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OverpassQL Syntax Reference

A concise syntax reference for the OverpassQL language.


//single-line comment
/* multi line comment */


  • \n escapes a newline
  • \t escapes a tabulation
  • \" or \' escapes the respective quotation mark
  • \\ escapes the backslash
  • \u#### escapes a unicode UTF-16 value.


Statements are terminated by a semi-colon (;).

A statement consist of either a query setting, a keyword statement or a block statement statement terminated by a semi-colon (;).

A statement might include filters.

Block statements and query filters might include functions.

Query Setting

Must appear as the first uncommented statement in a query. Syntax is of the form:


Settings include: bbox, out, timeout, date, diff, adiff, maxsize.

Legal values vary by setting.

Keyword Statements

A keyword statement is a either a query statement or a simple statement. The keyword may optionally be preceded by the name of a set. And may be followed by filters or parameters. The optionality, number and syntax for these filters and parameters varies by statement.

A keyword statement typically reads from and writes to a named set. Unless otherwise specified the statement will manipulate the default set (._)

In general, the syntax for specifying input and output sets for a keyword statement is:

.input x ->.output;

Where .input specifies the input set for a statement named x. And where the assignment operator (->) is used to name the output set (.output).

However query statements use an alternate syntax for defining their input set.

Query statements

These statements read from the OSM database by default, rather than a named set. Their output can be assigned to a named set, or are added to the default set if not specified.

Query Statement Description
node Find nodes
way Find ways
rel Find relations
nwr Find nodes, ways, or relations
nw Find nodes or ways
nr Find nodes or relations
wr Find ways or relations
area Find areas
< Recurse up
<< Recurse up relations
> Recurse down
>> Recurse down relations

While the recursion operators use the standard keyword statement syntax for defining input and output sets, the query statements for finding nodes, ways, relations and areas use a different syntax.

For example:

node.input ->.output;

Where .input specifies the set against which the node statement will execute (applying any filters). And results are added to a set called .output.

Note: this syntax is described as a filter in the OverpassQL language reference, but is arguably better considered as specifing the input to the query.

Simple statements

Other statements only manipulate sets:

Simple Statement Description
out Output the contents of a set. Required to get any output at all
.x; Reference to contents of the named set .x. Used in set arithmetic
is_in Find areas that cover a lat/lng or nodes in a named set
timeline Lookup version history of an object
local Convert input into representation of OSM data
convert Creates elements from its input set, adding or filters tags
make Make a new element, e.g. a node, way or relation, or arbitrary object holding name-value pairs
derived Query for derived objects?

Block Statements

Block statements are one of the following.

Statement Syntax Description
Union (statement1; statement2; ...) Set union of the results of one or more statements
Difference (statement1; - statement2;) Set difference between two statements
If if (...evaluator...) { ... } else { ... } If statement, with optional else. See evaluator
For Each foreach { ... } Performs block for each statement of its input set
For for (...evaluator...) { ... } Perform block of statements for each subset returned by its evaluator.
Complete complete {...} Loop repeatedly until results of substatements no longer change.
Retro retro (...evaluator...) {...} Perform block for dates specified by evaluator
Compare compare (...evaluator...) {...} Compare diff of two timestamps. Evaluator and statement block are optional

Note: there is no Intersection block statement. The closest is to use a query statement of the form: node.set1.set2

The If and Retro statements do not read or write to sets. (Or this remains undocumented if so).

The Union, Difference, For Each, For and Complete and Compare block statements write to the default set, unless a named set is specified via the -> operator. But the syntax varies:

  • Union and Difference use the basic syntax, e.g. (...)->.output;
  • For the others, which have blocks ({}), the -> operator is appended to the keyword

E.g. to direct the output of a For Each statement use:

foreach->.output {statements}

The For Each, For, Complete and Compare block statements all read values from the default set, unless a named set is specified instead.

  • The Compare statement uses the default keyword statement syntax, e.g: .input compare()->.output;
  • Whereas the others use a dotted syntax similar to query statements

E.g. to specify that a For Each statement reads from .input and writes to .output use this syntax:

foreach.input->output { ... }

Within a for loop, the current value of the loop is assigned to a variable called val which is attached to the output set.

