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david-christiansen committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 646bdde commit dcb2bd4
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Showing 7 changed files with 211 additions and 9 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lakefile.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ open Lake DSL
package «subverso» where
-- add package configuration options here

lean_lib SubversoHighlighting where
lean_lib SubVersoHighlighting where
srcDir := "src/highlighting"
roots := #[`Subverso.Highlighting]
roots := #[`SubVerso.Highlighting]

lean_lib SubversoExamples where
lean_lib SubVersoExamples where
srcDir := "src/examples"
roots := #[`Subverso.Examples]
roots := #[`SubVerso.Examples]

lean_exe «subverso-tests» where
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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/SubVerso/Examples.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import SubVerso.Highlighting
import SubVerso.Examples.Env
import Lean.Environment

namespace SubVerso.Examples

open SubVerso Highlighting

open Lean Elab Command Term

scoped syntax "%ex" "{" ident (" : " term)? "}" "{" term "}" : term
scoped syntax "%ex" "{" ident "}" "{" tactic "}" : tactic
scoped syntax "%ex" "{" ident "}" "{" doElem "}" : doElem

class MonadMessageState (m : TypeType v) where
getMessages : m MessageLog
setMessages : MessageLog → m Unit

instance : MonadMessageState TermElabM where
getMessages := do return (← getThe Core.State).messages
setMessages msgs := modifyThe Core.State ({· with messages := msgs})

instance : MonadMessageState CommandElabM where
getMessages := do return (← get).messages
setMessages msgs := modify ({· with messages := msgs})

open MonadMessageState in
def savingNewMessages [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadMessageState m]
(act : m α) : m (α × MessageLog) := do
let startMessages ← getMessages
let mut endMessages := .empty
setMessages .empty
let res ← try
let res ← act
endMessages ← getMessages
pure res
setMessages (startMessages ++ endMessages)
pure (res, endMessages)

scoped syntax "%example" ident command command* "%end" : command

example : TermElabM Unit := logError "foo"

partial def extractExamples (stx : Syntax) : StateT (NameMap Syntax) Id Syntax := do
if let `(term|%ex { $n:ident }{ $tm:term }) := stx then
let next ← extractExamples tm
-- Save the erased version in case there's nested examples
modify fun st => st.insert n.getId next
pure next
match stx with
| .node info kind args => pure <| .node info kind (← args.mapM extractExamples)
| _ => pure stx

elab_rules : command
| `(%example $name:ident $cmd $cmds* %end) => do
let allCommands := #[cmd] ++ cmds
let (allCommands, termExamples) := allCommands.mapM extractExamples .empty
let ((), newMessages) ← savingNewMessages (allCommands.forM elabCommand)
let trees ← getInfoTrees
let hl ← allCommands.mapM fun c => liftTermElabM (highlight c newMessages.toList.toArray trees)
let freshMsgs ← newMessages.toList.mapM fun m => do pure (m.severity, ← m.toString)
let .original leading startPos _ _ := allCommands[0]!.getHeadInfo
| throwErrorAt allCommands[0]! "Failed to get source position"
let .original _ _ trailing stopPos := allCommands.back.getTailInfo
| throwErrorAt allCommands.back "Failed to get source position"
let text ← getFileMap
let str := text.source.extract leading.startPos trailing.stopPos
modifyEnv fun ρ => highlighted.addEntry ρ (name.getId, {highlighted := hl, original := str, start := text.toPosition startPos, stop := text.toPosition stopPos, messages := freshMsgs})
for (name, term) in termExamples do
let hl ← liftTermElabM (highlight term newMessages.toList.toArray trees)
let .original leading startPos _ _ := term.getHeadInfo
| throwErrorAt term "Failed to get source position"
let .original _ _ trailing stopPos := term.getTailInfo
| throwErrorAt term "Failed to get source position"
let str := text.source.extract leading.startPos trailing.stopPos
modifyEnv fun ρ => highlighted.addEntry ρ (name, {highlighted := #[hl], original := str, start := text.toPosition startPos, stop := text.toPosition stopPos, messages := freshMsgs})

scoped syntax "%dump" ident : command

elab_rules : command
| `(%dump%$kw $name:ident) => do
let st := highlighted.getState (← getEnv)
if let some json := st.find? name.getId then
logInfoAt kw m!"{toString json}"
throwErrorAt name "No highlighting found for '{name}'"

