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2322 lines (2082 loc) · 70.3 KB

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2322 lines (2082 loc) · 70.3 KB


There are two targets in total, one is the Intel official map and the other is the API used by the game

This article only do the relevant API appreciation, please do not do things that violate the TOS

Already packaged as a library

pip3 install ingressAPI

from ingressAPI import IntelMap

Intel Map


  1. After logging into your Google account, open the intel interface, Chrome open the Network tab
  2. Refresh the page to get all xhr requests ! chrome
  3. These get* requests are the ingress API, don't rush, look at them one by one


  1. HTTP Request Headers have a x-csrftoken, please turn to the various white hat tutorials for specific definitions. The value of this parameter is the same as the cookie's csrftoken! csrftoken-same-cookie
  2. HTTP Request Headers have a bunch of parameters starting with :, ignore them and it doesn't matter!
  3. ingress all APIs are POST JSON data interaction, so HTTP Method and Conten-Type to determine, the following is not repeated
  4. throughout the Intel Map API parameters v equivalent to Session, as to how to get, please see the Intel home page source code in the login state at the end, the name of the js contains the v value, that is, the following chart to code the part! v


Obviously, this API is used to get the score of the whole game

API Request: v,
API Response: result: [Enl, Res],


getGameScore getGameScore


This API is used to get the current score of that area

API Request: latE6, lngE6, v,
API Response: result: {gameScore: [Res, Enl], regionName, regionVertices: [[Res, Enl], ...], scoreHistory: [[id, Enl, Res], ...], timeToEndOfBaseCycleMs, topAgents:[{nick, team}]}

Specific latE6,lngE6 see below getEntities API

example: code getRegionScoreDetails getRegionScoreDetails


This is used to get the Entity, i.e. link, field, portal

API Request: tileKeys: [tilename1, tilename2, ...], v,
API Response: result: {map: {tilename1: {gameEntities: [[guid, time, [type, faction, guid1, Lng1, Lat1, ...]], ...]}, ...}}

Let's explain what each variable means

tileKeys is a string that represents a rectangle, an advanced MBR (minimum cell matrix) with controllable parameters, which is a query parameter for a typical 2D map, in the specific format zoom_x_y_minlevel_maxlevel_health, where zoom indicates the level at which the area is zoomed in (which happens to be the cookie in ingress.intelmap.zoom value, point once + or - button, map zoom, value ± 1, on the intel, this worth range is 3-21, the maximum, the less portal displayed, the smaller the range); x, y indicates the current zoom area number, you can refer to [tilenames](http://wiki.

The last three are simple, minimum, corresponding to Intel on the choice of Level and Health of the three values, that is, minimum po level, maximum po level, maximum health percentage

This is the conversion involving latitude and longitude in tilename and the actual latitude and longitude, refer to [github-iitc]( 7dc38a89e708318eb94c201d9cc6f2b5e158ab36/code/map_data_calc_tools.js#L159)

The following code performs warp-tile interpolation lat-lng

In addition, the return values of Lng_x_, Lat_x_, are 6 decimal places, and time is the Unix timestamp determined to the millisecond

guid is the identity of each entity, all users, items, links, portals, ... all have a unique identity guid type is the type of this entity, e: lin (directly followed by 6 elements, two groups of guid latitude and longitude), r: field (followed by a list, three groups of guid latitude and longitude), p: portal (a group of guid latitude and longitude, followed by the level, energy (0.0-100.0), number of feet, po map, po name, [], false, false, null (these 4 do not quite understand what is), update timestamp) faction stands for camp, E: Enl, R: Res


code Too long, post a part example


Used to get the details of the portal

API Request: guid, v
API Response: result: [type, faction, lng, lat, level, energy, resonator_nums, picurl, name, [], false, false, null, updatetime, [[agentname, modtype, modlevel, {a: value, b: value}],...], [['agentname', resonator_level, energy],...], belongs, ["", "", []]]

The meaning is clear, it is the details of the portal

{a: value, b: value}

The effect of the mod is indicated by the following diagram, which is easy to understand


code example1 example2 example3


The guess is to see if a new portal is generated

API Request: v
APi Resonse: Idem


Used to obtain comm information

API Request: ascendingTimestampOrder, maxLatE6, maxLngE6, minLatE6 , minLngE6, maxTimestampMs, minTimestampMs, tab, v
API Response: result: [[guid, updatetime, {plext: {categories, plextType, team, text, markup: [#]}}],...]
According to different categories (1=all, 2=faction), different plextType, markup's list is different, explain the content of #
	[PLATER: {plain, team}], [TEXT: {plain}], [PORTAL: {name, address, latE6, lngE6, name, plain, team}], [TEXT: {plain}], [TEXT: {plain}], [TEXT: {plain}]
	The last three are the end of the message, such as '-' '28' 'Mus'
	There may also be 2 endings, such as [TEXT] [PORTAL]
	There may also be no message tail, such as the destroyed behavior
	[SECURE: {plain}]
	[SENDER: {plain, team}], [TEXT: {plain}] [AT_PLAYER: {plain, team}]

Obviously [SECURE] is optional
Each @ will cause [AT_PLAYER] to appear and fill in the text with [TEXT], so the list is not long (I guessed, 2333)

To explain E6, obviously this is 4 points that define a rectangular area, then the captured messages come from this area

ascendingTimestampOrder(Bool) indicates whether the output is in accordance with time asc

code example

Send a message

API Request: latE6, lngE6, message, tab, v,
API Response: result

This API, see above to receive messages on it, note the value of tab is all or faction


Using passcode

API Request: passcode, v,
API Response:
	1. error



API Request: inviteeEmailAddress, v
API Response: result

End of Part I


Game API(iOS)


  1. Use Charles as a relay, iPhone forward to Charles, then to ss
  2. Install HTTPS certificate


  1. In the HTTP Request Headers, there is also X-XsrfToken
  2. and fixed values User-Agent: Nemesis (gzip), Accept-Encoding: gzip, Accept-Language: the language you set yourself
  3. also need Authorization in the HTTP Request Headers
  4. Identification.
  5. no special instructions, are POST requests
  6. API domain names used: (gstatic)|(upsight-api)|(|(
  7. google-analytics a moment on a, are GET requests, in the course of the game of this package lazy to write

Google stats

During this period the User-Agent is Ingress/1.110.0 CFNetwork/808.2.16 Darwin/16.3.0


When opening the game, the first request is sent to的

Tell us about the parameters

appversion: 1.110.0
auto: 1
lat: 1
muid: n4nISlWfVzY2pH_42u0NMw
osversion: 10.2
sdkversion: ct-sdk-i-v3.1.1
timestamp: 1457613595.596337
usage_tracking_enabled: 1

Only timestamp is variable


This is followed by the POST request profile,

Note that starting here, the Headers carry an X-US-Ref-Id (which is required when requesting from, several other API stations use X-XsrfToken), and each time you start the APP value is not allowed

There are many elements to this request.

