverage. (#76)
  • Tests for Column._cast methods. (#20)
  • Table.distinct implemented. (#83)
  • Use assertSequenceEqual in tests. (#84)
  • Docs: features section. (#87)
  • Cookbook: emulating SQL. (#79)
  • Table.left_outer_join implemented. (#11)
  • Table.inner_join implemented. (#11)


  • Python 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 support. (#52)
  • Documented supported platforms.
  • Cookbook: csvkit. (#36)
  • Cookbook: glob syntax. (#28)
  • Cookbook: filter to values in range. (#30)
  • RowDoesNotExistError implemented. (#70)
  • ColumnDoesNotExistError implemented. (#71)
  • Cookbook: percent change. (#67)
  • Cookbook: sampleing. (#59)
  • Cookbook: random sort order. (#68)
  • Eliminate Table.get_data.
  • Use tuples everywhere. (#66)
  • Fixes for Python 2.6 compatibility. (#53)
  • Cookbook: multi-column sorting. (#13)
  • Cookbook: simple sorting.
  • Destructive Table ops now deepcopy row data. (#63)
  • Non-destructive Table ops now share row data. (#63)
  • Table.sort_by now accepts a function. (#65)
  • Cookbook: pygal.
  • Cookbook: Matplotlib.
  • Cookbook: VLOOKUP. (#40)
  • Cookbook: Excel formulas. (#44)
  • Cookbook: Rounding to two decimal places. (#49)
  • Better repr for Column and Row. (#56)
  • Cookbook: Filter by regex. (#27)
  • Cookbook: Underscore filter & reject. (#57)
  • Table.limit implemented. (#58)
  • Cookbook: writing a CSV. (#51)
  • Kill Table.filter and Table.reject. (#55)
  • removed. (#43)
  • Column instance & data caching implemented. (#42)
  • implemented. (#32)
  • Eliminate repeated column index lookups. (#25)
  • Precise DecimalColumn tests.
  • Use Decimal type everywhere internally.
  • FloatColumn converted to DecimalColumn. (#17)
  • Added Eric Sagara to AUTHORS. (#48)
  • NumberColumn.variance implemented. (#1)
  • Cookbook: loading a CSV. (#37)
  • Table.percent_change implemented. (#16)
  • Table.compute implemented. (#31)
  • Table.filter and Table.reject now take funcs. (#24)
  • Column.count implemented. (#12)
  • Column.counts implemented. (#8)
  • Column.all implemented. (#5)
  • Column.any implemented. (#4)
  • Added Jeff Larson to AUTHORS. (#18)
  • NumberColumn.mode implmented. (#18)


  • Initial prototype