open System in
partial def loadExamples (leanProject : FilePath) : IO (NameMap Json) := do
-- Validate that the path is really a Lean project
let lakefile := leanProject / "lakefile.lean"
if !(← lakefile.pathExists) then
throw <| .userError s!"File {lakefile} doesn't exist, couldn't load project"
-- Build the facet
let res ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "lake"
args := #["build", ":examples"]
cwd := leanProject
if res.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| .userError <|
"Build process failed." ++
decorateOut "stdout" res.stdout ++
decorateOut "stderr" res.stderr
let hlDir := leanProject / ".lake" / "build" / "examples"
collectExamples .anonymous hlDir
decorateOut (name : String) (out : String) : String :=
if out.isEmpty then "" else s!"\n{name}:\n{out}\n"
collectExamples (name : Name) (dir : FilePath) : IO (NameMap Json) := do
let contents ← dir.readDir
let mut out := {}
for f in contents do
match (← f.path.metadata).type with
| .dir =>
let sub ← collectExamples (.str name f.fileName) f.path
out := out.mergeBy (fun _ _ j2 => j2) sub
| .file =>
if f.path.extension == some "json" then
if let some mod := f.path.fileStem then
let name' : Name := .str name mod
let contents := Json.parse (← IO.FS.readFile f.path)
match contents with
| .error err => throw <| .userError s!"Couldn't parse {f.path} as JSON: {err}"
| .ok val =>
out := out.insert name' val
| _ => pure ()
return out

%example test3
def wxyz (n : Nat) := 1 + 3 + n
#check wxyz
def xyz (n : Nat) := 1 + %ex{test2}{3 + n}


-- %example test
-- #eval 5
-- %end

-- %dump test
%dump test2
%dump test3
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/examples/SubVerso/Examples/Env.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import Lean
import SubVerso.Highlighting

open Lean

namespace SubVerso.Examples
open SubVerso.Highlighting

instance : ToJson Position where
toJson | ⟨l, c⟩ => toJson (l, c)

instance : FromJson Position where
| .arr #[l, c] => <$> fromJson? l <*> fromJson? c
| other => .error s!"Couldn't decode position from {other}"

example : fromJson? (toJson (⟨1, 5⟩ : Position)) = .ok (⟨1, 5⟩ : Position) := rfl

instance : ToJson MessageSeverity where
| .error => "error"
| .warning => "warning"
| .information => "information"

instance : FromJson MessageSeverity where
| "error" => .ok .error
| "warning" => .ok .warning
| "information" => .ok .information
| other => .error s!"Expected 'error', 'warning', or 'information', got {other}"

theorem MessageSeverity.fromJson_toJson_ok (s : MessageSeverity) : fromJson? (toJson s) = .ok s := by
cases s <;> simp [toJson, fromJson?]

structure Example where
highlighted : Array Highlighted
messages : List (MessageSeverity × String)
original : String
start : Lean.Position
stop : Lean.Position
deriving ToJson, FromJson

initialize highlighted : PersistentEnvExtension (NameMap Json) (Name × Example) (NameMap Json) ←
registerPersistentEnvExtension {
mkInitial := pure {}
addImportedFn := fun imported => do
let mut s := {}
for imp in imported do
for found in imp do
s := s.mergeBy (fun _ _ json => json) found
pure s
addEntryFn := fun s (n, val) => s.insert n (toJson val)
exportEntriesFn := fun s => #[s]
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/highlighting/SubVerso/Highlighting.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import SubVerso.Highlighting.Highlighted
import SubVerso.Highlighting.Code
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import Lean
import Lean.Widget.TaggedText

import Subverso.Highlighting.Highlighted
import SubVerso.Highlighting.Highlighted

open Lean Elab
open Lean.Widget (TaggedText)
open Lean.Widget
open Lean.PrettyPrinter (InfoPerPos)

namespace Subverso.Highlighting
namespace SubVerso.Highlighting

partial def Token.Kind.priority : Token.Kind → Nat
| .var .. => 2
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import Lean

open Lean

namespace Subverso.Highlighting
namespace SubVerso.Highlighting

deriving instance Repr for Std.Format.FlattenBehavior
deriving instance Repr for Std.Format
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/highlighting/Subverso/Highlighting.lean

This file was deleted.

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