porting per Flexget 1.2 del plugin ItasaFlexget. il codice è sostanzialmente identico, cambia solo l'interfacciamente con la nuova struttura dei plugin
Drop ItasaFlexGet.py
in ~/.flexget/plugins
tested with Flexget 1.2.37
rss: http://www.italiansubs.net/index.php?option=com_rsssub... #myitasa or itasa subtitle feed
accept_all: yes #accept all from myitasa
username: itasaUsername
password: itasaPassword
path: ~/subtitle/download/folder # absolute or starting from $HOME
- Extracted fields:
- title
- output downloaded zip path
- series_name Itasa version
- series_season
- series_episode
python2 -m unittest test
Test will ask for itasa username and password
TODO : verify if still working