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How To Use Generators

Laurent Broudoux edited this page Sep 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

Generators are provided within features dedicated to specific generation target. For now, we have :

  • Apache Camel support provided by the EIP Designer extension for Apache Camel (com.github.lbroudoux.dsl.eip.camel.feature feature),
  • Spring Integration support provided by the EIP Designer extension for Spring Integration (com.github.lbroudoux.dsl.eip.spring.feature feature)
  • JBoss SwitchYard support provided by the EIP Designer extension for Switchyard (com.github.lbroudoux.dsl.eip.switchyard.feature feature)



Switches and properties

Property Description
camel.xml.generation_target Generation target for your Xml DSL routes. Pick a value from BASE_SPRING for the generic camelContext syntax, BLUEPRINT for the OSGi compliant syntax or SWITCHYARD when using Camel as an SCA/Switchyard implementation component. Default is BASE_SPRING The Java package name where your Camel Java routes will be generated. Default is com.example.mydomain.camel.routes

Spring Integration




Switches and properties

Property Description
switchyard.composite_name The name of the SCA composite to generate a descriptor for. Default is switchyard-mydomain
switchyard.composite_namespace The namespace of the SCA composite to generate a descriptor for. Do not forget versioning information! Default is urn:com.example.switchyard:mydomain:1.0
switchyard.component_impl Choose between CAMEL_JAVA for generating routes using Java DSL and CAMEL_XML for Xml DSL. Default is CAMEL_XML
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