Blueprint should be a function that accepts Lido contracts as a first param and typed input as a second
and return an object or an array of objects that satisfy the OmnibusItem
function myItemBlueprint(contracts: Contracts<Lido>, input: MyItemInput): OmnibusItem | OmnibusItem[] {
// item logic
The resulting Item
object MUST satisfy the OmnibusItem
interface OmnibusItem {
title: string;
evmCall: FormattedEvmCall;
expectedEvents: EventCheck[];
// blueprints/someNameSpace.ts
interface MyInput {
title: string;
to: Address;
amount: BigNumberish;
function myBlueprint(contracts: Contracts<Lido>, input: MyInput): OmnibusItem {
const { agent, finance, callsScript, voting } = contracts; // contracts that are used in the blueprint
const { to, amount, title } = input; // input that is passed to the blueprint
return {
title: title, // title of the item that will be added in omnbibus description
evmCall: call(someContract.someMethod, [methodArg1, methodArg2]), // call that will be added to the omnibus script
expectedEvents: [
event(callsScript, "LogScriptCall", { emitter: voting }), // callScript event will be fired in the each itwm
event(anotherContract, "anotherMethod", { args: [agent, to, amount] }), // required event with args
event(anotherContract, "anotherMethod1", undefined), // required event without args
event(someContract, "someMethod", undefined, { optional: true }), // optional event without args
export default {
Don't forget to reexport your blueprints in the index.ts
import someNameSpace from "./someNameSpace";
export default {
Blueprint written in this way can be used in the omnibus like this:
export default omnibuses.create({
network: "mainnet",
quorumReached: false,
items: ({ blueprints, contracts }) => [
title: "My item title",
to: "0x17F6b2C738a63a8D3A113a228cfd0b373244633D",
amount: 180_000n * 10n ** 18n,