Definition: a record describing a person from the real world, who generally acts as an author for a bibliographic resource[ID]
class | use |
foaf:Person | for all resources |
property | use* | datatype | content | source |
dbo:abstract | where possible | string (de, en, fr, it) | Introducing text about the person | DBpedia dbo:abstract |
dbo:birthDate | where possible | date | Birth date | Wikidata wdt:P569, GND dateOfBirth, VIAF schema:birthDate, DBpedia dbo:birthDate |
dbo:birthPlace | where possible | URI + labels | Birth place - county and/or city | GND placeOfBirth, Wikidata wdt:P19, DBpedia dbo:birthPlace |
dbo:birthYear | where possible | year | Birth year | Wikidata, GND dbo:birthYear, VIAF, swissbib, DBpedia dbo:birthYear |
dbo:child | where possible | URI + labels | child | GND hasChild, Wikidata wdt:P40, DBpedia dbo:child |
dbo:deathDate | where possible | date | Death date | Wikidata wdt:P570, GND dateOfDeath, VIAF schema:deathDate, DBpedia dbo:deathDate |
dbo:deathPlace | where possible | URI + labels | Death place - county and/or city | GND placeOfDeath, Wikidata wdt:P20, DBpedia dbo:deathPlace |
dbo:deathYear | where possible | year | Death year | Wikidata, GND dbo:deathYear, VIAF, swissbib, DBpedia dbo:deathYear |
dbo:genre | where possible | URI + labels | Genre (ex: thriller, pop music, poetry, ...) associated with the person | Wikidata wdt:P136 |
dbo:influencedBy | where possible | URI +labels | Other person having influenced this person | Wikidata wdt:P737, DBpedia dbo:influencedBy |
dbo:movement | where possible | URI + labels | artistic movement or school with which the person is associated | Wikidata wdt:P135, DBpedia dbo:movement |
dbo:nationality | where possible | URI + labels | Nationality | Wikidata wdt:P27, DBpedia dbo:nationality |
dbo:notableWork | where possible | URI + labels | Notable works of the person | Wikidata wdt:P800, VIAF dbo:notableWork, DBpedia dbo:notableWork |
dbo:occupation | where possible | URI + labels | Occupation, activity of the person | GND professionOrOccupation, Wikidata wdt:P106, DBpedia dbo:occupation |
dbo:parent | where possible | URI + labels | Father and mother | GND hasParent, Wikidata wdt:P22, DBpedia dbo:parent |
dbo:pseudonym | where possible | string | Pseudonym | GND pseudonym, Wikidata wdt:P742, DBpedia dbo:pseudonym |
dbo:sibling | where possible | URI + labels | Siblings | GND hasSibling, Wikidata wdt:P3373, DBpedia dbo:sibling |
dbo:spouse | where possible | URI + labels | Spouse | GND hasSpouse, Wikidata wdt:P26, DBpedia dbo:spouse |
dbo:thumbnail | where possible | URI | Thumbnail | GND depiction, Wikidata wdt:P18, DBpedia dbo:thumbnail |
dbo:website | where possible | URI | Links to websites | GND homepage, DBpedia dbo:website |
foaf:firstName | where possible | string | First name | swissbib |
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf | where possible | URI | Links to Wikipedia | GND wikipedia and DBpedia foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf |
foaf:lastName | where possible | string | Last name | swissbib |
foaf:name | where possible | string | Name (only if the person has no distinct first and last names) | swissbib |
gnd:academicDegree | where possible | string | An academic degree | GND academicDegree |
gnd:acquaintanceshipOrFriendship | where possible | URI + labels | Relationship between a person, family, or corporate body and another person, family, or corporate body which cannot be specified more closely | GND acquaintanceshipOrFriendship |
gnd:affiliation | where possible | URI + labels | A corporate body associated with a person or group of persons. | GND affiliation |
gnd:affiliationAsLiteral | where possible | string | A corporate body associated with a person or group of persons. This property is equivalent to gndo:affiliation but gives a literal instead of a URI. | GND affiliationAsLiteral |
gnd:biographicalOrHistoricalInformation | where possible | string | Summary of the essential biographical, historical, or other information about the described entity. | GND biographicalOrHistoricalInformation |
gnd:broaderTermGeneral | where possible | URI + labels | The generic relation is a semantic relation between two concepts where the intension of one of the concepts includes that of the other concepts and at least one additional delimiting characteristic is added. | GND broaderTermGeneral |
gnd:broaderTermInstantial | where possible | URI + labels | The instance relationship links a general concept such as a class of things or events, and an individual instance oft hat class, which is often represented by a proper name. | GND broaderTermInstantial |
gnd:characteristicPlace | where possible | URI + labels | A significant place for a person or family | GND characteristicPlace |
gnd:correspondent | where possible | URI + labels | A person or organization who was either the writer or recipient of a letter or other communication | GND correspondent |
gnd:dateOfBirthAndDeath | where possible | string | Date of birth and death | GND dateOfBirthAndDeath |
gnd:fieldOfStudy | where possible | URI + labels | A person’s field of study | GND fieldOfStudy |
gnd:functionOrRole | where possible | URI + labels | Function or role | GND functionOrRole |
gnd:geographicAreaCode | where possible | URI + labels | Geographic area code | GND geographicAreaCode |
gnd:gndIdentifier | where possible | string | GND identifier | GND gndIdentifier |
gnd:gndSubjectCategory | where possible | URI + labels | GND subject category | GND gndSubjectCategory |
gnd:hasAuntUncle | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasAuntUncle | |
