exists [bucket...] bucket/key
Check if given bucket/key exists.
Return true
if a bucket/key exists, false
if not.
get [bucket...] bucket key
Return the value of given key in specific bucket.
If the bucket or key doesn't exist, return an empty string.
set [bucket...] bucket key value
Set the value of given key in specific bucket, and return true
If the bucket doesn't exist, it will be created.
del [bucket...] bucket/key
Delete the key in specific bucket, and return true
If not key given, delete the bucket, and return true
If the bucket/key doesn't exist, return false
delglob [bucket...] bucket/key_pattern
Delete the buckets/keys matched given glob pattern in specific bucket, and return the number of deleted items.
If specific bucket doesn't exist, return 0.
buckets [bucket...] bucket_pattern
List al buckets matched givn glob pattern.
keys [bucket...] bucket key_pattern
List all keys in specific bucket which matched given glob pattern.
keyvalues [bucket...] bucket key_pattern
List all keys in specific bucket which matched given glob pattern, and their associated values.
Return the result of bolt.DB.Stats()