No changes yet.
Full text search in MongoDB 2.4 can be used via commands but Monger 1.5 also provides
convenience functions in the
for performing
for obtaining hit documents sorted by score
(require '[monger.collection :as mc])
(require '[ :as ms])
(mc/ensure-index coll {:subject "text" :content "text"})
(mc/insert coll {:subject "hello there" :content "this should be searchable"})
(mc/insert coll {:subject "untitled" :content "this is just noize"})
(println (ms/results-from (ms/search coll "hello"))
MongoDB Java driver dependency has been updated to 2.11.0.
now defines a few more operators for convenience:
Of course, these and any other new operators can be passed as strings (e.g. "$near"
as well.
is a new convenience function that returns the admin
is a new convenience function for running commands
on the admin
options are now up-to-date with the most recent
MongoDB Java driver.
Monger's factory DSL (an undocumented experimental feature) has been removed from monger.testkit
. It did
not work as well as we expected and there are better alternatives available now.
Monger now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.5.1
. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3+ and if your project.clj
on a different version, it will be used, but 1.5 is the default now.
We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.5, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.
now has a 2-arity version that will authenticate
on the default database:
(let [username "myservice"
pwd "LGo5h#B`cTRQ>28tba6u"]
(monger.core/use-db! "mydb")
;; authenticates requests for mydb
(monger.core/authenticate username (.toCharArray pwd)))
ClojureWerkz Support dependency has been updated to version 0.15.0
This means Monger now will use Cheshire 5.0.x
and the like will now explicitly close DB cursors.
GH issue: 47
now requires [Cheshire] 5.0
. There were some incompatible changes
in Cheshire 5.0
, see Cheshire change log.
no longer requires data.json
to be present at compile time.
MongoDB Java driver dependency has been updated to 2.10.0.
ClojureWerkz Support dependency has been updated to version 0.9.0
closes the default database connection.
Ragtime dependency has been updated to 0.3.0.
MongoDB Java driver dependency has been updated to 2.9.2.
and monger.joda-time
will now use Cheshire if it is available.
is no longer a hard dependency (but still supported if available).
is no longer a hard Monger dependency, you need to either add it as explicit
dependency to your project or switch to Cheshire.
To switch to Cheshire (you may need to update your code that uses
add the following to your :dependencies
[cheshire "4.0.3"]
version 0.1.2.
[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.0"]
ClojureWerkz Support dependency has been updated to version 0.7.0
Monger now depends on org.clojure/clojure
version 1.4.0
. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3 and if your project.clj
on 1.3, it will be used, but 1.4 is the default now.
We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.4, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.
no longer requires
. If
is available, it will be loaded
and extended. If not, monger.joda-time
will only extend Clojure reader and BSON dates serialization/deserialization.
MongoDB Java driver dependency has been updated to 2.9.0.
functions no longer result in reflective method calls.
Contributed by Baishampayan Ghose.
ClojureWerkz Support dependency has been updated to version 0.6.0
For example:
(with-collection coll
(find {})
(paginate :page 1 :per-page 3)
(sort { :title 1 })
(read-preference ReadPreference/PRIMARY)
(options com.mongodb.Bytes/QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT))
now preserves existing document ids, just like monger.collection/save-and-return
No changes.
is a new function that to monger.collection/save
is what monger.collection/insert-and-return
is to monger.collection/insert
. See Monger 1.1.0-beta1 changes or function documentation strings for more information.
It is now possible to use Clojure keywords as collection names with monger.collection
For example, monger.collection/insert-and-return
that's given collection name as :people
will store
treat it as people
(by applying clojure.core/name to the argument).
is a new function that solves the biggest complain about Monger's monger.collection/insert
from Monger 1.0 users. Because monger.collection/insert
returns a write result and is supposed to be used with Validateur and
and similar functions, it is hard to retrieve object id in case it wasn't explicitly passed in.
This resulted in code that looks more or less like this:
(let [oid (ObjectId.)
result (merge doc {:_id oid)]
(monger.collection/insert "documents" result)
To solve this problem, we introduce a new function, monger.collection/insert-and-return
, that returns the exact inserted document
as an immutable Clojure map. The :_id
key will be available on the returned map, even if wasn't present and had to be generated.
behavior stays the same both because of backwards compatibility concerns and because there are valid cases
when a user may want to have the write result returned.
now extends Clojure reader for Joda Time types so the new Clojure reader-based
Ring session store can store Joda dates/time values.
