Test your peers’ websites in your assigned performance tool and let them know of problems.
- Timeframe: ~ 30 min
- Deliverables: None, teacher will watch for participation
- Worth: 5%
- Due: By the end of class
- Graded as: Complete/incomplete
- CLRs: 3
We want to confirm everybody’s website works well in all network situations—it’s easiest if we cooperate to get it all tested.
- Add your website URL to the teachers master list
- Get assigned a performance test by the teacher (or maybe an browser device, or an accessibility tool)
- Using the master list of domains, that the teacher sent around, go through each website & check it in your assigned tool
- If you find problems, let the person know what the problems are—and, if you know, how to fix the problem
Refer to the advanced performance checklist: https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/advanced-performance-checklist/
Nothing—teacher will watch for participation.