	"sdk.version": "4.0.2",
	"device.manufacturer": "Apple",
	"screen.width": 375,
	"app.token": "f1f4c1b2962446b38f72d5a456aac73c",
	"app.version": "1.110.0",
	"device.limit_ad_tracking": true,
	"screen.height": 667,
	"bundle.hash": *,
	"ids.idfv": *,
	"": "+release.91a51d8",
	"request_ts": 1481902230,
	"device.carrier": "中国联通",
	"device.hardware": "iPhone8,1",
	"locale": "zh_CN",
	"app.bundleid": "",
	"sid": "622357641234265637",
	"": "+0800",
	"device.connection": "Wifi",
	"device.os_version": "10.2",
	"device.type": "phone",
	"identifiers": "pub",
	"opt_out": false,
	"device.jailbroken": false,
	"screen.scale": 2,
	"device.os": "ios",
	"sessions": [{
		"session_num": 5558,
		"install_ts": 1457609995,
		"session_start": 1481901886,
		"events": [{
			"ts": 1481902230,
			"seq_id": 252628,
			"type": "upsight.config.expired",
			"user_attributes": {
				"days_inactive": -1,
				"hashed_user_id": *,
				"player_approx_lat": 30.76,
				"player_approx_lng": 103.93,
				"language": "zh_CN",
				"faction": "ALIENS",
				"distance_to_portal": -1,
				"agent_level": 13
		"past_session_time": 2873649

You can see here is actually uploading the session backup, device information, APP information

will return a configuration

	"errobj": null,
	"response": [{
		"content": {
			"configurationList": [{
				"configuration": {
					"queues": [{
						"max_age": 120,
						"count_network_fail_retries": false,
						"name": "batch",
						"retry_interval": 60,
						"host": "",
						"max_retry_count": 3,
						"url_fmt": "{protocol}://{host}/batch/{version}/{app_token}/",
						"protocol": "https",
						"max_size": 50
					}, {
						"max_age": 0,
						"count_network_fail_retries": true,
						"name": "immediate",
						"retry_interval": 5,
						"host": "",
						"max_retry_count": 1,
						"url_fmt": "{protocol}://{host}/sdk/{version}/events/{app_token}/",
						"protocol": "https",
						"max_size": 1
					}, {
						"max_age": 0,
						"count_network_fail_retries": true,
						"name": "config",
						"retry_interval": 15,
						"host": "",
						"max_retry_count": 2,
						"url_fmt": "{protocol}://{host}/config/{version}/{app_token}/",
						"protocol": "https",
						"max_size": 1
					"identifiers": [{
						"ids": ["ids.idfv", "ids.android_id"],
						"name": "pub"
					}, {
						"ids": ["ids.idfa", "ids.aid"],
						"name": "ad"
					"route_filters": [{
						"filter": "*",
						"queues": ["batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.*",
						"queues": ["batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.milestone",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.uxm.enumerate",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.content.unrendered",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.campaign.*",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.content.*",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.comm.register",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.comm.unregister",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.session.start",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "pub.RequestContentSize.*",
						"queues": ["trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "pub.RequestDuration.*",
						"queues": ["trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "pub.RequestPayloadSize.*",
						"queues": ["trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.config.expired",
						"queues": ["config", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.monetization.iap",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					}, {
						"filter": "upsight.data_collection",
						"queues": ["immediate", "batch", "trash"]
					"identifier_filters": [{
						"filter": "*",
						"identifiers": "pub"
				"type": "upsight.configuration.dispatcher"
			}, {
				"configuration": {
					"retryMultiplier": 120,
					"requestInterval": 3600,
					"retryPowerBase": 1.61,
					"retryPowerExponentMax": 10
				"type": "upsight.configuration.configurationManager"
			}, {
				"configuration": {
					"push_token_ttl": 604800,
					"auto_register": true
				"type": "upsight.configuration.push"
		"type": "upsight.configuration"
	"error": null

I won't go into details here


This is POST to

	"sdk.version": "4.0.2",
	"device.manufacturer": "Apple",
	"screen.width": 375,
	"app.token": "*",
	"app.version": "1.110.0",
	"device.limit_ad_tracking": true,
	"screen.height": 667,
	"bundle.hash": "*",
	"ids.idfv": "*",
	"": "+release.91a51d8",
	"request_ts": 1481902232,
	"device.carrier": "中国联通",
	"device.hardware": "iPhone8,1",
	"locale": "zh_CN",
	"app.bundleid": "",
	"sid": *,
	"": "+0800",
	"device.connection": "Wifi",
	"device.os_version": "10.2",
	"device.type": "phone",
	"identifiers": "pub",
	"opt_out": false,
	"device.jailbroken": false,
	"screen.scale": 2,
	"device.os": "ios",
	"sessions": [{
		"session_num": 5558,
		"install_ts": 1457609995,
		"session_start": 1481901886,
		"events": [{
			"ts": 1481902146,
			"seq_id": 252627,
			"type": "upsight.session.pause",
			"user_attributes": {
				"days_inactive": -1,
				"hashed_user_id": "*",
				"player_approx_lat": *,
				"player_approx_lng": *,
				"language": "zh_CN",
				"faction": "ALIENS",
				"distance_to_portal": -1,
				"agent_level": 13
		}, {
			"ts": 1481902230,
			"seq_id": 252629,
			"type": "upsight.session.resume",
			"user_attributes": {
				"days_inactive": -1,
				"hashed_user_id": "*",
				"player_approx_lat": *,
				"player_approx_lng": *,
				"language": "zh_CN",
				"faction": "ALIENS",
				"distance_to_portal": -1,
				"agent_level": 13
		}, {
			"ts": 1481902230,
			"pub_data": {
				"ui_type": "FOREGROUND",
			"seq_id": 252630,
			"type": "pub.Stats.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE",
			"user_attributes": {
				"days_inactive": -1,
				"hashed_user_id": "*",
				"player_approx_lat": *,
				"player_approx_lng": *,
				"language": "zh_CN",
				"faction": "ALIENS",
				"distance_to_portal": -1,
				"agent_level": 13
		"past_session_time": 2873649

The difference with the above is the event, if you are interested in diff

What to return.

