- 优化websocet server代码,已完毕
- firefox(54)和chrome(59) mac桌面版浏览器音视频已可以互通,移动端目前只能chrome和chrome互通
- 文件传输有bug, 无法传输, 还未解决
- Failed to set remote answer sdp: Failed to push down transport description: Failed to set SSL role for the channel.
- addTrack / removeTrack / addStream / removeStream
- android firefox - firefox => android switch camera, video can refresh, audio no sound
- android chrome - chrome => android switch camera, video can refresh, audio no sound
- android chrome - firefox => android switch camera will cause error
- Cannot create offer in state have-local-offer
- Firefox - Android Firefox
- desktop start offer can build a connection while android start offer cant not
- android switch camera: desktop cant refresh remote streams