From d3067bcfda20fb9fe3abfaa6118e6b01860a643e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 15:50:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] feat: add fido2 pin
src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 | 80 +++++++++++++++
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc | 85 ++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 276 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
create mode 100755 src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
create mode 100644 src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..39557926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Sebastian Kussl
+# Author: Sebastian Kussl
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+set -eu
+read -d . hdr64
+if ! hdr="$(jose fmt --quote="$hdr64" --string --b64load --object --output=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE header corrupt' >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ "$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get pin --unquote=-)" != 'fido2' ] ; then
+ echo 'JWE pin mismatch!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! hmac_salt="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get hmac_salt --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'hmac_salt' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! rp_id="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get rp_id --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'rp_id' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! cred_id="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get cred_id --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'cred_id' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! uv="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get uv --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'uv' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! up="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get up --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'up' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+if ! pin="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get pin --unquote=-)" ; then
+ echo 'JWE missing 'pin' header parameter!' >&2
+ exit 1
+fido2_tokens="$(fido2-token -L)"
+if [ -z "${fido2_tokens}" ]; then
+ echo "Please insert your FIDO2 token." >&2
+ exit 1
+num_tokens="$(echo "${fido2_tokens}" | wc -l)"
+if ((num_tokens > 1)); then
+ echo "Warning: There are multiple tokens. Will use the first one." >&2
+fido2_token="$(echo "${fido2_tokens}" | head -n1 | cut -d':' -f1)"
+client_hash="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
+hmac="$(printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${client_hash}" "${rp_id}" "${cred_id}" "${hmac_salt}" | \
+ fido2-assert -G -t "uv=${uv}" -t "up=${up}" -t "pin=${pin}" -h "${fido2_token}" | \
+ head -n5 | tail -n1 | jose b64 enc -I -)"
+# use the secret in a key wrapping key
+jwk='{"alg":"PBES2-HS512+A256KW", "kty":"oct"}'
+jwk="$(jose fmt -j "${jwk}" -q "${hmac}" -s k -Uo-)"
+( printf '%s' "$jwk$hdr64." ; cat ) | exec jose jwe dec --key=- --input=-
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0779eed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Sebastian Kussl
+# Author: Sebastian Kussl
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+function create_credential () {
+ local device
+ local rp_id
+ local type
+ device="$1"
+ rp_id="$2"
+ type="$3"
+ client_data="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
+ user_id="$(echo -n 'clevis' | base64 -w0)"
+ cred_id="$(printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${client_data}" "${rp_id}" 'clevis' "${user_id}" \
+ | fido2-cred -M -h "${device}" "${type}" \
+ | head -n5 | tail -n1)" >&2
+ echo -n "${cred_id}"
+function generate_hmac () {
+ local device
+ local rp_id
+ local cred_id
+ local hmac_salt
+ device="$1"
+ rp_id="$2"
+ cred_id="$3"
+ hmac_salt="$4"
+ client_hash="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
+ hmac="$(printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${client_hash}" "${rp_id}" "${cred_id}" "${hmac_salt}" | \
+ fido2-assert -G -h -t "uv=${uv}" -t "up=${up}" -t "pin=${pin}" "${device}" | \
+ head -n5 | tail -n1 | jose b64 enc -I -)" >&2
+ echo -n "${hmac}"
+if ! cfg="$(jose fmt -j- -Oo- <<< "$1" 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ echo "Error: Configuration is malformed!" >&2
+ exit 1
+type="$(jose fmt -j- -Og type -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || type='es256'
+uv="$(jose fmt -j- -Og uv -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || uv='true'
+up="$(jose fmt -j- -Og up -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || up='true'
+pin="$(jose fmt -j- -Og pin -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || pin='false'
+rp_id="$(jose fmt -j- -Og rp_id -Su- <<< "$cfg")" || rp_id='clevis'
+if ! fido2_token="$(jose fmt -j- -Og device -u- <<< "$cfg")"; then
+ fido2_tokens="$(fido2-token -L)"
+ if [ -z "${fido2_tokens}" ]; then
+ echo "Please insert your FIDO2 token." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fido2_token="$(echo "${fido2_tokens}" | head -n1 | cut -d':' -f1)"
+ num_tokens="$(echo "${fido2_tokens}" | wc -l)"
+ if ((num_tokens > 1)); then
+ echo "Warning: There are multiple tokens. Will use the first one (${fido2_token})." >&2
+ fi
+cred_id="$(jose fmt -j- -Og cred_id -Su- <<< "$cfg")" || cred_id="$(create_credential "${fido2_token}" "${rp_id}" "${type}")"
+# generate a random salt for each encrypted payload to pass to the fido2 token,
+# where it will be concatenated with a hardware-protected secret to produce an hmac.