	"errobj": null,
	"error": null,
	"response": []

OAuth2 Login

Here is the OAuth2 authentication, not the focus, are omitted

The last API is POST to, form contains


then still returns a JSON that

	"access_token": *,
	"token_type": "Bearer",
	"expires_in": 3600,
	"refresh_token": *,
	"id_token": *

Authorizatoin is required from here on (when requesting from appspot)

The format is Bearer access_token


After that, ingress will send a statistic message, GET passing a reference to

Here the User-Agent is set to GoogleAnalytics/3.10 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 10.2 like Mac OS X; zh-hans-cn-cn)

Here are the parameters

an: niantic-ingress
av: 1.110.0
a: 1360117771
tid: UA-30116200-4
cd: NiOSAuthenticationInfoViewController
t: screenview
cid: *
ul: zh-hans-cn
ds: app
_u: *
sr: 375x667
v: 1
_crc: 0
_v: mi3.1.0
sf: 100
ht: 1481901425098
qt: 155026
z: *



Here is still a POST form submission, but the content is JSON, suspected that the wrong settings

"nemesisSoftwareVersion": "2016-11-18T13:44:21Z+c90631584ea7-i+opt",
"deviceSoftwareVersion": "10.2",
"a": *,
"reason": "SUP"

What is returned is important First is a crack string )]}' Then there is a huge JSON that returns.