Monger 1.1 will have an alternative Ring session store uses Clojure reader serialization
This way libraries like Friend, that use namespaced keywords (like ::identity
) and other
Clojure-specific data structures will work well with Monger.
Current store will strip off namespace information from namespaced keywords because clojure.core/name work that way. For example:
(name ::identity)
Reported by Julio Barros.
previously only extended BSON (DBObjects) conversion protocol for org.joda.time.DateTime
. While DateTime
is the most
commonly used type in JodaTime, plenty of other types are also used and may need to be stored in MongoDB documents.
Now Monger handles serialization for all JodaTime types that inherit from org.joda.time.base.AbstractInstant
, for example, org.joda.time.DateTime
and org.joda.time.DateMidnight
Monger now provides an adapter for Ragtime, a generic Clojure library for data migrations (evolutions).
It is in the monger.ragtime
namespace. To use Ragtime with Monger, you need to add dependencies
on both Ragtime core and Monger to your project. An example with Leiningen:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[com.novemberain/monger "1.0.0-rc2"]
[ragtime/ragtime.core "0.2.0"]]
Then require monger.ragtime
and use Ragtime as usual, passing it a database instance
you get via monger.core/get-db
Monger will persist information about migrations using the FSYNC_SAFE
write concern.
Query DSL will no longer apply clojure.core/seq
to the underlying cursor, thus guaranteeing to return an empty
sequence when there are no results. This gives developers better control over what do they want to get back:
an empty sequence or nil. In the latter case, they will just manually apply clojure.core/seq
to the
and monger.collection/ensure-index
now accept fields to index as a collection
(e.g. a vector) as well as a map. It is convenient when creating multiple single-field indexes at once.
Documentation guides have been greatly improved and now include several new guides:
- Storing files on GridFS with Clojure
- Using Map/Reduce
- Using MongoDB Commands
- Using MongoDB 2.2 Aggregation Framework with Clojure
returns the currently used database.
composes monger.core/set-db!
and monger.core/get-db
(ns my.service
(:use [monger.core :only [set-db! use-db! get-db]]))
;; equivalent
(use-db! "my_product")
(set-db! (get-db "my_product"))
has been implemented for Clojure maps.
Monger finally has a higher-level DSL for storing files on GridFS
(ns my.service
(:use [monger.gridfs :only [store-file make-input-file filename content-type metadata]]))
;; store a file from a local FS path with the given filename, content type and metadata
(store-file (make-input-file "/path/to/a/local/file.png")
(filename "image.png")
(metadata {:format "png"})
(content-type "image/png"))
There are also querying improvements: monger.gridfs/find-maps
and monger.gridfs/find-one-as-map
are new functions that were added.
They serve the same purposes as monger.collection/find-maps
, making it easy to work with Clojure data structures all the time.
works the same way as monger.gridfs/all-files
but returns results as Clojure maps. It is to
what monger.collection/find-maps
is to monger.collection/find
provides a convenient way to run aggregation queries.