+hmac_salt="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
+# retrieve the hmac result which will be the password to use for key wrapping a CEK.
+hmac="$(generate_hmac "${fido2_token}" "${rp_id}" "${cred_id}" "${hmac_salt}")"
+if [ -z "${hmac}" ]; then
+ echo "Error: could not generate key."
+ exit 1
+# use the secret in a key wrapping key
+jwk='{"kty":"oct", "alg":"PBES2-HS512+A256KW"}'
+jwk="$(jose fmt -j "${jwk}" -q "${hmac}" -s k -Uo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -q "$kid" -s kid -UUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${type}" -s type -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${hmac_salt}" -s hmac_salt -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${rp_id}" -s rp_id -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${cred_id}" -s cred_id -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${uv}" -s uv -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${up}" -s up -UUUUo-)"
+jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${pin}" -s pin -UUUUo-)"
+exec jose jwe enc -i- -k- -I- -c < <(echo -n "$jwe$jwk"; /bin/cat)
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83747d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+:doctype: manpage
+== NAME
+clevis-encrypt-fido2 - Encrypts using a FIDO2 token by using the hmac-secret extension for generating a symmetric key.
+*clevis encrypt fido2* CONFIG [-y] < PT > JWE
+The *clevis encrypt fido2* command encrypts using a FIDO2 token.
+Its only argument is the JSON configuration object.
+FIDO2 is a standard for web authentication using secure tokens, such as a security key.
+For symmetrically encrypting data using a FIDO2 token, the token must support the hmac-secret
+extension. The encryption then works by generating a random 32 byte public hmac-salt that is
+sent to the token/authenticator, where an hmac over the salt is created using a key only known
+to the authenticator. This secret value is then used to as a "keyWrap" JWK.
+Clevis provides support for encrypting data using such symmetric keys derived from a FIDO2
+hardware token. The following shows a basic example, using the default configuration options:
+ $ clevis encrypt fido2 '{}' < PT > JWE
+ Enter PIN for /dev/hidraw0:
+By default, a new (non-discoverable) credential will be generated and its credential id, as well
+as the randomly generated hmac-salt, is stored as metadata along with the ciphertext. Creating
+the credential might require entering the device PIN (as shown above) and verifying user presence
+by touching the token. If the "pin" option is set to true, the PIN must be entered again and at
+every decryption. For example:
+ $ clevis encrypt fido2 '{"pin": true}' < PT > JWE
+ Enter PIN for /dev/hidraw0:
+ Enter PIN for /dev/hidraw0:
+The options "up" and "uv" can be used to set the desired behaviour for user presence and user
+verification when decrypting the ciphertext (see below). In a "headless" setup, e.g., when
+encrypting a LUKS partition, those could be set to "false" in order to automatically decrypt
+without any user actions. Note that there are currently no prompts when you need to tap on
+the device, but the token might signal that by blinking.
+This command uses the following configuration properties:
+* *type* (string) :
+ The type of the credential, as supported by libfido2, i.e., "es256", "rs256" or "eddsa".
+ Default: "es256".
