Main notes taken from the book Java Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Java Developers
Chapter 1: Getting Started: Compiling and Running Java
Chapter 2: Interacting with the Environment
Chapter 3: Strings and Things
Chapter 4: Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
Chapter 5: Numbers
Chapter 6: Dates and Times
Chapter 7: Structuring Data with Java
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Techniques
Chapter 9: Functional Programming Techniques: Functional Interfaces, Streams, and Parallel Collections
Chapter 10: Input and Output: Reading, Writing, and Directory Tricks
Chapter 11: Data Science and R
Chapter 12: Network Clients
Chapter 13: Server Side: Java
Chapter 14: Processing JSON Data
Chapter 15: Packages and Packaging
Chapter 16: Threaded Java
Chapter 17: Getting a Class Descriptor
Chapter 18: Using Java with Other Languages