    "result": {
        "playerEntity": [user_guid, 1481899737145, {
            "playerPersonal": {
                "ap": "14031060",
                "energy": 10255,
                "allowNicknameEdit": false,
                "allowFactionChoice": false,
                "verifiedLevel": 13,
                "mediaHighWaterMarks": {
                    "General": 1809,
                    "RESISTANCE": 1328,
                    "ALIENS": 1327
                "energyState": "XM_OK",
                "notificationSettings": {
                    "shouldSendEmail": false,
                    "maySendPromoEmail": false,
                    "shouldPushNotifyForAtPlayer": true,
                    "shouldPushNotifyForPortalAttacks": true,
                    "shouldPushNotifyForInvitesAndFactionInfo": true,
                    "shouldPushNotifyForNewsOfTheDay": true,
                    "shouldPushNotifyForEventsAndOpportunities": true,
                    "locale": "zh-Hans-CN"
                "profileSettings": {
                    "areMetricsPublic": false
                "verificationState": "UNVERIFIED",
                "extraXmTankEnergy": 0
            "controllingTeam": {
                "team": "RESISTANCE"
            "avatar": {
                "foreground": {
                    "layerId": "foreground4",
                    "tintColor": 16249235,
                    "imageUrl": ""
                "background": {
                    "layerId": "background3",
                    "tintColor": 481625,
                    "imageUrl": ""
        "nickname": *,
        "xsrfToken": *,
        "storage": {
            "tutorial_complete_scanner_intro": "true:delim:1481895477261:delim:true",
            "game_intro_has_played": "true:delim:1457410095779:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_7": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587760:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_6": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587759:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_5": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587758:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_4": "SUCCESS:delim:1457876587753:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_3": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587757:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_0": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587754:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_1": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587755:delim:true",
            "mission_complete_2": "ENDED_BY_NAGGING:delim:1457876587756:delim:true",
            "all_missions_complete_announcement_made": "true:delim:1457410237730:delim:true",
            "tutorial_complete_hack": "true:delim:1457410237722:delim:true",
            "training_portal_photo_url": "",
            "training_portal_lng_degrees": *,
            "training_portal_lat_degrees": *,
            "training_portal_title": "本科9栋:delim:1457439507178:delim:true",
            "tutorial_complete_xm": "true:delim:1457412143790:delim:true",
            "tutorial_complete_xmp": "true:delim:1457412131239:delim:true",
            "tutorial_complete_profile_link": "true:delim:1457422332944:delim:true",
            "tutorial_complete_deploy": "true:delim:1457488741871:delim:true"
        "pregameStatus": {
            "action": "NO_ACTIONS_REQUIRED",
            "dialogText": ""
        "initialKnobs": {
            "bundleMap": {
                "ClientFeatureKnobs": {
                    "enableEmbeddedYouTubePlayback": true,
                    "showGlobalMap": true,
                    "logSkipRegex": "\\b\\B",
                    "enableParticleFilter": true,
                    "enableGAViolationReporting": false,
                    "portalKeyCardRefreshIntervalSecs": 5,
                    "portalInfoRefreshIntervalSecs": 2,
                    "enableInviteNag": true,
                    "inviteNagDelayDays": 14,
                    "enableVerificationNag": false,
                    "verificationNagDelayDays": 3,
                    "refreshTimeMs": "-1",
                    "playerProfileCacheExpirationSecs": "60",
                    "enableDelayGpsPause": true,
                    "enableAdvancedAnalytics": true,
                    "playerVerificationEnabled": 0,
                    "enableExtraNativeRenderedText": -1,
                    "enableShareMission": 10740,
                    "profileUrlFormat": "",
                    "profileUrlFormatApp": "gplus://",
                    "factionChoiceBeforeSpaceToFace": true,
                    "minGlobBundleSizeXm": 1500,
                    "enableMissions": 10610,
                    "enableBadAnalyticsTrackingEventLogging": 10570,
                    "enableIOSPushNotifications": 10640,
                    "iOSPortalDiscoveryProcessIntervalMS": "200000",
                    "enableMissionsConnectivityRecovery": 10610,
                    "enableMissionsStatePolling": 10610,
                    "enableHackLongPressIndicator": 10612,
                    "enableIOSNativeYoutubePlayer": 10620,
                    "enableIOSPortalDetailPanel": 10630,
                    "enableIOSMultiPhotoViewer": 10640,
                    "enableIOSPhotoSubmission": 10640,
                    "enableIOSGridPhotoViewer": 10650,
                    "enableCommunityTab": 10740,
                    "enableBoostRechargeV2": 10760,
                    "enableSetLocale": 10771,
                    "disableNewPortalSubmissions": -1,
                    "enableLocalLinkChecks": 10790,
                    "enableStore": 10851,
                    "enableRecycleConfirmationDialog": 0,
                    "enableGlyphCommandChannel": 10900,
                    "enableGlyphRedoButton": 10910,
                    "upsightLocationDecimalPlacesToRound": 2,
                    "enableExtendedFireMenu": 11010
                "SmartNotificationsClientKnobs": {
                    "enableSmartNotifications": 10670,
                    "maximumCachedHandshakeResultAgeMs": "43200000",
                    "enableR": 10691,
                    "enableRIOS": 10700,
                    "playerRProbabilityE6": 1000000,
                    "rLPlayerMs": "864000000",
                    "rMinPollingDelayMs": "900000",
                    "maximumPortalCacheSize": 5000,
                    "portalCacheEntryExpirationTimeMs": "1209600000",
                    "nearbyPortalDistanceM": 200,
                    "loiteringMs": "300000",
                    "noLongerNearbyDistanceM": 100,
                    "rNearbyPortalDistanceGrowthRate": 50,
                    "rMaxGrownNearbyPortalDistanceM": 1000,
                    "rWaitPeriodsMs": ["86400000", "172800000", "259200000", "432000000"],
                    "rIOSAlwaysLocationAccessMinIntervalMs": "5256000000",
                    "amSessionLengthMs": "1800000",
                    "enableAm": 10700,
                    "playerAmProbabilityE6": 1000000,
                    "amNearbyPortalDistanceM": 37,
                    "amNoLongerNearbyDistanceM": 40,
                    "amAndroidLocationRequestPriority": 102,
                    "amAndroidLocationRequestIntervalMs": "30000",
                    "amAndroidLocationRequestFastestIntervalMs": "5000",
                    "amAndroidLocationRequestSmallestDisplacementM": 0
                "TranslationClientKnobs": {
                    "enableCloudTranslations": 10860,
                    "translationUrls": {
                        "zh_TW.json": "",
                        "ru": "",
                        "fr": "",
                        "en": "",
                        "nl": "",
                        "pt": "",
                        "no": "",
                        "de": "",
                        "ko": "",
                        "it": "",
                        "sv": "",
                        "pl": "",
                        "cs": "",
                        "zh_CN.json": "",
                        "ja": "",
                        "es": ""
                "GlyphCommandClientKnobs": {
                    "commands": {
                        "ikj": "GLYPH_ACCEPT_MORE_KEYS",
                        "jkgh": "GLYPH_ACCEPT_COMPLEX_HACK",
                        "hkg": "GLYPH_ACCEPT_LESS_KEYS",
                        "ji": "GLYPH_ACCEPT_SIMPLE_HACK"
                "StagingKnobs": {
                    "playerStoreProbabilityE6": 1000000,
                    "oldAnalyticsProbabilityE6": 1000000,
                    "newAnalyticsProbabilityE6": 1000000
                "InventoryKnobs": {
                    "maxInventoryItems": 2000,
                    "resourceLimits": {
                        "KEY_CAPSULE": 5
                    "cmuRestockItemId": "ingress.cmu.large",
                    "itemRestockResourceToId": {},
                    "powerupRestockToId": {
                        "LOOK": "ingress.beacon.look",
                        "RES": "ingress.beacon.res",
                        "NIA": "ingress.beacon.nia",
                        "ENL": "ingress.beacon.enl",
                        "FRACK": "ingress.fracker",
                        "MEET": ""
                "PortalKnobs": {
                    "resonatorLimits": {
                        "bands": [{
                            "remaining": 1,
                            "applicableLevels": [8]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 4,
                            "applicableLevels": [2]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 8,
                            "applicableLevels": [1]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 2,
                            "applicableLevels": [5]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 4,
                            "applicableLevels": [3]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 2,
                            "applicableLevels": [6]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 4,
                            "applicableLevels": [4]
                        }, {
                            "remaining": 1,
                            "applicableLevels": [7]
                    "maxModsPerPlayer": 2,
                    "radiusParamsSet": [],
                    "allowRegionSpecificSubmissions": false,
                    "minLevelForSubmission": 2
                "recycleKnobs": {
                    "recycleValuesMap": {
                        "BOOSTED_POWER_CUBE": [160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160],
                        "MULTIHACK": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "EMP_BURSTER": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "INTEREST_CAPSULE": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "TURRET": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "MEDIA": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "EXTRA_SHIELD": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "ULTRA_STRIKE": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "POWER_CUBE": [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000],
                        "FLIP_CARD": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "ULTRA_LINK_AMP": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "CAPSULE": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "HEATSINK": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "RES_SHIELD": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "PORTAL_POWERUP": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "LINK_AMPLIFIER": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "EMITTER_A": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "PORTAL_LINK_KEY": [500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500],