+* *cred_id* (string) :
+ A credential id generated for the specific token. If not specified, a new
+ (non-discoverable) will be generated using the **fido2-cred** command. Please
+ note that the credential must have the "hmac-extension" enabled.
+* *rp_id* (string) :
+ The reyling party id of the credential (that will be created or is provided via
+ the "cred_id" field).
+ Default: 'clevis'.
+* *up* (boolean) :
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user presence.
+ Default: true.
+* *uv* (string) :
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user verification.
+ Default: true.
+* *pin* (string) :
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require the PIN and user verification.
+ Default: false.
+* *device* (string) :
+ The device, i.e., the fido2 token, to use (e.g., "/dev/hidraw0"). If not specified,
+ the first device from the list of connected tokens will be used. When setting this
+ option, you should be sure that the token's slot remains the same, as the decrypt
+ command will not be able to find the device, otherwise.
From a44fa31b8257e77acef7ee07f64475962f64316a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 16:06:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] chore: change comment
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 | 3 +--
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
index 0779eed3..ad8998f1 100755
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ fi
cred_id="$(jose fmt -j- -Og cred_id -Su- <<< "$cfg")" || cred_id="$(create_credential "${fido2_token}" "${rp_id}" "${type}")"
-# generate a random salt for each encrypted payload to pass to the fido2 token,
-# where it will be concatenated with a hardware-protected secret to produce an hmac.
+# generate a random salt for each encrypted payload
hmac_salt="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
# retrieve the hmac result which will be the password to use for key wrapping a CEK.
From c57c349ca498054948d65675930b709cfd9ce936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sebastian
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 18:38:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] chore: remove kid field
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
index ad8998f1..a98a0a40 100755
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ jwk='{"kty":"oct", "alg":"PBES2-HS512+A256KW"}'
jwk="$(jose fmt -j "${jwk}" -q "${hmac}" -s k -Uo-)"
-jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -q "$kid" -s kid -UUo-)"
jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${type}" -s type -UUUUo-)"
jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${hmac_salt}" -s hmac_salt -UUUUo-)"
jwe="$(jose fmt -j "$jwe" -g protected -g clevis -g fido2 -q "${rp_id}" -s rp_id -UUUUo-)"
From 2130cbeda63262f402b52df815cf0d94078df423 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 23:06:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] fix: resolve shellcheck errors in clevis-decrypt-fido2
src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 | 14 +++++++-------
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
index 39557926..888a7c68 100755
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
set -eu
-read -d . hdr64
+read -r -d . hdr64
if ! hdr="$(jose fmt --quote="$hdr64" --string --b64load --object --output=-)" ; then
echo 'JWE header corrupt' >&2
exit 1
@@ -28,28 +28,28 @@ if [ "$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get pin --unquote=-)" != 'fido2' ]
exit 1
if ! hmac_salt="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get hmac_salt --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'hmac_salt' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'hmac_salt' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
if ! rp_id="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get rp_id --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'rp_id' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'rp_id' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
if ! cred_id="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get cred_id --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'cred_id' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'cred_id' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
if ! uv="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get uv --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'uv' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'uv' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
if ! up="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get up --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'up' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'up' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
if ! pin="$(jose fmt --json="$hdr" --get clevis --get fido2 --get pin --unquote=-)" ; then
- echo 'JWE missing 'pin' header parameter!' >&2
+ echo "JWE missing 'pin' header parameter!" >&2
exit 1