For example with a for loop reading from .input and writing to .output within the block the value of .output.val is the current value of the evaluator.

for.input->output { ... .output.val is available here ... }


Filters can be applied to query statements to limit the query results in various ways.

Tag Filters

Tag filters are applied to the tags (name-value pairs) associated with the objects being queried.

The use square brackets ([]). Names, values and regular expressions can optionally be wrapped in double or single quotes. Quotes must be used if there is a space in the value.

Filter Description
["name"] The name tag must be present on the object
[!"name"] The name tag must not be present
["name"="value"] The name tag must have the value value
["name"!="value"] The name tag must not have the value value
["name"~"regex"] The value of the name tag must match regex
["name"~"regex", i] As above, but case insensitive.
["name"~"^$"] The name tag has no value. Regex to match empty string. Only way to test for empty values.
[~"name-regex"~"value-regex"] Apply the value-regex to any tag that matches name-regex
[~"name-regex"~"value-regex", i] As above, but case insensitive

POSIX Extended regular expressions are supported. Use the ^ and $ symbols to match start and end of strings. | to specify alternatives, etc.

Identity Filter

Uses () brackets.

Limit results to the objects that have a specified id, e.g. node(1)

Limit results to one or more objects: node(id:1, 2, 3)

The second is more efficient than multiple individual identity filters for the same object type.

Spatial Filters

Spatial filters use rounded brackets (()). The following spatial filters are supported.

Filter Syntax Description
Bounding Box (south, west, north, east) Filter based on bounding box specified by four coordinates
Around (around:radius,lat,lng) Filter to objects within circle defined by centroid lat, lng and radius
Around (around.input:radius) Filter to objects that are within radius distance of objects in .input set
Around (around:radius,lat1,lng1,lat2,lng2,...,latn,lngn) Filter to objects with radius distance of a linestring
Polygon (poly:"lat1 lng1 lat2 lng2 ... latn lngn") Filter to objects within a polygon

Area Filters

Filters objects to those that are spatially contained within an area.

This is different to member filters that look at parent-child relationships within the OSM data model.

Also note that the area filter is different to the area query statement. The latter queries for areas, to fetch them from the database. Whereas the former is used to do a spatial filter on a result set.

The area filter uses rounded brackets (()).

Syntax Description
(area) Filter based on whether objects are within areas in the default set
(area.input) Filter based on whether objects are within an area stored in the named set (.input)
(area:nnnnnnn) Filter to objects contained within a specific area, identified by is database id

The pivot filter is related to the area filter. It is used to select the OSM database object that corresponds to the area(s) contained in a result set:

way(pivot)       //find ways that correspond to areas in the default set
way(pivot.input) //find ways that correspond to areas in set called 'input'

Date Filters

Date filters use rounded brackets (()).

Filter Syntax Description
Newer (newer:"YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ") Filter to objects that have changed since specified date-time
Changed (changed:"YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ") Filter to objects that have changed between date-time and current time
Changed (changed:"YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ","YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ") Filter to objects that have changed between two dates

Member (Recursion) Filters

The recursion filters use rounded brackets (()).

In the OSM data model. Nodes can be children of ways and relations. Ways can be children of relations. Relations can be children of other relations. These relationships can be qualifed by a role.

The member filters allow traversal between parent and child objects via these relationships.

They are used to select objects of different types, based on whether they are members of the objects in their input set.

The input set is the default set (._) unless specified by dotted syntax. For example to find nodes in the OSM database that are members of ways found in a set called .input:

Name Filter Example Description
Members of ways (w) node(w) Select child nodes of ways from input set
Members of relations (r) node(r) Select node members of relations in input set
Members of relations (r) way(r) Select way members of relations in input set
Parents of nodes (bn) way(bn) Select parent ways from nodes in input set
Parents of nodes (bn) rel(bn) Select parent relations of nodes in input set
Parents of ways (bw) rel(bw) Select parent relations of ways in input set
Parents of relations (br) rel(br) Select parent relations of relations in input set

The filters can be further qualified by role:

r:"x" //members of relations via a role called 'x'
r:""  //members of relations with empty role
r.input:"x" //members of relations in a set called input, with role 'x'
r.input:"" //members of relations in a set called input, with empty role

User Filter

Filter objects by the user associated with most recent change.