                        "KEY_CAPSULE": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160],
                        "FORCE_AMP": [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160]
                "WeaponRangeKnobs": {
                    "xmpDamageRangeMap": {
                        "1": 42,
                        "3": 58,
                        "2": 48,
                        "5": 90,
                        "4": 72,
                        "7": 138,
                        "6": 112,
                        "8": 168
                    "ultraStrikeDamageRangeMap": {
                        "1": 10,
                        "3": 16,
                        "2": 13,
                        "5": 21,
                        "4": 18,
                        "7": 27,
                        "6": 24,
                        "8": 30
                    "maxPowerBoostPercentage": 20,
                    "powerBoostPeriodHardS": 0.6,
                    "powerBoostPeriodEasyS": 1.5,
                    "powerBoostWindowHardS": 0.06,
                    "powerBoostWindowEasyS": 0.1,
                    "powerBoostPowAnimation": 1.0,
                    "powerBoostPowScore": 1.0,
                    "maxFireRateSeconds": 1.5
                "XmCostKnobs": {
                    "xmpFiringCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "shieldDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "linkAmplifierDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "forceAmplifierDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "heatsinkDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "multihackDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "turretDeployCostByLevel": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                    "resonatorDeployCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "resonatorUpgradeCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "portalHackFriendlyCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "portalHackNeutralCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "portalHackEnemyCostByLevel": [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                    "flipCardCostByLevel": [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000],
                    "portalModByLevel": {
                        "MULTIHACK": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "HEATSINK": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "TURRET": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "EXTRA_SHIELD": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "FORCE_AMP": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "ULTRA_LINK_AMP": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "RES_SHIELD": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600],
                        "LINK_AMPLIFIER": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600]
                    "powerupByLevel": {
                        "PORTAL_POWERUP": [200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600]
                    "boostRechargeResonatorsCost": 15000
                "ScannerKnobs": {
                    "updateIntervalMs": 30000,
                    "updateDistanceM": 10,
                    "maxUpdateIntervalMs": 30000,
                    "minUpdateIntervalMs": 5000,
                    "updateIntervalThrottlingTriggerVelocityMps": 3.0,
                    "updateIntervalThrottlingRate": 0.65,
                    "rangeM": 300,
                    "missionsUpdateIntervalMs": 60000,
                    "missionsUpdateDistanceM": 500,
                    "maxLinkAutoCheckRangeM": 200000,
                    "reportRequestPerformancePercentE6": 0,
                    "crittercismSendPerfDataProbabilityE6": 0,
                    "crittercismSendLogcatProbabilityE6": 0
                "PortalModSharedKnobs": {
                    "diminishingValues": {
                        "FORCE_AMPLIFIER": [1000, 250, 125, 125],
                        "ATTACK_FREQUENCY": [1000, 250, 125, 125],
                        "LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER": [1000, 250, 125, 125],
                        "TEMP_LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER_SORTED": [1000, 250, 125, 125],
                        "TEMP_ATTACK_FREQUENCY_SORTED": [1000, 250, 125, 125],
                        "BURNOUT_INSULATION": [1000, 500, 500, 500],
                        "HACK_SPEED": [1000, 500, 500, 500],
                        "TEMP_FORCE_AMPLIFIER_SORTED": [1000, 250, 125, 125]
                    "directValues": {
                        "OUTGOING_LINKS_BONUS": [8, 8, 8, 8]
                "NearbyPortalKnobs": {
                    "repopulateDistanceMeters": 500.0,
                    "repopulateTimeMilliseconds": "30000"
                "PlayerAnnounceSharedKnobs": {
                    "featureActivationDate": "1377241200000"
                "PlayerVerificationSharedKnobs": {
                    "unverifiedXmCapacity": 3000,
                    "unverifiedInventoryCapacity": 100,
                    "unverifiedApCapacity": 19999,
                    "enableVerificationFeature": false,
                    "enableVerifiedGameActions": false,
                    "numPinCodeDigits": 4
                "PlayerLevelKnobs": {
                    "levelUpRequirements": {
                        "11": {
                            "apRequired": "6000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "SILVER": 6,
                                "GOLD": 4
                        "10": {
                            "apRequired": "4000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "SILVER": 5,
                                "GOLD": 2
                        "13": {
                            "apRequired": "12000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "PLATINUM": 1,
                                "GOLD": 7
                        "12": {
                            "apRequired": "8400000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "SILVER": 7,
                                "GOLD": 6
                        "15": {
                            "apRequired": "24000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "PLATINUM": 3
                        "14": {
                            "apRequired": "17000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "PLATINUM": 2
                        "16": {
                            "apRequired": "40000000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "PLATINUM": 4,
                                "BLACK": 2
                        "1": {
                            "apRequired": "0",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "3": {
                            "apRequired": "20000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "2": {
                            "apRequired": "2500",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "5": {
                            "apRequired": "150000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "4": {
                            "apRequired": "70000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "7": {
                            "apRequired": "600000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "6": {
                            "apRequired": "300000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                        "9": {
                            "apRequired": "2400000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {
                                "SILVER": 4,
                                "GOLD": 1
                        "8": {
                            "apRequired": "1200000",
                            "achievementsRequired": {}
                    "maxPlayerLevel": 16,
                    "xmCapacityByLevel": {
                        "11": 14500,
                        "10": 13000,
                        "13": 17500,
                        "12": 16000,
                        "15": 20500,
                        "14": 19000,
                        "16": 22000,
                        "1": 3000,
                        "3": 5000,
                        "2": 4000,
                        "5": 7000,
                        "4": 6000,
                        "7": 9000,
                        "6": 8000,
                        "9": 11500,
                        "8": 10000
                    "boostedPowerCubeCapacityByLevel": {
                        "11": 40800,
                        "10": 38400,
                        "13": 45600,
                        "12": 43200,
                        "15": 50400,
                        "14": 48000,
                        "16": 52800,
                        "1": 18000,
                        "3": 22500,
                        "2": 20250,
                        "5": 27000,
                        "4": 24750,
                        "7": 31500,
                        "6": 29250,
                        "9": 36000,
                        "8": 33750
                "MapCompositionRootKnobs": {
                    "mapAreas": [{
                        "description": "S Korea",
                        "epoch": 1,
                        "mapProvider": "OSM",
                        "boundingRects": [{
                            "north": 37.69547616496338,
                            "south": 34.83562779241368,
                            "east": 131.16790087890627,
                            "west": 124.44700830078114
                        }, {
                            "north": 37.69547616496338,
                            "south": 33.025620228813466,
                            "east": 128.76189501953127,
                            "west": 124.44700830078114
                        }, {
                            "north": 37.84094374831599,
                            "south": 37.561299473030594,
                            "east": 126.86126025390627,
                            "west": 126.18010156249989
                        }, {
                            "north": 38.358197906100926,
                            "south": 37.62589818166485,
                            "east": 129.34966357421877,
                            "west": 126.65800683593739
                        }, {
                            "north": 38.634814820135226,
                            "south": 38.358197906100926,
                            "east": 128.55040820312502,
                            "west": 128.14116113281239
                    }, {
                        "description": "World",
                        "epoch": -1,
                        "mapProvider": "GMM",
                        "mapProviderName": "",
                        "boundingRects": [{
                            "north": 90.0,
                            "south": -90.0,
                            "east": 180.0,
                            "west": -180.0
                    "mapProviders": [{
                        "name": "GMM",
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "queryFormat": ""
                    }, {
                        "name": "OSM",
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "queryFormat": "ntp-maptiles/epoch-%04d/%s.gmm"
            "syncTimestamp": "1481903753065"

