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lem's draft vision, goals, non‐goals

cxxxr edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Lem is an editor/IDE inspired by Emacs and Neovim.

We are developing Lem for our daily use from scratch using Common Lisp.
There are other editors made in Common Lisp, but Lem is very much focused on the practical side of things.


  • A super-powerful Common Lisp IDE that can be used right out of the box
  • Create an ecosystem of Extensions
  • Make it easy for non-heavy users of Common Lisp/Emacs to get started
  • Make it possible to create third-party GUI applications
  • Maintain documentation for beginners, extension developers, and core developers.
  • Support for various languages using Language Server Protocol and treesitter, etc.

Non goals

  • Compatibility with GNU Emacs
  • Extending the editor with languages other than Common Lisp
  • Smaller footprint