gnd:hasColleague | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasColleague | |
gnd:hasFriend | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasFriend | |
gnd:hasGrandChild | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasGrandChild | |
gnd:hasGrandParent | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasGrandParent | |
gnd:hasNieceNephew | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasNieceNephew | |
gnd:hasStudent | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasStudent | |
gnd:hasTeacher | where possible | URI + labels | GND hasTeacher | |
gnd:languageCode | where possible | URI + labels | Language code | GND languageCode |
gnd:memberOfTheFamily | where possible | URI + labels | Member of the family | GND memberOfTheFamily |
gnd:oldAuthorityNumber | where possible | string | Old authority number | GND oldAuthorityNumber |
gnd:periodOfActivity | where possible | string | A person's known period of activity | GND periodOfActivity |
gnd:placeOfActivity | where possible | URI + labels | A person's known place of activity | GND placeOfActivity, Wikidata wdt:P937 |
gnd:placeOfBirthAsLiteral | where possible | string | Place of birth | GND placeOfBirthAsLiteral |
gnd:placeOfDeathAsLiteral | where possible | string | Place of death | GND placeOfDeathAsLiteral |
gnd:placeOfExile | where possible | URI + labels | A place where a person or family lived in exile | GND placeOfExile |
gnd:playedInstrument | where possible | URI + labels | GND playedInstrument | |
gnd:professionalRelationship | where possible | URI + labels | An occupational relationship between a person or family and another person or family | GND professionalRelationship |
gnd:professionOrOccupationAsLiteral | where possible | string | A profession or occupation practiced by a person | GND professionOrOccupationAsLiteral |
gnd:publication | where possible | string | notable works as literals | GND publication |
gnd:realIdentity | where possible | URI + labels | Links an identity under which one or more persons act, e. g. write, compose or create art, but that is not their real name (i. e. a pseudonym) to their real identity. | GND realIdentity |
gnd:relatedCorporateBody | where possible | URI + labels | Related Corporate Body | GND relatedCorporateBody |
gnd:relatedPerson | where possible | URI + labels | GND relatedPerson | |
gnd:relatedPlaceOrGeographicName | where possible | URI + labels | GND relatedPlaceOrGeographicName | |
gnd:relatedSubjectHeading | where possible | URI + labels | GND relatedSubjectHeading | |
gnd:relatedTerm | where possible | URI + labels | GND relatedTerm | |
gnd:relatedWork | where possible | URI + labels | GND relatedWork | |
gnd:titleOfNobility | where possible | URI + labels | A title of nobility held by a person or family. | GND titleOfNobility |
gnd:titleOfNobilityAsLiteral | where possible | string | A title of nobility held by a person or family. | GND titleOfNobilityAsLiteral |
gnd:udkCode | where possible | string | GND udkCode | |
owl:sameAs | where possible | URI | URIs in other datasets | swissbib, VIAF, GND, Wikidata and DBpedia |
rdfs:label | everywhere | string | Full heading of the person, including name and - if available - numeration, years of birth/death and title | GND preferredName, VIAF rdfs:label and DBpedia rdfs:label |
schema:description | where possible | string (de, en, fr, it) | description | |
schema:familyName | where possible | string | Last name / Family name | VIAF schema:familyName) and DBpedia foaf:lastName |
schema:givenName | where possible | string | First name / Given name | VIAF schema:givenName and DBpedia foaf:firstName |
schema:name | where possible | string (de, en, fr, it) | names | |
wdt:P102 | where possible | URI + labels | member of political party | Wikidata wdt:P102 |
wdt:P103 | where possible | URI + labels | native language | Wikidata wdt:P103 |
wdt:P1038 | where possible | URI + labels | relative | Wikidata wdt:P1038 |
wdt:P1050 | where possible | URI + labels | medical condition | Wikidata wdt:P1050 |
wdt:P108 | where possible | URI + labels | employer | Wikidata wdt:P108 |
wdt:P109 | where possible | URI | link to picture of signature | Wikidata wdt:P109 |
wdt:P119 | where possible | URI + labels | place of burial | Wikidata wdt:P119 |
wdt:P1196 | where possible | URI + labels | manner of death | Wikidata wdt:P1196 |
wdt:P1317 | where possible | date | floruit | Wikidata wdt:P1317 |
wdt:P1343 | where possible | URI + labels | described by source | Wikidata wdt:P1343 |
wdt:P1344 | where possible | URI + labels | participant of | Wikidata wdt:P1344 |
wdt:P140 | where possible | URI + labels | religion | Wikidata wdt:P140 |
wdt:P1412 | where possible | URI + labels | language spoken written or signed | Wikidata wdt:P1412 |
wdt:P166 | where possible | URI + labels | award recieved | Wikidata wdt:P166 |
wdt:P172 | where possible | URI + labels | ethnic group | Wikidata wdt:P172 |
wdt:P21 | where possible | URI + labels | gender or sex | VIAF schema:gender, Wikidata wdt:P21, GND gender |
wdt:P31 | where possible | URI + labels | instance of | Wikidata wdt:P31 |
wdt:P373 | where possible | URI | Commons category | Wikidata wdt:P373 |
wdt:P39 | where possible | URI + labels | position held | Wikidata wdt:P39 |
wdt:P451 | where possible | URI + labels | partner | Wikidata wdt:P451 |
wdt:P509 | where possible | URI + labels | cause of death | Wikidata wdt:P509 |
wdt:P69 | where possible | URI + labels | educated at | Wikidata wdt:P69 |
* The use in every resource doesn't exclude some exceptions. It means that every resource should contain this data.