Use this guide to deploy OpenHouse services to Kubernetes cluster.
Below we discuss the structure of the Kubernetes and Helm for deploying OpenHouse.
├── config --> Service specific configuration files (e.g. cluster.yaml)
│ ├── tables --> Configuration files for Catalog service.
│ │ ├── minikube --> Configuration files for minikube cluster
│ │ ├── ... --> Configuration files for custom cluster
│ ├── ... --> Configuration files for other services
│ │ ├── ... --> Similar layout for configuration files for minikube or other cluster
├── templates --> k8s YAML templates such as ConfigMap, Deployment, Service, etc.
│ ├── tables --> k8s spec for tables service: configmap, deployment, service.
│ ├── ... --> k8s spec for other services: configmap, deployment, service.
├── environments --> Environment specific configuration files for overriding default configurations.
│ ├── minikube --> Configuration files for minikube cluster
│ ├── ... --> Configuration files for other clusters
├── helm--> Helm charts for deploying OpenHouse services.
│ ├── tables --> Helm chart for tables service.
We build the container images for the services using Docker and make them available to MiniKube. To do this, run the following command.
eval $(minikube docker-env)
From the root directory of the repository, run the following command to build the container images.
docker build -t openhouse-tables-service:latest -f tables-service.Dockerfile .
docker build -t openhouse-housetables-service:latest -f housetables-service.Dockerfile .
We use Helm to deploy the services to MiniKube. To do this, run the following commands from the helm directory.
To deploy the catalog service:
helm install openhouse-tables-service tables -f ../environments/minikube/tables/values.yaml
To deploy the house table service:
helm install openhouse-housetables-service housetables -f ../environments/minikube/housetables/values.yaml
In case an existing deployment needs to be updated, use the following command.
helm upgrade openhouse-tables-service tables -f ../environments/minikube/tables/values.yaml
helm upgrade openhouse-housetables-service housetables -f ../environments/minikube/housetables/values.yaml
Check if the deployment succeeded, by running the following command.
helm list
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
To access Catalog (tables) service we need to open a tunnel. To do this, run the following command.
minikube service openhouse-tables-service
URL for the service will be displayed in the terminal. Use this URL to access the service.
curl -vv -XGET http://"${url}"/v1/databases/db/tables
Make sure you get a HTTP 200 (OK) response. Try out more commands to test the service as described in the
The configurations for the services are stored in the config directory. File cluster.yaml contains the configuration used by the Catalog (tables) service and House Tables service. For minikube environment, we use the following configuration for the services:
Authentication and Authorization is disabled
classname: null
enabled: false
House Table Service uses in-memory database
base-uri: "http://openhouse-housetables-service:8080"
type: "IN_MEMORY"
Local File System is used for storing the data
type: "hadoop"
uri: "file:///"
root-path: "/tmp/minikube_openhouse"
To use MySQL, update cluster.yaml. Sample configuration for MySQL is shown below.
base-uri: "http://openhouse-housetables-service:8080"
type: "MYSQL"
url: "jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/oh_db"
MySQL database might need credentials in such cases use k8s secrets. These secrets should be made available to House Table
Service, under the name openhouse-housetables-service-secrets
. Sample command to create the secrets is
shown below.
kubectl create secret generic openhouse-housetables-service-secrets --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD=oh_password --from-literal=MYSQL_USER=oh_user
Finally, to make k8s deployment aware of above secrets, update the environment specific configurations in
environments directory accordingly. Sample configuration that is overridden
during helm install
is shown below.
enabled: true
To use remote Hadoop compatible filesystem, update the storage.uri
in cluster.yaml
type: "hadoop"
uri: "hdfs://namenode:9000"
root-path: "/data/openhouse"