Connector Provider - part of the Open Connector Framework (OCF)
A Connector Provider is the factory for a particular type of Connector. It is typically called from the Connector Broker, although it may be called directly.
Each Connector Provider implements the following interface:
It has two types of methods:
Return the ConnectorType object that is added to a Connection object used to hold the properties needed to create an instance of the connector.
Return a new instance of the connector based on the properties in a Connection object. The Connection object that has all of the properties needed to create and configure the instance of the connector.
There is a base class that provides much of the implementation for a connector provider.
If you have a simple connector implementation then your connector provider follows the following
template. It assumes the connector is for the XXXStore
and is called XXXStoreConnector
With this base implementation, a specific Connector Provider implementation need only implement a constructor to configure the base class's function with details of itself and the Java class of the connector it needs.
* XXXStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the XXX store connector.
public class XXXStoreProvider extends ConnectorProviderBase
static final String connectorTypeGUID = "Add unique GUID here";
static final String connectorTypeName = "XXX Store Connector";
static final String connectorTypeDescription = "Connector supports ... add details here";
* Constructor used to initialize the ConnectorProviderBase with the Java class name of the specific
* store implementation.
public BasicFileStoreProvider()
Class<?> connectorClass = XXXStoreConnector.class;
ConnectorType connectorType = new ConnectorType();
super.connectorTypeBean = connectorType;
For example, here is the implementation of the Connector Provider for the basic file connector.
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project. */
package org.odpi.openmetadata.adapters.connectors.datastore.basicfile;
import org.odpi.openmetadata.frameworks.connectors.ConnectorProviderBase;
* BasicFileStoreProvider is the OCF connector provider for the basic file store connector.
public class BasicFileStoreProvider extends ConnectorProviderBase
static final String connectorTypeGUID = "ba213761-f5f5-4cf5-a95f-6150aef09e0b";
static final String connectorTypeName = "Basic File Store Connector";
static final String connectorTypeDescription = "Connector supports reading of Files.";
* Constructor used to initialize the ConnectorProviderBase with the Java class name of the specific
* store implementation.
public BasicFileStoreProvider()
Class<?> connectorClass = BasicFileStoreConnector.class;
ConnectorType connectorType = new ConnectorType();
super.connectorTypeBean = connectorType;
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.