From 489970240e8c0a2b986c1ba6ae119919c4b89a97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 23:14:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] refactor: use AES256GCM as jwk alg + change default rp_id
to 'fido2.clevis'
src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 | 4 ++--
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 | 7 +++----
src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc | 18 +++++++++---------
3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
index 888a7c68..cca14a9d 100755
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-decrypt-fido2
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ client_hash="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
hmac="$(printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${client_hash}" "${rp_id}" "${cred_id}" "${hmac_salt}" | \
fido2-assert -G -t "uv=${uv}" -t "up=${up}" -t "pin=${pin}" -h "${fido2_token}" | \
- head -n5 | tail -n1 | jose b64 enc -I -)"
+ head -n5 | tail -n1 | base64 -d | jose b64 enc -I -)"
# use the secret in a key wrapping key
-jwk='{"alg":"PBES2-HS512+A256KW", "kty":"oct"}'
+jwk='{"alg":"A256GCM", "kty":"oct"}'
jwk="$(jose fmt -j "${jwk}" -q "${hmac}" -s k -Uo-)"
( printf '%s' "$jwk$hdr64." ; cat ) | exec jose jwe dec --key=- --input=-
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2 b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
index a98a0a40..d380bb96 100755
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function generate_hmac () {
client_hash="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 status=none | base64 -w0)"
hmac="$(printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${client_hash}" "${rp_id}" "${cred_id}" "${hmac_salt}" | \
fido2-assert -G -h -t "uv=${uv}" -t "up=${up}" -t "pin=${pin}" "${device}" | \
- head -n5 | tail -n1 | jose b64 enc -I -)" >&2
+ head -n5 | tail -n1 | base64 -d | jose b64 enc -I -)" >&2
echo -n "${hmac}"
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type="$(jose fmt -j- -Og type -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || type='es256'
uv="$(jose fmt -j- -Og uv -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || uv='true'
up="$(jose fmt -j- -Og up -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || up='true'
pin="$(jose fmt -j- -Og pin -Bo- <<< "$cfg")" || pin='false'
-rp_id="$(jose fmt -j- -Og rp_id -Su- <<< "$cfg")" || rp_id='clevis'
+rp_id="$(jose fmt -j- -Og rp_id -Su- <<< "$cfg")" || rp_id='fido2.clevis'
if ! fido2_token="$(jose fmt -j- -Og device -u- <<< "$cfg")"; then
fido2_tokens="$(fido2-token -L)"
@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ if [ -z "${hmac}" ]; then
exit 1
-# use the secret in a key wrapping key
-jwk='{"kty":"oct", "alg":"PBES2-HS512+A256KW"}'
+jwk='{"kty":"oct", "alg":"A256GCM"}'
jwk="$(jose fmt -j "${jwk}" -q "${hmac}" -s k -Uo-)"
diff --git a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
index 83747d2b..496b4d41 100644
--- a/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
+++ b/src/pins/fido2/clevis-encrypt-fido2.1.adoc
@@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ every decryption. For example:
Enter PIN for /dev/hidraw0:
Enter PIN for /dev/hidraw0:
-The options "up" and "uv" can be used to set the desired behaviour for user presence and user
-verification when decrypting the ciphertext (see below). In a "headless" setup, e.g., when
+The options "up" and "uv" can be used to set the desired behaviour for user presence and user
+verification when decrypting the ciphertext (see below). In a "headless" setup, e.g., when
encrypting a LUKS partition, those could be set to "false" in order to automatically decrypt
without any user actions. Note that there are currently no prompts when you need to tap on
-the device, but the token might signal that by blinking.
+the device, but the token might signal that by blinking.
This command uses the following configuration properties:
* *type* (string) :
- The type of the credential, as supported by libfido2, i.e., "es256", "rs256" or "eddsa".
+ The type of the credential, as supported by libfido2, i.e., "es256", "rs256" or "eddsa".
Default: "es256".
* *cred_id* (string) :
@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ This command uses the following configuration properties:
* *rp_id* (string) :
The reyling party id of the credential (that will be created or is provided via
- the "cred_id" field).
- Default: 'clevis'.
+ the "cred_id" field).
+ Default: 'fido2.clevis'.
* *up* (boolean) :
- Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user presence.
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user presence.
Default: true.
* *uv* (string) :
- Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user verification.
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require user verification.
Default: true.
* *pin* (string) :
- Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require the PIN and user verification.
+ Whether or not to ask the authenticator to require the PIN and user verification.
Default: false.
* *device* (string) :