Here's something you can do a tutorial, basically, the effect of various items, upgrade requirements are written very clearly in it, other students are welcome to do a statistic

For example, the ultraStrikeDamageRangeMap illustrates the US action distance for each level

Here is probably for hot updates, put the settings on the server side (running not my traffic anyway, gg)


Then it's POST to

Direct form content is simple and violent


The return is also an empty{}


This time it is GET to to get the map of the spinning earth at the beginning of the game

Response is a 256*128 black, green and red chart

batch Second time

Another device information upload is triggered, except request_ts is updated with a little difference in events

"pub_data": {
	"type": "upsight.session.pause",
	"ui_type": "FOREGROUND"
"type": "pub.StartupWheelsOfAdaSubActivity",

This was all before clicking the I got it button on the request

Game API


Apparently it is used to get the score of the game

API Request: params: []
API Response:
	"result": {
		"alienScore": "569243223",
		"resistanceScore": "723155462"
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": []

I'm too lazy to explain, just post the returned package


Used to obtain map elements

API Request: params: {clientBasket: {clientBlob}, knobSyncTimestamp, energyGlobGuids: [], playerLocation: value, dates: [value], cellsAsHex: [...], cells}

Here clientBasket is the verification information, the whole process will not change, probably to reverse the algorithm to know

playerLocation is a string like 'hex,hex', latitude and longitude (keep 6 decimal places and remove the decimal point) are converted to hexadecimal and then concatenated with spaces

dates is a list of 20 zeros (not sure)

cellsAsHex is the token of the cell slice, a list of 20 16-bit hex values

API Response:
	"result": "1481906071300",
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [
			[guid, time, {
				"capturedRegion": {
					"vertexA": {
						"guid": guid,
						"location": {
							"latE6": *,
							"lngE6": *
					"vertexB": {
					"vertexC": {
				"entityScore": {
					"entityScore": "8"
				"creator": {
					"creatorGuid": user_guid,
					"creationTime": time
				"controllingTeam": {
					"team": "RESISTANCE"
			[guid, time, {
				"photoStreamInfo": {
					"coverPhoto": {
						"portalImageGuid": *,
						"imageUrl": *,
						"attributionMarkup": ["PLAYER", {
							"plain": agent_name,
							"guid": guid,
							"team": "ALIENS"
						"voteCount": 0
					"photoCount": 1
				"locationE6": {
					"latE6": *,
					"lngE6": *
				"discoverer": {
					"playerMarkupArgSet": {
						"plain": agent_name,
						"guid": *,
						"team": "ALIENS"
				"resonatorArray": {
					"resonators": [{
						"level": 3,
						"distanceToPortal": 28,
						"ownerGuid": agent_guid,
						"energyTotal": 1327,
						"slot": 0,
						"id": uuid
					}, ...]
				"descriptiveText": {
					"map": {
						"TITLE": *,
						"ADDRESS": *
				"turret": {},
				"portalV2": {
					"linkedEdges": [],
					"linkedModArray": [{
						"installingUser": agent_guid,
						"stats": {
							"MITIGATION": "30",
						"rarity": "COMMON",
						"displayName": "Portal Shield",
						"type": "RES_SHIELD"
					}, ...],
					"missionStartPoint": false
				"controllingTeam": {
					"team": "RESISTANCE"
				"captured": {
					"capturingPlayerId": agent_guid
				"defaultActionRange": {}

			[guide, time, {
				"edge": {
					"originPortalGuid": guid,
					"destinationPortalGuid": guid,
					"originPortalLocation": {
						"latE6": *,
						"lngE6": *
					"destinationPortalLocation": {
						"latE6": *,
						"lngE6": *
				"creator": {
					"creatorGuid": *,
					"creationTime": *
				"controllingTeam": {
					"team": "RESISTANCE"
			[guid, time, {
				"imageByUrl": {
					"imageUrl": *
				"photoStreamInfo": {
					"coverPhoto": {
						"portalImageGuid": guid,
						"imageUrl": *,
						"attributionMarkup": ["PLAYER", {
							"plain": agent_name,
							"guid": guid,
							"team": "ALIENS"
						"voteCount": 5
					"photoCount": 1
				"locationE6": {
					"latE6": *,
					"lngE6": *
				"discoverer": {
					"playerMarkupArgSet": {
						"plain": agent_name,
						"guid": *,
						"team": "ALIENS"
				"resonatorArray": {
					"resonators": [...]
				"descriptiveText": {
					"map": {
						"TITLE": *,
						"DESCRIPTION": *,
						"ADDRESS": *
				"turret": {},
				"portalV2": {
					"linkedEdges": [{
						"edgeGuid": guid,
						"otherPortalGuid": guid",
						"isOrigin": false
					}, ...],
					"linkedModArray": [..., null],
					"missionStartPoint": false
				"controllingTeam": {
					"team": "RESISTANCE"
				"captured": {
					"capturingPlayerId": agent_guid
				"defaultActionRange": {}
			[guid, time, {
				"timedPowerupSet": {
					"powerUpItems": []
				"imageByUrl": {
					"imageUrl": *
				"photoStreamInfo": {
					"coverPhoto": {
						"portalImageGuid": guid,
						"imageUrl": *,
						"attributionMarkup": ["PLAYER", {
							"plain": agent_user,
							"guid": guid,
							"team": "ALIENS"
						"voteCount": 2
					"photoCount": 1
				"locationE6": {
					"latE6": *,
					"lngE6": *
				"discoverer": {
					"playerMarkupArgSet": {
						"plain": agent_user,
						"guid": guid,
						"team": "ALIENS"
				"resonatorArray": {
					"resonators": [...]
				"descriptiveText": {
					"map": {
						"ADDRESS": *,
						"TITLE": (
				"turret": {},
				"portalV2": {
					"linkedEdges": [...],
					"linkedModArray": [null, null, null, null],
					"missionStartPoint": false
				"controllingTeam": {
					"team": "RESISTANCE"
				"captured": {
					"capturingPlayerId": agent_guid
				"defaultActionRange": {}
		"apGains": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"energyGlobGuids": [guid, ...],
		"energyGlobTimestamp": "1481906071300",
		"refreshEntityGuids": [guid, ...]

Very clear. No more.


API Request: params: {clientBasket: {clientBlob}, knobSyncTimestamp, energyGlobGuids: [], playerLocation: value}
API Response: Task and gameBasket, here because I do not have the current task, omitted


API Request: params: [value]

This value is a string that doesn't create any ghosts

API Response:  gameBasket: {gameEntities: [], inventory: [], deletedEntityGuids: [] }

This API has to be tested when there is an event


Get comm messages


API Request:
	"params": {
		"clientBasket": {
			"clientBlob": *
		"knobSyncTimestamp": *,
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"playerLocation": value,
		"categories": -1,
		"ascendingTimestampOrder": false,
		"desiredNumItems": 100,
		"maxTimestampMs": -1,
		"minTimestampMs": 1481900888021,
		"cellsAsHex": [...],
		"factionOnly": false

The parameters for this can be found in the Intel Map

API Response:
	"result": [
		[guid, time, {
			"locationE6": {
				"latE6": *,
				"lngE6": *
			"plext": {
				"text": *,
				"team": "ALIENS",
				"markup": [
					["SENDER", {
						"plain": agent_name,
						"guid": *,
						"team": "ALIENS"
					["TEXT", {
						"plain": ""
					["AT_PLAYER", {
						"plain": *,
						"guid": guid,
						"team": "ALIENS"
					["TEXT", {
						"plain": *
				"plextType": "PLAYER_GENERATED",
				"categories": 1
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"playerEntity": [...],
		"apGains": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"serverBlob": *

Omitted some duplicates, here you can also refer to the Intel Map API


API Request:
	"params": {
		"lastQueryTimestamp": timestamp
API Response:(Return only updated items)
	"result": "1481911112158",
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"inventory": [
		["56b24e20197240d2a2330e7fb60fa6a1.5", 1473951636802, {
						"inInventory": {
							"playerId": *,
							"acquisitionTimestampMs": *
						"modResource": {
							"displayName": "Heat Sink",
							"stats": {
								"REMOVAL_STICKINESS": "0",
								"HACK_SPEED": "200000"
							"rarity": "COMMON",
							"resourceType": "HEATSINK"
						"displayName": {
							"displayName": "Heat Sink",
							"displayDescription": "Mod that reduces cooldown time between Portal hacks."
		"deletedEntityGuids": []

The inventory can see what the updated items are, after the forced synchronization, this inside is everything, very large. (After all, each item a list ...)