Filter Syntax Description
User (user:"name") Filter objects last touched by user name name
User (uid:id) Filter objects last touched by user id id

Conditional Filter

Filter objects based on a custom expression. Objects for which the expression does not return true will be filtered from the results.

(if: expression)

Where expression is an evaluator that returns a boolean value.

Expressions (Evaluators)

Expressions consist of functions and operators.


Operator Description
!, `
-, +, /, * Mathematical operators
==, != Equality operators
<, <=, >, >= Comparisons
expr ? x : y Ternary operator


Function Description
angle() Calculates angle between two segments in a way
center(...) Calculates centre of the bounding box of its input
changeset() Returns the id of the changeset for last update to an object
count(...) Count objects of the type specified in its parameter, which will be one of nodes, ways, relations, deriveds, nwr, nw, wr, nr
count_by_role() Count number of members with a specific role
count_distinct_members() Count number of distinct members
count_distinct_by_role() Count number of distinct members with a specific role
count_members() Count number of members for an object
count_tags() Count tags for an object
date(...) Turns its argument into a number representing a date, for comparison purposes only
gcat(...) Calculate combined geometry from its input set
geom() Returns geometry of an object
hull(...) Returns the convex hull of its argument
id() Returns OSM id of an object
is_closed() Returns 1 if a way is closed, 0 others. Closed means the first and last node are the same.
is_date(...) Tests whether its argument represents a date
is_number(...) Returns 1/0 depending on which its argument is a number
is_tag("name") Return 1 if an object has a tag called name. Otherwise 0.
keys() Returns keys for a given object
lat() Latitude of an object (or its bounding box centroid)
length() Returns length of an object. Will be length of a way or all ways in a relation
lon() Longitude of an object (or its bounding box centroid)
lrs_in(...,...) Returns 1 if its first argument is contained in the set provided as a second argument
lrs_isect(...,...) Returns the intersection of its two arguments, treated as sets
lrs_min(...) Returns the minimum of the elements in its argument
lrs_max(...) Returns the maximum of the elements in its argument
lrs_union(...,...) Returns the union of its two arguments, treated as sets
lstr(..,..) Returns linestring constructed from its arguments
min(...) Returns minimum value in the set provided as a parameter
max(...) Returns maximum value in the set provided as a parameter
number(...) Convers argument to a number, or "NaN"
per_member(...) Executes its argument once per member of the element
per_vertex(...) Executes its argument once per vertex of the element
poly(..,..) Returns a polygon constructed from its arguments
pos() Position for a member within an element
pt(lat,lng) Returns a valid OSM node geometry for given location
set(...) Returns semi-colon list of all distinct values in its input
suffix(...) Returns any value following a number in its input
sum(...) Sums values in set provided as parameter
timestamp() Returns timestamp of an object
trace(...) Returns the trace of its argument?
type() Returns type of an object. E.g. node or way
t["name"] Returns value of the name tag
u(...) ???
uid() Returns user id of the user who last edited an object
user() Returns user name of last editor of an object
version() Returns version number of an object

Overpass Turbo Extensions

Overpass Turbo defines some extensions. These are like macros which are executed by the IDE and replaced with an appropriate value or statement.

Shortcut Description
{{bbox}} Calculate a bounding box based on current map view
{{center}} Calculate center coordinates of current map view
{{date}} Current date and time
{{date:specifier}} Create historical date based on specifier.Syntax is a number followed by a time period: second, minute, hour, days, weeks, months, years. E.g. 1 day, 2 years
{{geocodeId:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use OSM id of first result
{{geocodeArea:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query for an area. Use OSM id of first area
{{geocodeBbox:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use the bounding box of the first result
{{geocodeCoords:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use the centroid of the first result
{{style:...}} Define MapCSS styles to be applied to query results
{{data:overpass,server=...}} Specify URL of Overpass API endpoint

Custom macros can also be defined. Specify {{shortcut=value}} and all occurences of {{shortcut}} in the query will be replaced by value.