(ns my.service
(:require [monger.collection :as mc])
(:use monger.operators))
;; single stage pipeline
(mc/aggregate "docs" [{$project {:subtotal {$multiply ["$quantity", "$price"]}
:_id "$state"}}])
;; two stage pipeline
(mc/aggregate "docs" [{$project {:subtotal {$multiply ["$quantity", "$price"]}
:_id 1
:state 1}}
{$group {:_id "$state"
:total {$sum "$subtotal"}}}])
The following couple of tests demonstrates aggregation queries with some sample data:
(deftest ^{:edge-features true} test-basic-projection-with-multiplication
(let [collection "docs"
batch [{ :state "CA" :quantity 1 :price 199.00 }
{ :state "NY" :quantity 2 :price 199.00 }
{ :state "NY" :quantity 1 :price 299.00 }
{ :state "IL" :quantity 2 :price 11.50 }
{ :state "CA" :quantity 2 :price 2.95 }
{ :state "IL" :quantity 3 :price 5.50 }]
expected [{:_id "NY" :subtotal 398.0}
{:_id "NY" :subtotal 299.0}
{:_id "IL" :subtotal 23.0}
{:_id "CA" :subtotal 5.9}
{:_id "IL" :subtotal 16.5}
{:_id "CA" :subtotal 199.0}]]
(mc/insert-batch collection batch)
(let [result (vec (mc/aggregate "docs" [{$project {:subtotal {$multiply ["$quantity", "$price"]}
:_id "$state"}}]))]
(is (= expected result)))))
(deftest ^{:edge-features true} test-basic-total-aggregation
(let [collection "docs"
batch [{ :state "CA" :quantity 1 :price 199.00 }
{ :state "NY" :quantity 2 :price 199.00 }
{ :state "NY" :quantity 1 :price 299.00 }
{ :state "IL" :quantity 2 :price 11.50 }
{ :state "CA" :quantity 2 :price 2.95 }
{ :state "IL" :quantity 3 :price 5.50 }]
expected [{:_id "CA", :total 204.9} {:_id "IL", :total 39.5} {:_id "NY", :total 697.0}]]
(mc/insert-batch collection batch)
(let [result (vec (mc/aggregate "docs" [{$project {:subtotal {$multiply ["$quantity", "$price"]}
:_id 1
:state 1}}
{$group {:_id "$state"
:total {$sum "$subtotal"}}}]))]
(is (= expected result)))))
The aggregation framework is an edge feature that will be available in MongoDB 2.2.
Two new operator macros: $regex
, $options
and those used by the upcoming
MongoDB 2.2 Aggregation framework.
Monger can now connect to replica sets using one or more seeds when
calling monger.core/connect
with a collection of server addresses
instead of just a single one:
(ns my.service
(:use monger.core))
;; Connect to a single MongoDB instance
(connect (server-address "" 27017) (mongo-options))
;; Connect to a replica set
(connect [(server-address "" 27017) (server-address "" 27018)]
works exactly the same way.
Contributed by Baishampayan Ghose.
Monger now features a Ring session store implementation. To use it, require monger.ring.session-store
and use
function like so:
(ns my.service
(:use monger.ring.session-store))
(let [store (monger-store "web_sessions")]
function implements atomic Find and Modify command.
It is similar to the "regular" update operations but atomically modifies a document (at most one) and returns it.
An example:
(mgcol/find-and-modify "scoreboard" {:name "Sophie Bangs"} {$inc {:level 1}} :return-new true)
Contributed by Baishampayan Ghose.
namespace is kept for backwards compatibility but is deprecated in favor of ClojureWerkz Support
that now has exactly the same function in
. To add Support to your project with Leiningen, use
[clojurewerkz/support "0.3.0"]
Validateur dependency has been upgraded to 1.1.0.
Several new operator macros: $size
, $exists
, $mod
, $type
, $not
Monger now supports serialization for all classes that implement java.util.Set
, including Clojure sets.
provides a way to create collections with fine-tuned attributes (for example, capped collections)
without having to use Java driver API.
is a new namespace for various cache implementations that adhere to the clojure.core.cache CacheProtocol
and sit on top of MongoDB
Monger now supports serialization for all classes that implement clojure.lang.Named
, not just keywords.
Thanks to faster paths for serialization of strings and dates (java.util.Date), mean time to insert 100,000 documents went down from about 1.7 seconds to about 0.5 seconds.
is a new function that combines monger.core/connect!
, monger.core/set-db!
and monger.core/authenticate
and works with string URIs like mongodb://userb71148a:[email protected]:27034/app81766662
It can be used to connect with or without authentication, for example:
;; connect without authentication
(monger.core/connect-via-uri! "mongodb://")
;; connect with authentication
(monger.core/connect-via-uri! "mongodb://clojurewerkz/monger!:[email protected]/monger-test4")
;; connect using connection URI stored in an env variable, in this case, MONGOHQ_URL
(monger.core/connect-via-uri! (System/genenv "MONGOHQ_URL"))
It is also possible to pass connection options as query parameters:
(monger.core/connect-via-uri! "mongodb://localhost/test?maxPoolSize=128&waitQueueMultiple=5;waitQueueTimeoutMS=150;socketTimeoutMS=5500&autoConnectRetry=true;safe=false&w=1;wtimeout=2500;fsync=true")
Previously to load only a subset of document fields with Monger, one had to specify them all. Starting with 1.0.0-beta3, Monger supports field negation feature of MongoDB: it is possible to exclude certain fields instead.