API Request: params: [key, "", "2048"]
API Response: {}

Used to register token


API Request:
API Response: {}


API Request: params: []
API Response:
	"result": {
		"numAvailableInvites": 298,
		"inviteeToStatusMap": {
			email: status,
		"apGainOnInviteAccepted": "3000"
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"inventory": [
		"deletedEntityGuids": []

This API is good, you can see all the people you invite and their status, even ACCEPTED_ANOTHER_PLAYERS_INVITE


API Request: prams: [{tutorial_complete_scanner_intro: value}]

This value is a string in the format true:delim:1481912306360:delim:true

API Response:
	"result": "SUCCESS",
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": []


This is used to get information about yourself

API Request: params: [agent_name]
API Response: result: {team, avatar: {foregroundLayer: {id, imageURL, layer}, backgroundLayer: {id, imageUrl, layer}, avatarColorForeground, avatarColorBackground}, metrics: [{metricName, metricCategory, formattedValueAllTime, formattedValue30Days, formattedValue7Days}, ...], highlightedAchievements: [title, description, group, tiers: [{value, badgeImageUrl, locked}, ...], timestampAwarded], firstAchievementContinuationToken, ap, verifiedLeve, achievementCounts: {SILVER, GOLD, BLACK, PLATINUM, BRONZE}, gPlusId, highlightedMissionBadges: [{missionGuid, missionTitle, missionDescription, imageUrl}, ...], firstMissionBadgeContinuationToken}, gameBasket: {gameEntities, inventory, deletedEntityGuids}

All are self-annotated

Metrics are statistics, such as Unique Portals Visite

highlightedAchievements is the tile information

highlightedMissionBadges is the mission information


API Request: params: [{continuationToken, nickname}]

The continuationToken is the firstMissionBadgeContinuationToken returned by the API above or the continuationToken returned by yourself

API Response:
	"result": {
		"missionBadges": [{
			"missionGuid": guid,
			"missionTitle": *,
			"missionDescription": *,
			"imageUrl": *
		}, ...],
		"continuationToken": *
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": []

This API is used to get task icons and details


API Request:
	"params": {
		"clientBasket": {
			"clientBlob": *
		"knobSyncTimestamp": *,
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"location": value,
		"continuationToken": value

The value here is also a comma separated by two hexes

A continuationToken of null means the first time the task is viewed, after that the value is the continuationToken returned by the API itself

API Response:
	"result": {
		"missionSnippets": [{
			"header": {
				"guid": guid,
				"title": *,
				"logoUrl": *,
				"startLocation": value,
				"badgeUrl": *,
				"stats": {
					"ratingE6": "0",
					"medianCompletionTimeMs": "0",
					"numUniqueCompletedPlayers": "0"
				"status": "NOT_STARTED",
				"authorNickname": agent_name,
				"authorTeam": "ALIENS"
			"version": "2"
		"continuationToken": value
	"gameBasket": {
		"gameEntities": [],
		"playerEntity": [guid, 1481912305897, {
			"avatar": {
				"foreground": {
					"layerId": "foreground4",
					"tintColor": 16249235,
					"imageUrl": *
				"background": {
					"layerId": "background3",
					"tintColor": 481625,
					"imageUrl": *
			"playerPersonal": {
				"ap": "14031060",
				"energy": 17500,
				"allowNicknameEdit": false,
				"allowFactionChoice": false,
				"verifiedLevel": 13,
				"mediaHighWaterMarks": {
					"General": 1809,
					"RESISTANCE": 1328,
					"ALIENS": 1327
				"energyState": "XM_OK",
				"notificationSettings": {
					"shouldSendEmail": false,
					"maySendPromoEmail": false,
					"shouldPushNotifyForAtPlayer": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForPortalAttacks": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForInvitesAndFactionInfo": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForNewsOfTheDay": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForEventsAndOpportunities": true,
					"locale": "zh-Hans-CN"
				"profileSettings": {
					"areMetricsPublic": false
				"verificationState": "UNVERIFIED",
				"extraXmTankEnergy": 0
			"controllingTeam": {
				"team": "RESISTANCE"
		"apGains": [],
		"inventory": [],
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"serverBlob": *,
		"refreshEntityGuids": [guid, ...]


API Request: params: [agent_guid]
API Response: result: [agent_name], gameBasket: {gameEntities: , inventory: , deletedEntityGuids: }



Without Glyphs

API Request:
	"params": {
		"glyphGameRequested": false,
		"spewInfluenceGlyphSequence": null,
		"userInputGlyphSequence": null,
		"clientBasket": {
			"clientBlob": *
		"knobSyncTimestamp": *,
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"portalGuid": guid,
		"location": value
API Response:
	"result": {
		"items": {
			"addedGuids": [guid, ...],
			"baseHackMultiplier": "1"
	"gameBasket": {
		"playerDamages": [],
		"gameEntities": [],
		"playerEntity": [guid, 1481913704637, {
			"playerPersonal": {
				"energyState": "XM_OK",
				"notificationSettings": ...,
				"profileSettings": {
					"areMetricsPublic": false
				"verificationState": "UNVERIFIED",
				"extraXmTankEnergy": 0
			"controllingTeam": {
				"team": "RESISTANCE"
			"avatar": {
		"apGains": [],
		"inventory": [
			[guid, 1481913704513, {
				"modResource": {
					"displayName": "Portal Shield",
					"stats": {
						"MITIGATION": "30"
					"rarity": "COMMON",
					"resourceType": "RES_SHIELD"
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Portal Shield",
					"displayDescription": "Mod which shields Portal from attacks."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": agent_guid,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": *
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"serverBlob": *,
		"refreshEntityGuids": [guid]

