1.6.7 (2024-10-28)
- import: [PST-21918] fix NoSuchEntityException when customer has no default address (#35) (905e07b)
- settings: [PST-21910] change preprod to sandbox word (#34) (d77cd3e)
1.6.6 (2024-10-14)
- lengow: [PST-21841] rate limit request for lengow API at 500 per minutes
- ci-cd: automatically update release-please version in files (#30) (f597212)
- cicd: Add a CI job to generate plugin checksums (#31) (1a966b4)
1.6.5 (2024-09-23)
use a generator to fetch orders from lengow instead of fetching all at once
1.6.4 (2024-08-28)
- BugFix: fix blank page when order has not status history
- Feature: change api plan to api restrictions
- Feature: config for anonymize emails and encrypt anonymized emails ============================================================= Version 1.6.2 =============================================================
- BugFix: credit memo amounts (refund)
- Feature: log php error shutdown ============================================================= Version 1.6.1 =============================================================
- BugFix: Rounding amounts en Lengow Orders
- BugFix: Rounding amounts on credit memo (refund)
- BugFix: Name parser on fullName (amazon orders)
- BugFix: FBA orders not imported from amazon_us
- BUgFix: Matching carrier for manomano
- Feature: Disable Lengow Tracker
- Feature: Add phone number to the order information in the "Lengow" tab ============================================================= Version 1.6.0 =============================================================
- Feature: Return tracking management during shipment (Zalando and Otto)
- BugFix: No shippingTax for b2b orders (tax exempted) ============================================================= Version 1.5.2 =============================================================
- Feature: manage out of stock products export by configuration
- BugFix: fixed help center constants urls
- BugFix: B2B without tax for UE ============================================================= Version 1.5.1 =============================================================
- BugFix: Tax on quote creation when include tax config
- BugFix: Plugin rules applier type array|Collection
- BugFix: Customer email empty in billing json node or package delivery ============================================================= Version 1.5.0 =============================================================
- BugFix: Default address when customer has new address
- BugFix: Matching carrier not found return code
- BugFix: Sync order number with Lengow api. 5 tries
- Feature: Cronjob for try to resend actions in errors 7 days max ============================================================= Version 1.4.9 =============================================================
- Feature: partial_refunded new state to accept
- Feature: B2b without tax config scopable to storeviews
- Feature: Switch environment prod/pre-prod from Configration Admin
- BugFix: Get plugin version from composer.json
- BugFix: Tax calculation
- Feature: Update VAT number in billingAddress, OrderBillingAddress, Customer
- BugFix: Fix tax amount round in the quote creation
- BugFix: Fix the matchCarrier
- BugFix: Fix the getPluginVersion
- Feature: [toolbox] Toolbox file changed details
- Feature: [import] Log import params initialized
- Feature: [import] Option anonymized email
- Bugfix: Vat number sync update
- Bugfix: Order duplicate when delivery_address_id changes
- Bugfix: php8.1 address strings data not be null for trim() etc ...
- Bugfix: Replace Zend_Mail by Laminas\Mail
- BugFix: Export child products attributes values
- BugFix: [Import] Get email for send notification from module when value is null
- BugFix: [Import] Use Lamina_validator instead Send_validator for email validation
- BugFix: [Import] Unblocking import of customer address in orders
- BugFix: [Import] Fix error when importing orders caused by the CollectionFactory class by use array instead
- BugFix: [Import] Fix errors data is null when using the character replacement function
- BugFix: [Export] Fix error when user save catalog linked to CMS in first connexion
- BugFix: [Export] Use ProductInterface instead of ProductInterceptor
- BugFix: [Import] Unblocking the CMS catalogue synchronisation for php 8.1
- BugFix: [Import] Unblocking import of customer name in orders for php 8.1
- Feature: Removal of compatibility with Magento versions lower than 2.3
- Feature: Adding the PHP version in the toolbox
- Feature: Modification of the fallback urls of the Lengow Help Center
- Feature: Adding extra field update date in external toolbox
- BugFix: [Import] Registering a specific customer group for a new customer
- BugFix: [Export] Fix a type error sometime happening while retrieving product shipping cost
- BugFix: [Export] Convert custom attribute values to string
- BugFix: [Import] Loading of order types at each order synchronization
- BugFix: [Import] Checks if multi-stock is activated when sending the order
- BugFix: [Import] Unblocking the synchronization process when an order is refunded
- Feature: Integration of order synchronization in the toolbox webservice
- Feature: Retrieving the status of an order in the toolbox webservice
- Feature: Removal of compatibility with Magento 2.0
- BugFix: [Export] Fix retrieval of parent data on child products
- BugFix: [Import] Replacing the special price with a custom price when importing orders
- Feature: Outsourcing of the toolbox via webservice
- Feature: Setting up a modal for the plugin update
- BugFix: [Import] Some catalog rule where still applied on product price when importing order
- BugFix: [Import] Removal of FPT (Fixed Product Taxes) for Lengow orders
- Feature: Integration of the new connection process
- BugFix: [export] Adding a check on the configurable product type
- BugFix: [export] Unlocking the mass actions of the product grid for Magento 2.4.x versions