To do so, pass a map as field selector, with fields that should be omitted set to 0:
;; will retrieve all fields except body
(monger.collection/find-one-map "documents" {:author "John"} {:body 0})
Validateur dependency has been upgraded to 1.1.0-beta1.
and /create-index
now accept index options as additional argument.
Breaking change: 3-arity versions of those functions now become 4-arity versions.
Documents that contain Clojure ratios (for example, 26/5
) now can be converted to DBObject instances
and thus stored. On load, ratios will be presented as doubles: this way we ensure interoperability with
other languages and clients.
When working with even moderately complex data sets, fixture data quickly becomes difficult to maintain. Monger 1.0.0-beta3 introduce a new factories DSL that is inspired by (but does not try to copy) Ruby's Factory Girl and similar libraries.
It includes support dynamically evaluated attributes and support for two most common techniques for implementing associations between documents.
Here is what it feels like:
(defaults-for "domains"
:ipv6-enabled false)
(factory "domains" "clojure"
:name ""
:created-at (-> 2 days ago)
:embedded [(embedded-doc "pages" "")
(embedded-doc "pages" "")
(embedded-doc "pages" "")])
(factory "domains" "elixir"
:name ""
:created-at (fn [] (now))
:topics (fn [] ["programming" "erlang" "beam" "ruby"])
:related {
:terms (fn [] ["erlang" "python" "ruby"])
(factory "pages" ""
:name "/rationale"
:domain-id (parent-id "domains" "clojure"))
(factory "pages" ""
:name "/jvm_hosted")
(factory "pages" ""
:name "/runtime_polymorphism")
(factory "pages" ""
:name "/lisp")
(build "domains" "clojure" :created-at (-> 2 weeks ago))
(seed "pages" "")
Monger now uses Leiningen 2.
monger.core/set-connection! allows you to instantiate connection object (com.mongodb.Mongo instances) any way you like and then use it as default Monger connection. MongoDB Java driver provides many ways to instantiate and fine tune connections, this is the easiest way for Monger to support them all.
monger.core/connect now has 2-arity that accepts com.mongodb.ServerAddresss
and com.mongodb.MongoOptions
instances and allows you fine tune parameters like socket and connection timeouts, default :w
value, connection threads
settings and so on.
and monger.core/server-address
are helper functions that instantiate those classes from
paramters passed as Clojure maps, for convenience.
3-arity of monger.collection/find-one-as-map now takes a vector of fields
instead of keywordize
to better fit a more commonly needed case.
;; 3-arity in 1.0.0-beta1
(monger.collection/find-one-as-map "documents" { :first_name "John" } false)
;; 3-arity in 1.0.0-beta2
(monger.collection/find-one-as-map "documents" { :first_name "John" } [:first_name, :last_name, :age])
If you need to use keywordize
, use 4-arity:
(monger.collection/find-one-as-map "documents" { :first_name "John" } [:first_name, :last_name, :age] false)
It is now possible to opt-out of field keywordization in the query DSL:
(with-collection coll
(find {})
(limit 3)
(sort { :population -1 })
(keywordize-fields false))
the default value is still true, field names will be converted to keywords.
monger.collection/find-by-id and /find-map-by-id now will throw IllegalArgumentException when id is nil
monger.collection/find-map-by-id no longer ignore fields argument. Contributed by Toby Hede.
namespace was added to perform operations like adding users or dropping databases. Several functions from
will eventually be moved there, but not for 1.0.
namespace includes convenience methods for issuing MongoDB commands.
Both are contributed by Toby Hede.
is a new convenience function for updating a single document with
given ObjectId. monger.collection/remove-by-id
is its counterpart for removing documents.
monger.core/get-db-names returns a set of databases. Contributed by Toby Hede.