With Glyphs

API Request:
	"params": {
		"glyphGameRequested": true,
		"spewInfluenceGlyphSequence": null,
		"userInputGlyphSequence": null,
		"clientBasket": {
			"clientBlob": *
		"knobSyncTimestamp": 1481912295011,
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"portalGuid": guid,
		"location": value
API Response:
	"result": {
		"glyphs": {
			"glyphSequence": [{
				"glyphOrder": "ejgahic"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "ga"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "jkgh"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "ejka"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "gkhijd"
			"isPrompted": false,
			"maxInputTimeMs": "15000",
			"timeToDemoMs": "500"
	"gameBasket": {


API Request:
	"params": {
		"glyphGameRequested": false,
		"spewInfluenceGlyphSequence": {
			"inputTimeMs": 1233,
			"bypassed": false,
			"glyphSequence": [{
				"glyphOrder": "hgkj"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "gkh"
		"userInputGlyphSequence": {
			"inputTimeMs": 8683,
			"bypassed": false,
			"glyphSequence": [{
				"glyphOrder": "fgah"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "egjihc"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "egahc"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "ega"
			}, {
				"glyphOrder": "efabhkjd"
		"clientBasket": {
			"clientBlob": *
		"knobSyncTimestamp": 1481912295011,
		"energyGlobGuids": [],
		"portalGuid": "3e2bcc15c58d486fae24e2ade2bf7327.16",
		"location": "01d553fe,0631e166"
API Response:
	"result": {
		"addedGuids": ["a4f754d8e8f0448c88a6fe349f303ebc.5", "c07c542b6e0c4fea9b66b66fcc110c37.5", "c7995bba88c4442eac1ac2c8008d419c.5", "3264136a3f414efba8e88a401786bc25.5", "4d928a839c3546658abc025fb8170981.5", "65916b9be8944fe986abe47433ad4c75.5", "0e9b7f761b8f41d8b149447dfd10ca0d.5", "995fddb948bf41caab25ad1d0496e57a.5", "36ecac7a73ba43bfb21f6d4dbdd84a1f.5", "afe79b3bd18941b995557eb0d0bcef41.5"],
		"glyphResponse": {
			"glyphResponses": [true, true, true, true, true],
			"powerBoostInMillion": 1630000,
			"timeBonusBoostInMillion": 421133,
			"displayNames": ["PURSUE", "CONFLICT", "WAR", "ADVANCE", "CHAOS"],
			"bonusGuids": ["a4f754d8e8f0448c88a6fe349f303ebc.5", "c07c542b6e0c4fea9b66b66fcc110c37.5", "3264136a3f414efba8e88a401786bc25.5", "4d928a839c3546658abc025fb8170981.5", "65916b9be8944fe986abe47433ad4c75.5", "afe79b3bd18941b995557eb0d0bcef41.5"]
		"baseHackMultiplier": "1"
	"gameBasket": {
		"playerDamages": [],
		"gameEntities": [],
		"playerEntity": [*, 1481914255972, {
			"avatar": {
			"playerPersonal": {
				"ap": "14031565",
				"energy": 17100,
				"allowNicknameEdit": false,
				"allowFactionChoice": false,
				"verifiedLevel": 13,
				"mediaHighWaterMarks": {
					"General": 1809,
					"RESISTANCE": 1328,
					"ALIENS": 1327
				"energyState": "XM_OK",
				"notificationSettings": {
					"shouldSendEmail": false,
					"maySendPromoEmail": false,
					"shouldPushNotifyForAtPlayer": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForPortalAttacks": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForInvitesAndFactionInfo": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForNewsOfTheDay": true,
					"shouldPushNotifyForEventsAndOpportunities": true,
					"locale": "zh-Hans-CN"
				"profileSettings": {
					"areMetricsPublic": false
				"verificationState": "UNVERIFIED",
				"extraXmTankEnergy": 0
			"controllingTeam": {
				"team": "RESISTANCE"
		"apGains": [{
			"apTrigger": "GLYPH_HACK",
			"apGainAmount": "405"
		"inventory": [
			["a4f754d8e8f0448c88a6fe349f303ebc.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255794"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["c07c542b6e0c4fea9b66b66fcc110c37.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMP_BURSTER",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Xmp Burster",
					"displayDescription": "Exotic Matter Pulse weapons which can destroy enemy Resonators and Mods and neutralize enemy Portals."
				"empWeapon": {
					"level": 8,
					"ammo": 1
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255779"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["c7995bba88c4442eac1ac2c8008d419c.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 7
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255777"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 7,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 7
			["3264136a3f414efba8e88a401786bc25.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMP_BURSTER",
					"level": 7
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Xmp Burster",
					"displayDescription": "Exotic Matter Pulse weapons which can destroy enemy Resonators and Mods and neutralize enemy Portals."
				"empWeapon": {
					"level": 7,
					"ammo": 1
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255794"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 7,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 7
			["4d928a839c3546658abc025fb8170981.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255779"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["65916b9be8944fe986abe47433ad4c75.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255780"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["0e9b7f761b8f41d8b149447dfd10ca0d.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255778"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["995fddb948bf41caab25ad1d0496e57a.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "POWER_CUBE",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Power Cube",
					"displayDescription": "Store of XM which can be used to recharge Scanner."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255778"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
				"powerCube": {
					"energy": 8000
			["36ecac7a73ba43bfb21f6d4dbdd84a1f.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "EMITTER_A",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Resonator",
					"displayDescription": "XM object used to power-up a Portal and align it to a Faction."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255778"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
			["afe79b3bd18941b995557eb0d0bcef41.5", 1481914255823, {
				"resourceWithLevels": {
					"resourceType": "POWER_CUBE",
					"level": 8
				"displayName": {
					"displayName": "Power Cube",
					"displayDescription": "Store of XM which can be used to recharge Scanner."
				"inInventory": {
					"playerId": *,
					"acquisitionTimestampMs": "1481914255779"
				"accessLevel": {
					"requiredLevel": 8,
					"failure": {
						"isAllowed": false,
						"requiredLevel": 8
				"powerCube": {
					"energy": 8000
		"deletedEntityGuids": [],
		"serverBlob": *,
		"refreshEntityGuids": [guid]

All the parameters submitted and obtained are listed here, indicating which position is represented by the letters of the drawing.

From top to bottom, left to right, in order

f            b
    g     h
    j     i
e            c

That is, the ALL command is abcd(bottom) dfa clockwise from the topmost vertex; the Strong command is ghij clockwise from the top left corner; the center is k

Concluding remarks

Used two nights to count the API.
Originally intended to also write a Game API library, but because it can not generate client-side blob and does not make sense to use later, Intel Map has been OK.
In the course of the game, batch will be triggered when moving
Get map updates are timed polling: getInventory (after all, you can also passcode to get items, all have to keep getting), getPaginatedPlexts, getObjectsInCells