- BugFix: [export] Added security on multi-stock export if the Magento module is disabled
- Feature: [export] Multi-stock available with new 'quantity_' field
- Feature: [import] B2B orders can now be imported without taxes (optionnal)
- Feature: Adding new links to the Lengow Help Center and Support
- BugFix: Correction of Customer::getName behavior
- BugFix: New security on pluginIsBlocked() function for php 7.4
- Bugfix: Always load iframe over https
- Feature: [import] Addition of order types in the order management screen
- Feature: [import] Integration of the region code in the delivery and billing addresses
- Feature: [export] Add option to select which field should be taken from parent products
- Bugfix: [import] Refactoring of the creation of delivery and billing addresses
- Bugfix: [import] prevent magento from applying discount in imported orders
- Bugfix: Update of the access token when recovering an http 401 code
- Bugfix: Addition of the http 201 code in the success codes
- Feature: Refactoring and optimization of the connector class
- Feature: [import] Protection of the import of anonymized orders
- Feature: [import] Protection of the import of orders older than 3 months
- Feature: Optimization of API calls for synchronisation of orders and actions
- Feature: Display of an alert when the plugin is no longer up to date
- Feature: Renaming from Preprod Mode to Debug Mode
- Bugfix: [import] Deleting order_date index on lengow_orders table
- Bugfix: Refactoring and optimization of dates with the correct locale
- Bugfix: [action] Improved carrier matching with a strict then approximate search
- Bugfix: [export] Recovery of correct shipping costs for each product
- Bugfix: [import] Saving the marketplaces.json file in the Magento media folder
- Bugfix: [import] Enhanced security for orders that change their marketplace name
- Bugfix: [export] compatibility with php 7.3 for mode size and total
- Feature: Adding compatibility with php 7.3
- Bugfix: [import] Tax rate recovery when product prices do not include tax
- Bugfix: [import] Update address creation for compatibility with version 2.3.3
- Bugfix: [action] Using factory process for the instantiation of marketplace
- Bugfix: [export] Dynamic recovery of the entity type id for the product attributes
- Bugfix: [export] Checks whether an array-form product attribute contains another array
- Bugfix: [toolbox] Adding security on the recovery of export files
- Feature: [action] Improved carrier matching with search on carrier code and label
- Bugfix: [import] Save tracking number during updating process
- Feature: [import] Optimization of the order recovery system
- Feature: [import] Setting up a cache for synchronizing catalogs ids
- Feature: [action] Refactoring and optimization of actions on orders
- Feature: Disabling the Lengow tracker and changing the product ID
- Feature: Registering marketplace data in a json file
- Feature: Optimization of API calls between PrestaShop and Lengow
- Bugfix: count() parameter must be an array for php 7.2
- Bugfix: [action] Management of orders waiting to return from the marketplace
- Bugfix: Update of the lengow_order table directly after the creation of the Magento order
- Feature: [action] Generating a generic error message when the Lengow API is unavailable
- Feature: [import] Adding an error when a product does not have enough stock
- Feature: [import] Import the order with the currency of the marketplace
- Bugfix: [import] Improved security to avoid duplicate synchronization
- Bugfix: Initializing an empty array for log decoding
- Feature: Adding links to the new Lengow help center
- Bugfix: [import] Changing the cron url with the default store
- Bugfix: Correction on Lengow models dependency injection
- Bugfix: [Export] Management of duplicate fields
- Bugfix: Optimizing settings backup without cleaning the configuration cache
- Bugfix: [import] Saving tracking data in the lengow_order table
- Bugfix: [import] Optimizing the creation of the order with the given quote
- Bugfix: Modifying css classes for compatibility with version 2.3
- Bugfix: [import] Adding warning when the quote contains disabled products
- Feature: Adding refunded status to order filters
- Feature: [export] Loading parent categories for products not visible individually
- Feature: Protocol change to https for API calls
- Feature: Managing delivery_date and custom_carrier parameters for sending action
- Feature: Check and complete an order not imported if it is canceled or refunded
- Bugfix: Change css style for Lengow order status label
- Bugfix: [action] Removing of action errors when orders are completed
- Bugfix: [action] Deleting the shipping_date parameter in the action check request
- Bugfix: Optimizing the display of errors in the order screen
- Bugfix: Deleting the indefinite index user_id in the connector
- Bugfix: [import] Fixed a multiple order import bug after the re-import action
- Bugfix: [import] Resolving the client creation bug in the case of a multi-website magento
- Bugfix: [export] Fixed the table name parameter in the clean log action
- Bugfix: [import] Creating a new track only if the tracking number is present
- Bugfix: [import] Correction of the from_lengow attribute on the customers
- Feature: Full compatibility with the new Lengow platform
- Feature: Lengow Dashboard (statistics, helper center and quick links)
- Feature: Product page with selection by store
- Feature: Orders page with a specific screen to manage Lengow orders
- Feature: Help page with all necessary support links
- Feature: Toolbox with all Lengow information for support
- Feature: Added Lengow simple tag on order validation
- Feature: New management of the settings with the recording of the changes
- Feature: Account creation and synchronization directly from the module
- Feature: Management of actions on marketplaces with error recovery
- Feature: Add new actions: re-import, re-send and re-synchronisation orders